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Unit 1 周周清(满分50分)

I. 选择填空 (每个1分,共10分)

( )1. --Can he _________? –Yes, he _________.

A. draws, can B. draw, can C. draw, does D. draws, can’t ( )2. --_________ Lisa ______ Chinese? –No, she can’t.

A. Does, tell B. Is, talk C. Does, speak D. Can, speak

( )3. Her sister can play ____ violin. She can also play ____ chess.

A. the, the B. /, the C. /, / D. the, /

( )4. We want two good_______the school show.

A.music for B.musician in C.music in D.musicians for

( )5.She can ______ Chinese kung fu. She can join the ______club.

A. do,sports B. does, chess C. do,art D. does,sports

( )6. They often go to this _________ club _________ weekends.

A.swim, in B. sport,/ C. swimming,on D. sports,of

( )7. Little Tom can draw _______. His pictures are very ______.

A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well

( )8. Bill can ____stories and the children want ___friends with me .

A speak, make B tell, make C say, making D tell,to make

( )9. Kitty only knows ____English, _____she can speak Chinese well.

A. a little, and B. much, but C. much,and D. a little,but

( ) 10. Gina is good ____ old people. She can ____ our festival.

A.at,is in B. with,is in C.with ,be in D. at,be in

Ⅱ、用所给词的适当形式填空(每空1分,共16分) 1 I can speak a little _________ (China).

2. We have five ________(piano) in the supermarket. 3.Do you want ________(join) the ________(swim) club 4.________ he often ________ (watch) TV?

5. --Can the boy __________(dance)? --- Yes, he can. 6. The boy helps me ___________(play) the piano.

7. The school _________ (need) a man __________ (teach) music. 8. Mr Gao _ ( teach) us science.

9. Please _________ ( sing) a song before the class . 10. Bob is good at ______________(write) stories.

11.John can _________(play) the guitar. And he can_____(be) in the club. 12. Please come and join____________(we). 2:Can your father write_______(story)?

3:Lisa can’t ________(speak)Chinese ,but she can speak English. 4:I want to join the story _______(tell)club. 5:Are you good at________(dance)?


6:Do you need help at the old________(people) home? 7:They want two___________(music) for our school show. 8:We want ________(join)the basketball club. 9:Who is your favorite_________(teach)? 10:Let’s make_________(friend).

III、根据句意及首字母提示填空。(每空1分,共12分) 1. I want to j_______ the music club. 2. Can she s_______ Chinese very well?

3. She can you play the violin. And she can a_____ play the p_______ well. 4. John and Tom like music and they want to be m________. 5. I like __________ (唱歌) and playing the guitar?

6.--- Can you speak E_________ ? ---Yes, but only a little.

7. I am very quiet(内向). I don’t like to t_________ to ________ (人). And I like _______(家).

8. My mother likes telling s__________ and I like listening to(听) her. 9. Can you play the violin o________ the drums? IV、句型转换(每问1分,共12分)

1. I can draw beautiful pictures.(改为否定句) I _________ _________ beautiful pictures.

2. Mike can play the drums very well. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) ---_________ Mike_______the drums very well? --- _______, he _______.

3. They can teach us very well.(一般疑问句肯定回答) —_______they _______ us very well? —________, they _______ .

4. My sister can swim. (对划线部分提问) _________ ________ your sister _________? 5.We can’t sing. We can’t dance. (合并成一句) We ________ sing ________ dance.

6.Bill plays the piano well. (用can 改写句子) Bill _____ _______ the piano well.

7. Can you help her learn English?(改为同义句) Can you_______ her_______ her English?

8. Lucy’s brother wants to be a musician. (改一般疑问句并作否定回答) ______ Lucy’s brother _______ to be a musician? _______, he __________.

9.My parents are very busy on the weekend.(变否定句)

10.My parents ________ _________ very busy on the weekend.


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