2020年陕西省小升初英语模拟试题与答案 下载本文



题号 一 得分 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 温馨提示:请小朋友仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色表现。 一、选出下列单词中不同类的单词。(共10分)

( )1. A. summer B. spring C. winter D. bus ( )2. A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. China D. Hangzhou ( )3. A. apple B. take C. orange D. pear ( )4. A. lion B. tiger C. elephant D. evening ( )5. A. ruler B. hut C. pen D. pencil box 二、选择填空(15分)

( )1. I am trying to ______ the bike.

A.ride B.riding C.rode ( )2. He watched TV and _______ a rest.

A.took B.take C.taking ( )3. She ________ a beautiful dress.

A.had B.has C.have ( )4. The farmer cut _______ the tree.

A.on B.down C.off ( )5. Xian Xinghai was a famous ___________.

A.painter B.writer C.musician


( )6. David watched _________ interesting film yesterday.

A.an B.a C.the

( )7. We should ________ in line at the bus stop.

A.stood B.stand C.standing

( )8. The museum is in the _________ of the city.

A.born B.middle C.bottom ( )9. My grandfather was _________ in 1934.

A.born B.book C.begin ( )10. Tokyo is the capital of _________.

A.Canada B.Japan C.China

( )11.Students go back________school in September.

A.to B.at C.in ( )12.He________carefully,but he________nothing.

A.look;see B.looks;sees C.sees;looks ( )13.Why don't you________home?

A.goes B.go C.going

( )14.Can you________Japanese?

A.speak B.say C.tell

( )15.Don't________on the street.

A.play the football B.playing football C.play football


Hi, I'm Sally. I have two good __1_ Gina and Linda. They are twins(双胞



last name is White. They come _3___.They are both in Class two, Grade Eight. The two girls are tidy( 整洁的). In their room, some __4__ and CDS are in the bookcase. The__5__schoolbags are on the table. A model car is on the table, too. Next to(紧邻)the model car is a picture.__6__girls are in the picture. Do you_7___ who they are! Well, they are the twins and I. Look There is a_8__under the table, it's Gina’s, Gina likes sports,__9_ Linda doesn’t. She likes reading books, Gina and I always play volleyball on the playground. 10 and I always read in the classroom. I really like these two American friends ( )1. A friends B.students C.teachers ( )2. A. Her B.us C. their ( )3. A. China B.America C. American ( )4. A. apples B. hooks C.jackets ( )5 .A. girl’s B. girls' C.girl ( )6. A. Two B. Three C. Four ( )7. A. call B. find C.know ( )8.A basketball B.soccer ball C.volleyball ( )9.A. and B.but C.so ( )10.A.Linda B.Gina C.White 四、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填充。 (10分)

l. My sister usually____________ (do) her homework at 7 in the morning. 2. They are going _________________ (fish) tomorrow.