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UNIT 6 Animal Intelligence I. Key words & phrases

assess dominant expand maintain relieve underneath controversy emergency negotiate reveal undertake convince encounter extend obvious original survive judgment switch cautious display accompany typical purchase indicate observe alarm envy

figure out go wrong size up give in in sb’s interest(s) wipe out pull oneself together take to shed light on

Additional Vocabulary

to serve one’s own purpose 服务于某人自身的利益 when ? not when 是时候,不是时候 a new window on sth 某事的一个新的方面 to maintain eye contact 保持视线的接触 to trade one thing for another 以一物换一物 to go wrong 出了差错 CIA: Central Intelligence Agency 中央情报局

Ⅱ. Vocabulary & Structure

Look! The river ______ miles and miles.

A. expands B. extends C. extents D. expends

The doctor told me that kind of pills will ______ me ______my discomfort. A. relieve.., of B. release.., of C. reduce.., on D. decrease.., on 3. What made us happy was that improvement in his health was being ______ .

A. contained B. remained C. maintained D. retained 4. Three cheaters ______ the foolish emperor ______ the most wonderful clothes in the world. A. convinced… of B. assured… on C. confirmed… in D. ensured… to 5. I have never been able to ______ him ______, although I knew him 10 years ago. A. work, out B. figure, out C. count, out D. break, out 6. We have ______ so many difficulties in our experiment, but we never gave up.

A. encountered B. countered C. accounted D. counted

7. When Jack was eighteen, he ______ going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.

A. took to B. took for C. took up D. took on 8 Many people like white color as it is a ______ of purity.

A. sign B. symbol C. signal D. symptom

9. Your suggestion will ______ towards solving our present housing problem. A. go far B. go for C. go ahead D. go up

10. The secret agent concealed her real mission,therefore many local people were ______ into thinking that she was a good person.

A . betrayed B. driven C. deceived D. convinced

11. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country,but halfway in her speech,she suddenly ______to another subject.

A.committed B.favored C.switched D.transmitted

12. I hate people who ______ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before. A.reveal B.rewrite C.revise D.reverse

13. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles,we can ______the surroundings. A.explore B.expose C.exploit D.expand

14. An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of ______. A.crisis B.urgency C.emergency D.emergence 15. They gathered ______ against the suspect.

A.evidence B.fact C.evident D.proof

16. This is the ______piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works. A.true B.original C.real D.genuine

17. There is little chance that mankind would ______ a nuclear war. A.retain B.endure C.maintain D.survive

18. Animals that are similar in some ways usually belong to the same ______. A.origin B.species C.variety D.catalog

19. They spent a lot of time negotiating for a pay increase, only ______. A.get fired B.getting fired C.get fired D.to get fired

20. The central heating system seems to have gone wrong.Why not ___the repairman to check it?

A.call B.to call C.calling D.called

21. ______ I thought the house was empty,then I heard a woman’s voice come from the kitchen.

A.First B.Firstly C.At first D.At first sight

22 I never know what Jane’s thinking--She has such a(n) ______ expression. A.elegant B.blank C.guilty D.graceful 23. He always ______ the facts.

A.expands B.extends C.exaggerates D.enlarges

24. All flights ______ because of the war. they decided to go back to their country by sea. A.were cancelled B.have been canceled C.having cancelled D.having been canceled

25. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and ______


A.extensive B.expansive C.intensive D.expensive 26. With the development of industry,this region will surely ______. A.develop B.profit C.succeed D.thrive 27. A lot of new books are ______ in the bookstore.

A.demonstrated B.exhibited C.shown D.disposed 28. On ______ the corner, we saw the road descending steeply. A.turn of B.turn C.turn to D.turning 29. I used to cook with electricity,but I’ve ______ to gas.

A.changed B.exchanged C.switched D.transformed 30. They are studying English in order to read Shakespeare in the ______. A.manuscript B.source C.original D.origin

31. ______ to undertake such a difficult mission on his own,Smith asked his friend Tom to come along.

A.Wishing not B.Not wishing C.To wish not D.Not to wish 32. Don’t you consider it wrong to ______ in examinations?

A.deceive B.cheat C.swindle D.blackmail

33. The professor could hardly find safe ground ______ his arguments in favor of the new theory.

A.to base on B.on to base C.which to base on D.on which to base 34. I hate people who ______ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before. A.reveal B.revise C.rewrite D.reverse

35. There is little chance that mankind would a nuclear war. A.retain B.endure C.maintain D.survive

36. He made a long speech ______show his ignorance of the subject. A.in order to B.so as to C.only to D.not to 37. He got the news from ______ where.

A.the place B.nobody knows C.any places D.that 38. Why are you standing? Why ______ sit down to have a cup of tea? A.do you have to B.not to C.not D.to not

39. The secret agent concealed her real mission,therefore many local people were ______ into thinking that she was a good person.

A.betrayed B.driven C.deceived D.convinced

40. He wasn’t appointed chairman of the committee,______ not very popular with all its members.

A.to be considered B.considering C.being considered D.having considered 41. If tap water were as dangerous as some people think,______ would be getting sick. A.a lot of more us B.more a lot of us C.a lot of us more D.a lot more of us 42. The insurers will need to ______ the f1ood damage.

A.determine B.evaluate C.assess D.imagine

43. The Prime Minister ______ the electorate(选民)that taxes would not be increased after the election.

A.assured B.ensured C.relieved D.bewared

44. Decisions were often made on the ______ of incorrect information.