新人教版九年级第13-14单元测试题附答案 下载本文


Test for Units 13~14



( )1.—Do you know the price of the ticket? —Yes.Each ________ ¥80.

A.pays B.costs C.takes D.spends

( )2.I think this car has the most ________.I will take it. A.advantages B.culture C.experience D.machines

( )3.—It's a pity that Mary couldn't ________ the cotton blouse. —Oh,I will try to help her.

A.afford B.like C.cost D.spend

( )4.—Your dress looks really nice.How much is it? —It________ me 600 yuan.

A.took B.spent C.paid D.cost

( )5.They made a box ________ old pieces of wood. A.up of B.from C.into D.out of

( )6.We have a lot of things to do.But________ we must get some sleep. A.at once B.at first C.first of all D.the first thing

( )7.Our math teacher ________ to our school at the age of 20 and she ________ in our school for more than 30 years.

A.comes;taught B.came;has taught C.came;taught D.has come;has taught

( )8.Congratulations________ all the winners ________ your excellent grades! A.to;on B.to;for C.on;on D.on;for ( )9.—What are you doing,Mike?

—Oh,I'm ________ the final English exam.

A.asking for B.preparing for C.looking for D.making for ( )10.I ________ what he said because I ________ him. A.believe;believe in B.believe;believe C.believe in;believe in D.believe in;believe

( )11.—It's time for the meeting.You're supposed to ________ for it at once. —OK,I'll do so.

A.set up B.set out C.get back D.bring back

( )12.—Mom,I'm really worried about the P.E.test tomorrow. —I think you should ________.Believe in yourself. A.keep your cool B.keep away from C.make your own decision D.pull together

( )13.In ________ time,those mountains will be covered with trees,too. A.few years B.a few years' C.a few year D.a few year's

( )14.The kids are standing hand in hand________ to play games. A.on the end B.all of a sudden C.to our surprise D.in a row ( )15.—How about going camping in the mountain?


A.Me,too B.Good idea C.It doesn't matter D.Help yourself


Each summer I take a group of middle and high school students to the Oregon

Shakespeare Festival in Ashland,America.My16 have been going for 30 years,and we spend 10 days there each summer.To qualify (使具备资格)for the 17 ,the students must come to my classroom every Saturday morning and study Shakespeare,and higher math.The kids also must get top grades in school.

Last summer we all 18 something upset.Before each show,a man stood in front of one of the theaters.He was 19 a sign that said I WANT A FREE TICKET.

My students and I love to help others.We often help the homeless and needy kids in the school.We believe in 20 .But this man upset us.The Oregon Shakespeare Festival ran smoothly 21 volunteers donated (捐赠)their time.These 22 people got to see the free shows.

But this man donated nothing.He was not 23 .He was well dressed.He just wanted something 24 nothing.As my students entered the theater,they 25 me that they

would never be like that man.They had got the free tickets because of their work,and they would achieve success through hard work too.

( )16.A.family B.friends C.students D.classmates ( )17.A.party B.meeting C.ceremony D.trip ( )18.A.afforded B.recalled C.listed D.noticed ( )19.A.holding B.sending C.passing D.selling

( )20.A.trying B.sharing C.competing D.communicating ( )21.A.because B.so C.until D.if

( )22.A.intelligent B.successful C.hard-working D.humorous ( )23.A.hungry B.poor C.serious D.tired ( )24.A.into B.for C.on D.off

( )25.A.warned B.taught C.advised D.promised Ⅲ.阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)


At school many things happen to us.We may feel excited when we have success in a

school play.We may feel sorry if we lose an important game.We want to keep the memory for the rest of our lives.

How to keep the memory?Our English teacher,Miss Wang,has taught us a good way of remembering things —to make our own yearbook.What is a yearbook?A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to keep the memory of exciting moments.It's usually made at the end of the year.

Last December,we began to make our yearbook.First,we chose the persons who had done something especial,then some students interviewed them,some wrote down their stories,others took photos of them.Everyone in our class had something to do.Finally our teacher helped us to put the things together.We had our first yearbook.

All of us put a lot of love into making the yearbook.It is so wonderful that not only the students but also our parents and teachers will remember the special time for ever. ( )26.When we have success in a school play,we may feel ________.

A.sorry B.angry C.excited D.interested

( )27.Miss Wang's good way of remembering things is to ________. A.buy a new photos B.write down stories C.take a lot of photos D.make a yearbook ( )28.A yearbook is made to ________. A.take notes B.keep the memory

C.do our homework D.remember English words ( )29.Usually a yearbook is made in ________. A.January B.February C.May D.December ( )30.We made our first yearbook ________.

A.without any help B.without putting our love into it

C.with the help of our teacher D.with the help of our parents


We ask kids how they feel about going back to school,and here is what they say. I'm looking forward to maths. I like numbers. I'm not looking forward to lunch especially the chicken nuggets(炸鸡块).They're usually burnt. Katie,8 I'm looking forward to making new friends and seeing my teachers. I like science because we usually do something interesting. I'm not looking forward to homework,because I can't watch TV. Julia,7 I'm looking forward to changing classes and meeting my new teachers. I'm not looking forward to waking up so early in the morning. In the summer,I would wake up late. Darina,10 I'm looking forward to meeting my teachers and friends. I also can't wait to play the school sports and learn English. I am not looking forward to the hours of homework we have each night. Marlee,12 I'm looking forward to seeing my friends,having fun,and art class with Dahlia (the teacher).Because I like art,and I really like Dahlia. I'm not looking forward to getting up early and getting ready for school. I'd rather stay at home all day and play. Ariel,7 ( )31.What is Katie looking forward to? A.Maths. B.Science. C.Lunch. D.Supper. ( )32.How old is Darina? A.7. B.8. C.10. D.12.

( )33.Why isn't Julia looking forward to homework? A.Because she can't watch TV.

B.Because she has to stay up late.

C.Because she can't go out with her friends.

D.Because she doesn't have time to play volleyball. ( )34.What does Dahlia do?