人教版英语八年级下册试题Unit 5 单元测试卷 下载本文


红寺堡第三中学Unit 5 单元测试卷

备课组:八年级组 出卷人:蔡芳芳

一. 单词拼写.(10分)

1.介意. 2.著名的,出名的 3.开始变得,变成

4.富有的 3.获得成功的,有成就的 6.毫无意义的 7.主要的,最重要的 8.忍受,站立

9.发生,出现 10.失去,丢失 二. 英汉互译.(10分)

1. soap opera 2. 出版 3.查明,弄清 4.体育节目 5. 访谈节目 6.乔装,打扮 7.例如 8.全世界 9.计划做事情 10.expect to do sth. 11.看新闻 12.将来某一天 13.认为 14.不能忍受 15. action movie 16. face danger 17.be ready to 18. do a good job

19. 才艺表演节目 20. 游戏节目 三. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1. —What happened ________ you yesterday?

—I happened ________ meet my old friend, Lucy. A. to; to B. with; to C. to; with D. with; with

( )2. I hope ________ play an instrument.

A. you to B. to C. that D. to be

( )3. —Mum, ________I go out to play?

—Yes, you can. But you must finish your homework first. A. must B. will C. may D. need

( )4. —Your cousin can paint well.



—Yes. He ________ his paintings.

A. is famous for B. is famous as C. is good for D. is good with

( )5. John said he would come to my party, but he didn’t ________ .

A. forget B. appear C. leave D. wait

( )6. We must ________ what he is doing now and then we can take action.

A. get up B. bring out C. wake up D. find out

( )7. It’s too hot in the classroom. We can’t ________ it. We all ________ up

and go out of the classroom.

A. mind; stand B. stand; stand C. sit; stand D. stand; mind

( )8. —What does the instruction say?

—The colors in the dress will ________ if you use hot water. A. fall B. appear C. run D. shine

( )9. Please tell the students ________ quiet in class.

A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. kept

( )10. —I’m sorry to trouble you, Miss Hu.


A. Fine, thank you. B. All right.

C. It’s very kind of you. D. It doesn’t matter.

四. 完形填空。(20分)

Do you like going to the movies? 1 of the students like seeing movies very much. Last Monday, I went to a middle school and 2________ some students about their favorite movies. Some of their 3 ________were really interesting. Here are their likes and 4________:

Rick, 5________ eleven-year-old boy, likes watching thrillers (惊悚片) because they are 6________ but exciting.

His classmate, Lisa, 7________ stand documentaries(纪录片). She tells me they are 8________ parents. But she really likes sitcoms because they are 9________.

Victor is a big boy. He says he doesn’t mind documentaries. But he doesn’t like sitcoms



10________ they are boring. And the coolest movies are action movies. Everyone enjoys them very much.

( )1. A. Most B. None C. Much D. Any ( )2. A. told B. asked C. talked D. said ( )3. A. names B. books C. answers D. questions ( )4. A. stories B. hobbies C. favorites D. dislikes ( )5. A. the B. an C. a D. / ( )6. A. scary B. easy C. bright D. relaxing ( )7. A. didn’t B. isn’t C. can’t D. doesn’t ( )8. A. at B. with C. of D. for ( )9. A. boring B. sad C. colorful D. funny ( )10. A. so B. and C. because D. If 五. 阅读理解。(20分)


American boys and girls love to watch television. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the television set. Some even watch television for eight hours or more on Saturdays.

Televisions are like books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from them. Some programs help children to understand the news; others show people and places from other countries or other time in history. With television a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home.

Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programs show crime(犯罪) and other things that are bad for children, so parents sometimes help them to find other interesting things to do.

( )1. According to the passage, some children watch television for more than

eight hours on________ .

A. Tuesdays B. Mondays C. Saturdays D. Fridays

( )2. On television children can see ________.

A. games B. big animals C. oceans D. almost everything
