浙江省台州市2017-2019年三年中考英语考试试题分类汇编:完形填空 下载本文


16.B,考查名词辨析,根据 Band practice had just ended可知乐队练习结束了,所以应该是把乐器收起来,A用彩色蜡笔画,B乐器,C球,D收集,故选B.

17.D,考查动词短语辨析,根据It fell and hit right on his trumpet可知鼓架子倒了,砸到了小号,由此可知应该是碰到了,A想,B寻找,C修复,D碰倒,选择D.

18.A,考查副词辨析,根据Jimmy picked up the trumpet and checked it可知捡起来检查,应为被砸到了,所以是仔细检查,A仔细地,B容易地,C高兴地,D秘密地,选择A. 19.C,考查名词辨析,下文提到

Maybe he could get his baby brother, Jace, to take all of Grandpa's attention爷爷,由此可知是爷爷的,A叔叔的,B爸爸的,C爷爷的,D兄弟的,故选C. 20.A,考查名词辨析,下文提到Maybe he could pretend(假装) he felt sick或许可以假装生病,此处设想的都是可能的情况,A可能,B谢谢,C后悔,D可以,故选A.

21.C,考查动词辨析,上文提到Maybe he could pretend(假装) he felt sick或许可以假装生病,由此推测是不喜欢说谎,A交流,B分享,C说谎,D比较,故选C. 22.D,考查名词辨析,根据And he's coming over this weekend可知是周末回来,A周一,B周二,C周五,D周六,故选D.

23.A,考查名词辨析,文中提到Kevin could have told him 本应该告诉爷爷…由此推测是真相,A真相,B借口,C玩笑,D计划,故选A.

24.B,考查数词辨析,此处提到Ode to Joy and Oh, Susanna两首曲子,A一,B二,C三,D四,故选B.

25.D,考查形容词辨析,根据Grandpa's praise would have made Kevin feel great可知爷爷在夸奖自己,所以是爷爷说他比自己好,A更快乐,B更高,C更健康,D更好,故选D.

26.B,考查形容词辨析,根据he explained what had happened可知他告诉了爷爷真相,应该是感到抱歉,A兴奋,B抱歉,C疯狂的,D陌生的,故选B.

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27.C,考察代词辨析,根据when you play them a lot你玩的越多,由此可知是成为你的一部分,A我,B他,C你,D无聊的,故选C.

28.A,考查形容词辨析,根据you told me可知爷爷认为说出真相才是最重要的,A重要的,B悲伤的,C有趣的,D无聊的,故选A.

29.D,考查介词短语辨析,爷爷说I got these when I fell over it自己也磕碰了自己的小号,因为是自己的,所以应该是无意间碰的A平常,B毫无疑问,C及时,D偶然,故选D

30.B,考查连词辨析,根据someday you'll have your own可以推测即使粘起来,也会有新的出现,A除非,B即使,C假如,D之前,故选B.




阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 When things went wrong, Freddy always had something nice to say.

When Dad forgot about the pizza and it burned, Freddy said, “Don’t worry. It’ll still taste good.” And he was 16 . The pizza edges were dark, but the middle wasn’t half bad.

When his teacher, Mr. Hall, knocked into a bookshelf in the 17 ,Freddy said, “Don’t worry. Mrs. Bog won’t upset.” The librarian just laughed and helped 18 the books.

Freddy looked on the bright side. And everyone liked that about 19 . Everyone, that is, except Hazel.

Hazel was the 20 kid in class. On her first day, Freddy said, “Nice to meet you, Hazel. I think you’ll like it before.”

“I 21 it,” she talked back. Freddy had never met anyone like her.

When Mr. Hall said they’d have a break inside 22 it was raining, Freddy said, “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

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“A silver lining?” Hazel shook her head. “Bad things come in 23 .” Greta was carrying paints in 24 class. She fell over, and paints went flying.

“That was the second bad thing. What will the third thing be?” Hazel seemed so 25 about the Rule of Three Bad Things.

“It’s beautiful!” Emma picked up Freddy’s pointed, not realizing she had paint on her fingers. “Freddy’s picture is 26 !” Hazel pointed, “There’s number three.” Emma looked sad. “I’m sorry , Freddy.”

“It’s OK... If you add 27 , the fingerprints could look like butterflies(蝴蝶),” said Freddy.

28 refused to put a finger on Freddy’s paper. Only Hazel did. “Want to add one?” Freddy asked.

Hazel thought about it, then nodded. She put her finger into paint, gently(温柔地)pressed it onto Freddy’s painting and 29 added wings.

“It looks great.” said Freddy.

Hazel 30 . “You know, I don’t really there’s a Rule of Three Bad Things.” Sometimes, there are good things hiding where you don’t expect them. 16. A. clever 17. A. shop 18. A. pick up 19. A. me 20. A. lucky

B. right B. gym

C. active

D. famous D. museum D. throw away D. him D. smart D. understand D. because D. fives D. history D. sure D. on sale D. bodies D. Nobody D. secretly

C. library

B. look after C. go through B. her B. new

C. you

C. excellent C. doubt C. until C. fours C. art C. sorry

21. A. expect B. believe 22. A. although B. unless 23. A. twos

B. threes

24. A. science B. music 25. A. happy

B. worried

26. A. in a mess B. on show 27. A. wings

B. eyes

C. in fashion C. legs

28. A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Anybody 29. A. angrily B. quickly

C. carefully 8 / 9


30. A. smiled B. promised 一、完形填空

C. warned D. shouted

16-20 BCADB 21-25 CDBCD 26-30 AADCA

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