2018-2019学年高一课标(ZJZ) 第16期参考答案及部分解析 下载本文

1-5 ABBCA 11-15 ABABC 21-25 BCDBA 31-35 BDEFC 41-45 CADBA 51-55 ACADB 56. founded 57. in 58. its 59. to save 60. began 61. that / which 62. careful 63. destroying 64. paintings 65. the 写作 第一节:

One possible version: Recently our class had a discussion about whether e-books will replace printed books. Our opinions are divided. Some students think this will happen, because e-books have a larger capacity and they’re easier to carry. What’s more, they help to cut paper use. However, others disagree. They think, compared with e-books, printed books do little harm to our eyes. Besides, they have a higher value for those who like to collect. In my opinion, printed books won’t be replaced by e-books because they’re a better way to preserve human culture. 第二节:

One possible version: To choose the right party invitations, you need first to let the invited guests know the general nature of the party. (要点1) Besides, the party invitations should also show something of the personalities of the host or hostess. (要点2) You can get mass-produced invitations from a local printer, a supermarket or a retail store. (要点3) You can also create the ideal invitation for your party using online resources. (要点4)


阅读理解: A篇



21. B。细节理解题。由第四段中的Chris Ali, told CTV News this week that they'd discovered Sam's talent for dancing while the pair listened to music at work可知,Chris Ali是与Sam一起工作听音乐的时候发现了他的舞蹈才能。 22. C。细节理解题。由倒数第四段中的Bringing dance to his work really helped him control some of the movement disabilities he's had可知,舞蹈可以帮助Sam控制他的运动。 23. D。推理判断题。结合第三段中的In a video posted on YouTube this week by Carly Fleischmann和倒数第二段中的More people like Sam need to be seen and heard可知,Fleischmann认为Sam边跳舞边工作的视频值得拍摄,因为像Sam一样的人可以被更多的人关注。 B篇



24. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的实验结果those following the Stone Age diet had much lower levels of sugar in their blood和The patients in both groups also lost weight可知,相较于地中海饮食来说,石器时代饮食可以使人们更加健康。

Book 2 Unit 1 参考答案及部分解析


6-10 ACCBC 16-20 BBCAC 26-30 CBCBC 36-40 BDACA 46-50 BCBCD

25. A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的the Stone Age diet ... doesn't contain any dairy products or grains, such as wheat or rice, and there is no salt可知,石器时代饮食的特点是不含盐,并且不含奶制品以及谷物类食物。 26. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的there is more chance of them dying at a young age. However, if people on Kitava manage to reach fifty可知,该岛上的居民寿命较短,很多都活不到50岁。 C篇



27. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的Sostrates left a message containing his own name. Then he covered it with plaster and left Ptolemy's name over it可知,Sostrates是亚历山大灯塔的设计者,他在底座使用建筑石膏是为了隐藏他的名字。

28. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的In 290 B.C, Ptolemy I Soter, the ruler of Egypt, ordered the building of the lighthouse. Twenty years later, it was finished可知,亚历山大灯塔于公元前270年建成;再由第三段中的In 1326, it finally fell into the sea可知,它大约存在了1600年。

29. B。篇章结构题。联系前一句At the top of the lighthouse stood a large statue of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea可知,此处it指的是波塞冬雕像。

30. C。写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了埃及亚历山大灯塔的一些基本信息。 七选五:



31. B。由于Toys“R”Us将关闭所有的美国门店,这导致了美国人不知道该去哪儿买玩具。该空后的supermarkets are the best place是对B项中的where will we go to buy toys的回答。

32. D。D项中的kids want the latest toys year-round与该空前的Parents need to buy food all year和该空后的Toy companies want to sell toys all year相呼应。这三个原因是对上文Some experts think supermarkets are the best place (to buy toys)这一想法可行性的解释。

33. E。由上文中的parents also dislike it when kids ask for too many things可知,由于不喜欢孩子要求太多东西,因此购物时,家长会避免给孩子买玩具。E项中的choose to go to toy-free stores与该空前的leave kids at home相呼应。

34. F。由该空后的Amazon, Walmart, and Target sell toys, too. Online sales continue to grow可知,Toys“R”Us并不是唯一可以买到玩具的地方。

35. C。C项中的the toy business won't go away与该空后的It will move相呼应。此处指虽然玩具制造商失去了零售商Toys“R”Us,但玩具业不会消失。 完形填空:


本文是记叙文。作者的老板举行慈善晚宴,作为志愿者,作者在厨房帮忙洗碗。在那里他遇到了同样参加志愿工作的一群人,与他们一起工作的经历让作者意识到人要乐观地面对生活。 36. B。由下文中的I wouldn't have much time volunteering in the future可知,作者 “抓住(took)”这次参加志愿工作的机会。

37. D。由下文中的The delivery of my daughter可知,此处表示作者的妻子当时正怀着孕,故填expecting。be expecting a baby / child 怀孕。

38. A。由本句中的It was fun working with a dishwasher和as the other workers wanted no part of dish washing可知,“我”“喜欢(enjoyed)”一个人待着。

39. C。由下文中的They worked as a team以及I showed them how to put the dishes on the dishwasher and run the machine可知,他们来厨房“帮忙(help)”。

40. A。由本句中的they were all short in height可知,他们有些“特别(special)”。

41. C。They worked as a team与had trouble following the kitchen instructions之间是转折关系,故填but。 42. A。由下文中的the company以及I showed them how to put the dishes on the dishwasher and run the machine可知,那个组织者问“我”能否让他们和“我”一起“工作(work)”。 43. D。由本句中的sure可知,“我”乐意和他们一起工作,welcome符合语境。

44. B。由上文中的worried 以及本句中的I showed them how to put the dishes on the dishwasher and run the machine可知,那位组织者起初很着急。当“我”教他们如何往洗碗机架子上放盘子、如何操作洗碗机时,他松了口气,relaxed符合语境。

45. A。46. B。由文中的He tried to get one woman and a man back towards the tasks at hand可知,那位组织者似乎“注意到(notice)”他的团队言行不太得体。他试图将他们的注意力转移到手头的工作上,“终止(end)”他们之间的争吵。out of place 不适当的。

47. C。48. B。由To break the tension以及He had warmhearted presence可知,为了缓解紧张的气氛,他讲了一些“笑话(jokes)”,对他来说,在庞大嘈杂的洗碗机边上工作,似乎是一件“快乐的(happy)”事。 49. C。由After working for three hours, the dishes were cleared away可知,此处指我们“关掉(shut down)”洗碗机。

50. D。由上文中的I was asked by a worried organizer if they could ... I showed them how to put the dishes on the dishwasher and run the machine以及本句中的for letting them help me out可知,那位组织者走过来,向“我”表示“感谢(thanked)”。 51. A。由下文中的The delivery of my daughter was ... experience and I almost lost both my wife and daughter ... time可知,“我”“需要(needed)”那种乐观的精神。 52. C。53. A。由I almost lost both my wife and daughter可知,“我”女儿的出生是一次“可怕的(awful)”经历,“我”差点失去妻子和女儿,对“我”来说,那段时间很“艰难(hard)”。 54. D。由but以及上文中的He had warmhearted presence和His smile was huge. It left me feeling optimistic可知,有时候“我”会想起那个洗碗工, 然后“我”的内心就会很“平和(peace)”。 55. B。由上文可知,那位洗碗工让作者学会了乐观地面对生活,故此处表示不管你是谁,不管在生活中遇到了什么,一定要乐观,因为保持乐观很重要,故填difference。make a difference 有影响,起重要作用。 语法填空: 56. founded。考查过去分词作定语的用法。设空处所在部分作后置定语,由by Tsar Peter the Great in 1703可知,found与St Petersburg之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且found表示的动作已发生,故填founded。

57. in。考查介词。in ruins 意为“严重受损,破败不堪”。 58. its。考查代词。设空处作定语,表示“它的”,故填形容词性物主代词its。

59. to save。考查不定式作状语的用法。由语境可知,设空处所在句意为“我们要竭尽所能保护我们的城市”,故填to save。to save our city 在此作目的状语。

60. began。考查一般过去时。由When从句可知,设空处表示的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,故填began。

61. that / which。考查关系代词。设空处引导定语从句修饰Pieces of the palaces,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。

62. careful。考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语,表示“小心的”,故填形容词careful。 63. destroying。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词without的宾语,故填destroying。 64. paintings。考查名词复数。设空处作主语,表示“绘画作品”。painting是可数名词,由谓语动词have been recreated可知,此处应用名词复数,故填paintings。 65. the。考查定冠词。in the past意为“过去,以前”。

