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八年级(上)第一单元第1课时学案 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

Section A 1a—2d


1. 能听说读写下列词汇或短语:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, few, quite a few, most 2. 能正确使用一般过去时就假期活动进行听说交流。

A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I went to the mountains. A: Did you go with anyone? B: Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t. 3. 学会复合不定代词或不定副词的构成、含义和用法。


重点:1. 能正确使用一般过去时就假期活动进行听说交流。

2. 学会复合不定代词或不定副词的构成、含义和用法。 难点:正确判断复合不定代词或不定副词在陈述句及疑问句中。 【新知预习】


1. —Did Helen go _______________ _ (任何地方) interesting? —Yes, she went to Guizhou. 2. Rick didn’t do ________ ___ _____ (任何事情) special last month.

3. —Did Julie go out with_________________ (任何人)? —No, Everyone was on vacation. 4. Rick stayed at home ________________ (大多数) of the time to read and relax . 5. Huangguoshu Waterfall was very __________ ________ (精彩的) .

6. Helen took _______________ ___________ _____________ (相当多) photos in Guizhou.


探究1 将A组每个单词分别与B组每个单词连线搭配,构成四组共16个不定代词或副词。 A组 B组 some (某一) one (人) any (任一) body(人) no (无一) thing(事物) every (每一) where(地点)

(1)含有some: someone某人→ 某人→____ _____某事物→____ _____某处 (2)含有any: _____ _ 任何人→anybody 任何人→____ ___任何事物→______任何地方 (3)含有no: _________ 没人→_______ _ 没人→nothing没有事物→________ 没地方 (4)含有every: _________每人→________ 每人→________ 每件事物→everywhere处处

归纳:(1)some/ any/ no/ every分别与one 和body合成时,其含义与“_______”相关;它们分别与thing合成时,其含义与“_______”相关;它们分别与where合成时,其含义与“________”相关。 探究2 观察下面划线部分并总结规律。

(1)She is a beautiful girl. She can tell interesting stories. (2)I did something special in New York. Did you go anywhere interesting? 结论:通常,形容词修饰名词时,要放在被修饰的名词_________;但是,形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词时,必须放在被修饰的不定代词或不定副词_________。 【针对练习】


1.I saw some __________on the Great wall. A. interesting people B. people interesting 2.Did you meet _____ _ on vacation? A. interesting anyone B. anyone interesting



1. Did you do ___________________ in Guizhou on vacation?



A. something special B. special something C. anything special D. nothing special 2. Did you go ____________ wonderful on vacation?

A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere 3. Julie didn’t go out with ____ _____.

A. anyone B. someone C. no one D. everyone 4. There are _______ __ bananas and ___ ____ bread on the table. A. much; little B. a few; a little C. little; few D. a little; a few 5. I saw _____________ koalas in the zoo. They are _______ __ lazy but cute. A. few; little B. little; few C. a few; a little D. a little; a few 6. I stayed at home most of time _____ ______ for tests.

A. study B. studies C. studied D. to study 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Huangguoshu Waterfall is so _________________ (wonder) that quite a few visitors go to see it every year. 2. Rick stayed at home and _________________ (relax) last weekend.

3. Bob went __________________ (fish) with his uncle on vacation, but they didn’t get any fish. 4. Tom ________________ (visit) the Natural History Museum yesterday.

5. Did you meet any very __________________ (interest) people on the beach? 6. Did Kevin ________________ (play) volleyball on vacation? 7. The tomato and egg rice tasted really ______________ (well).

8. Grace _______________ (buy) something special for her father last Sunday.

●Time, Time again, I ask myself (请写出这节课你的收获,完成下面的反思)





1. anywhere 2. anything 3. anyone 4. most 5. wonderful 6. quite a few 探究1

(1) somebody; something; somewhere (2) anyone; anything; anywhere (3) no one; nobody; nowhere

(4) everyone; everybody; everything 【针对练习】 did; anything 探究2 之前;之后 【针对练习】 1.A 2.B



1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5.C 6.D


1. wonderful 2. relaxed 3. fishing 4. visited 5. interesting 6.play 7.good 8.bought

八年级(上)第一单元第2课时学案 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A Grammar Focus—3c


1.学习并熟练掌握下列词汇:something, nothing, everyone, someone, of course, myself, yourself, hen, pig, seem, bored, diary








【课堂探究】 探究一 seem的用法 1. 观察下面四个句子,总结谓语动词的特点和用法。 (1)She seemed tired after the trip. (2)The music sounds beautiful. (3)Her father looks young. (4)Beijing Duck tastes great. (5)I hope my dream will come true.(6)He feels a little cold. 结论:seem(好像)与look(看起来), sound(听起来), taste(尝起来), come(变得), feel(感觉)一样,都是系动词,其后要跟_____________(形容词或副词)。 2. 再观察下面两个句子,总结seem的用法。 (1)She seems to be tired. (2)They seem to know the test results. 结论:seem可以后跟动词____________形式。 【针对练习】 选词填空 1. The pig seems very _________________ (health/ healthy). 2. Everything seems _________________ (easy/ easily). 3. Tom seemed ___________(forget/ to forget) his birthday. 探究二 -ing形容词和-ed形容词


The TV show is exciting. We are really excited. 电视节目令人振奋。我们都很兴奋。 This was surprising news. They all felt surprised. 这是令人惊讶的消息。他们都很惊讶。 I am interested in the interesting story. 我对这个有趣的故事很感兴趣。 The movie was too boring. So I was very bored. 这部电影太无聊。所以我很厌烦。 结论:-ing形容词意为“令人……的”,用于修饰或描述____________。-ed意为“感到……的”,用于修饰或描述____________。 【针对练习】选词填空

1. The music is ________ . I am really _____ ____. (relaxing; relaxed ) 2. The work is _______ __. It made me _____ ___. (tired; tiring)

3. The weekend was ____ ____. She seemed to be _____ ____. (boring; bored) 4. Snakes are _________________. I was _______________. (scary; scared)

【达标练习】 一、单项填空。

( )1. —Did you buy anything special? —No, I bought _______ __. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything ( )2. —Would you like _________________ to eat or drink? —No, thanks.

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

( )3. We __________ some hens and __________some baby pigs last vacation.

A.feed; see B. fed; see C. feed; saw D. fed; saw

( )4. Julie didn’t go out with ___________. Because _ _ ____ was here.

A.someone; no one B.anyone; everyone C.anyone, no one D.everyone; anyone

( )5. I didn’t go _________ yesterday. I just stayed in the library to read. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere


1. I bought nothing for _____ ____ (I).

2. She seemed ______ ___ (know) my brother. 3. How _____ ____ (be) your last vacation? 4. Did you go _________ (shop) yesterday?