人教版高中英语选修七英语 Unit 2 Robots单元检测 下载本文

英语人教版选修7 Unit 2 Robots单元检测


1.Thousands of people ______ to watch yesterday's match against Ireland. A.turned on B.turned in C.turned around D.turned out

2.It took ______ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses.It took brains,too.

A.other than B.more than C.rather than D.less than

3.Today,we will begin______ we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out. A.when B.where C.how D.what

4.—There's a hole in your bag.

—I know.I am going to have it______. A.repair B.repairing C.repaired D.to be repaired 5.Books are for reading,but man must bring to their reading a ______to learn and a power of absorbing.

A.desire B.direction C.custom D.satisfaction 6.Evidence has been ______that drinking water after getting up in the morning contributes to one's health.

A.made up B.turned up C.come up D.piled up

7.Although he is three years ______to me,he has more working experience. A.older B.junior C.senior D.elder

8.—Was his suggestion accepted at the meeting last night? —Partly.Some are ______it,while some are against it. A.in charge of B.in case of C.in response to D.in favour of

9.It was the news that two lions had run away from the zoo that ______the local people. A.delighted B.alarmed C.satisfied D.inspired

10.I desire that the students______their compositions in English regularly. A.writes B.would write C.wrote D.write

11.They never said they had decided to______against the government. A.announce war B.declare the war C.declare war D.announce the war

12.We ______ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day. A.set about B.set up C.set out D.set down

13.It was absurd that______ those who had done better than him in this way. A.did he envy B.he envied C.he was envied D.was he envied

14.The problem was settled to the complete______of them,so they didn't complain. A.amazement B.satisfaction

C.disappointment D.attraction

15.Children need a lot of things in the course of their growth.______,they need love. A.Last of all B.Above all C.After all D.At all Ⅱ.完形填空

The concept of solitude(独处)in the digital world is almost non-existent.In the world of

digital technology,e-mail,social networking and online video games,information is meant to be __16__.Solitude can be hard to discover __17__ it has been given up.In this respect,new technologies have __18__ our culture. The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a(n)__19__ as we've known it.People have become so __20__ in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted __21__ they'd rather not be.Today we can talk,text,e-mail,chat and blog(写博客),not only

from our __22__ but from our mobile phones as well. Most developed nations have become __23__ on digital technology simply because they've grown accustomed to it,and at this point not __24__ it would make them an outsider.__25__ ,many jobs and careers require people to be __26__.From this point of view,technology has changed the culture of work.Being reachable might feel like a __27__ to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times.

I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible for anyone who __28__ wants it.Computers can be shut __29__ and mobile phones can be turned off.The ability to be “connected” and “on” has many __30__ ,as well as disadvantages.Travelers have ended up __31__ on mountains,and mobile phones have saved countless lives.They can also make people feel __32__ and forced to answer unwanted calls or __33__ to unwanted texts. Attitudes towards our connectedness as a society __34__ across generations.Some find today's technology a gift.Others consider it a curse.Regardless of anyone's view on the subject,it's hard to imagine what life would be like __35__ daily advancements in technology. 16.A.updated B.received C.shared D.collected 17.A.though B.until C.once D.before

18.A.respected B.shaped C.ignored D.preserved 19.A.edge B.stage C.end D.balance

20.A.sensitive B.intelligent C.considerate D.reachable 21.A.even if B.only if C.as if D.if only

22.A.media B.computers C.databases D.monitors 23.A.bent B.hard C.keen D.dependent

24.A.finding B.using C.protecting D.changing 25.A.Also B.Instead C.Otherwise D.Somehow

26.A.connected B.trained C.recommended D.interested 27.A.pleasure B.benefit C.burden D.disappointment 28.A.slightly B.hardly C.merely D.really 29.A.out B.down C.up D.in

30.A.aspects B.weaknesses C.advantages D.exceptions 31.A.hidden B.lost C.relaxed D.deserted

32.A.trapped B.excited C.confused D.amused 33.A.turn B.submit C.object D.reply 34.A.vary B.arise C.spread D.exist

35.A.beyond B.within C.despite D.without Ⅲ.阅读理解


Has it come to this?Robots standing in for doctors at the hospital patients' bedside?

Not exactly,but some doctors have found a way to use a robot to check on patients while they're miles from the hospital.

One is at Baltimore's Sinai Hospital.Equipped with cameras,a screen and microphone,the

robot is guided into the rooms of Dr Alex Gandsas' patients where he speaks to them as if he were right there.

“The system allows you to be anywhere in the hospital from anywhere in the world,” said the surgeon,who specializes in weight-loss operation.

Besides his normal morning and afternoon personal visits,Gandsas uses the $150,000 robot to visit patients at night or when problems arise.The robot can circle the bed and adjust the position of its two cameras,giving the perception from the patient's standpoint that the doctor is there.“They love it.They'd rather see me through the robot,” he said of his patients' reaction to the machine.Nurse Florence Ford,who has worked with the robot since it was introduced about 18 months ago,said patients have reacted well,particularly because “seeing the doctor's face gives them confidence.”

Gandsas presented the idea to hospital leaders as a method to more closely observe patients following weight-loss operation.Since its introduction,Dr Alex found that nearly one third of his

376 patients went out of hospital earlier than first expected.

Michael Chan,president of InTouch Technologies,said his company's device allows doctors to “be in more than one place at the same time.”

Speaking with Gandsas through one of the robots at company headquarters,Chan said the company designs applications for the devices in remote areas and for dealing with shortages of health care workers.“They will soon be big,”said Chan when asked about their future.

36.According to Dr Alex,the purpose of using robots in the hospital is that ______. A.robots can provide patients more fun than doctors

B.patients will be closely watched after being operated on C.robots can free doctors from their great work pressure

D.hospitals can solve the problem of lacking medical workers

37.According to the passage,which of the following statements of the robot is Correct? A.It has replaced Dr Alex to visit his patients every day. B.The patients would rather have it treat their diseases.

C.It has reduced the duty that doctors should have for their patients. D.Patients are likely to be treated even when doctors are far away. 38.By using robots,Dr Alex finds that ______.

A.patients visited by robots may recover completely sooner B.the number of patients in his hospital is reducing a lot C.he can operate on different patients at the same time

D.their hospital doesn't need as many medical workers as before

39.From the last sentence,we can learn that Michael Chan thinks that ______. A.people won't believe robots will do well in the future

B.in the future bigger robots will be made to satisfy the needs C.more robots of this kind will be used in hospitals

D.the prices of the robots will be greatly reduced in the future 40.What would be the best title of the passage? A.Robot Replaces Doctors to Treat Patients B.Robot Visits Patients When Doctors Can't C.High-tech Makes Patients Better Communicate with Doctors

D.Robot Has Begun to Play a Great Part in Hospital Management


Everyone is seeking happiness,but there is no specific definition about what happiness is,because for different people,happiness means different things.State of happiness comes when you feel great joy and satisfaction in life.The unity of soul and mind is very important for getting happiness,because mind creates a comfortable environment for the soul.And mind has the power to control human actions and feelings.

The essence(本质)of happiness lies in the fact that you do what brings you pleasure.It's very simple.A person has a built-in system,an analogue(模拟的)GPS(Global Positioning

System).GPS is a piece of equipment that is most often put in cars,and shows the route from its present location to the destination.Here's how it works.You get in your car,choose a destination,and specify an exact address.GPS immediately determines the best route and the arrow(箭头)shows the direction of the route.If you follow the instructions of GPS all the time,you will arrive at your destination.If you do not follow the instructions,it will say“change the route”.

So here's your “GPS”;it is your emotional system.When you feel joy,you're going the right way to a happy life.When you feel sad and depressed,you're going in the wrong direction.Your “GPS”says:“Change the route.”Some people are so used to this “change the route”that they in general no longer hear the “GPS”.Change the route—it's your dissatisfaction,negative emotions and a sense of unhappiness.

Listen to your GPS.If the way is chosen incorrectly,your “GPS” would tell you to “change the route”.To gain your happiness,do follow your “GPS”.

41.It can be learned from the first paragraph that ______. A.one's happiness is that he/she lives comfortably B.one's mind has nothing to do with one's happiness C.the author gave an exact definition about happiness D.different people have different ideas about happiness

42.In the author's opinion,we can gain happiness by ______. A.putting GPS in the car

B.listening to the advice from others C.doing what can make us feel pleased D.trying our best to keep our mind peaceful 43.What is the function of GPS?

A.It can judge whether a person is happy.

B.It can show the user the best route to follow. C.It can help a driver avoid traffic accidents.

D.It can make the user get to the destination immediately.

44.People mentioned in Paragraph 3 who are used to “change the route”______. A.don't have a happy life B.don't know how to use GPS C.don't have a built-in system

D.follow the instructions of GPS

45.What's the structure of the passage? A.①—②—③④ B.①②—③④ C.①—②③—④ D.①②—③—④ Ⅳ.七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

A few weeks ago,we talked about the Test of English as a Foreign Language,or TOEFL.A listener in Cambodia named Thida asks if American colleges and universities also accept the IELTS exam.IELTS is the International English Language Testing System.It was developed by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

Cambridge University

Cambridge ESOL says the test measures true-to-life ability to communicate in English for

education,immigration or employment.The IELTS tests listening,reading,writing and speaking skills.It uses a mixture of accents and spellings,including British English and American English.

The test is used by government agencies,schools and professional organizations in one hundred and twenty countries.__46__ Many American schools that accept the IELTS can be found on the Web at ielts.org.

__47__ But the graduate school at Duke University in Durham,North Carolina,for example,says it prefers the IELTS.

The listening and speaking parts are the same for everyone who takes the IELTS.But people