2012届高考英语广东考前冲刺卷(四) 下载本文



第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


It was when my now 19-year-old daughter Shanna was in Grade 3.All students in her class were

given a small pot with a __1__ seed to plant. Once the bean plants had flowered,their teacher allowed the kids to __2__ move it from school to home.Once home,Shanna looked around for the __3__ location and settled it on a sunny south window sill (窗台) and then __4__ declared,“Soon I can feed the whole family!”

Shanna’s sisters were envious and even our cat looked __5__,which should have been a warning to me because when I woke up the next morning,I saw that the bean plant had been unkindly knocked off the window sill.Its leaves were broken and except for a thread of stem that still __6__ the roots to the flowering top;it was quite unrecognizable from the day before.It seemed to be __7__. I feared for what I had to tell Shanna but her __8__ was not what I expected.She said,“Everything will be okay,Mom;the plant will get better.”

Quickly she took the first aid kit (急救箱) from the bathroom,__9__ with bandages and a deep belief that the sad looking,near-dead bean plant would live and even produce seeds ! I went along with it and __10__ her to wrap bandages.Days later,to my __11__,the bean plant was standing tall and looking lively.We were able to __12__ the bandages. My daughter never quite understood my __13__ over the meaning of the bean plant.I work with kids that all greatly need people to trust them.Now whatever I have been told about children and their behavior,I __14__ everyone with the same eyes and heart that my daughter used on her __15__ bean plant.

Later that week,I came across a sentence:From a little spark,may burst a flame. 1.A.bean B.flower C.tree D.grass 2.A.quietly B.gradually C.carefully D.secretly 3.A.precise B.perfect C.exact D.central 4.A.slowly B.nervously C.seriously D.proudly 5.A.puzzled B.disappointed C.pleased D.interested 6.A.fastened B.fixed C.connected D.tied 7.A.growing B.developing C.rotting D.dying 8.A.eagerness B.reaction C.concern D.anxiety 9.A.approaching B.dealing C.recovering D.returning 10.A.advised B.allowed C.told D.helped 11.A.horror B.regret C.sorrow D.surprise 12.A.fold B.remove C.cut D.tear 13.A.confusion B.misery C.excitement D.curiosity 14.A.leave B.see C.teach D.save 15.A.broken B.ruined C.wounded D.marked 第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


“Guys,it is ‘Reading Workshop’s time now.16.________I call your table,get your things,please!”said Mrs Toalson.She was holding 17.________cup that had many sticks in it;on every stick was written each student’s name and table number.

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What does she mean?Probably books,I thought.Mrs Toalson picked a stick 18.________of the cup and said,“Okay,Aniqa’s table;Table Two,you may get your things.”Then my four classmates ran 19.________the cushions in the bathtub (浴缸).Mrs Toalson kept 20.________(pick) sticks,and calling out different table numbers.

“Kate,you may use the bathtub,”Mrs Toalson said.Gosh!Use the bathtub?Is Kate going 21.________(take) a bath,I wondered.Kate is the girl who had pretty brown hair.She ran 22.________(happy) with her book to bathtub and 23.________(lie) down in it.As she read,she cuddled (拥抱) a teddy bear.I bet it must be comfortable reading in a bathtub.

Except for lucky Kate,everybody had to read elsewhere.Some were sitting on the seats,some were lying down under the table, 24.________everybody’s reading pose was different.Regina thought that it would be more fun to read outside on the grass.25.________a great idea!The next day our whole class went to the park across the street from our school.It was amazing! Ⅱ.阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A

LONDON (Reuters)—New faces given to a Chinese man after a bear tore off part of his face and a French-Caribbean man disfigured by a rare tumor show that such transplants can work and are not medical oddities (怪异),researchers said.

The findings give hope to some people with severe facial disfigurement and suggest the transplants could prove long-lasting without major problems.Despite the tissue rejection in the first year after their transplants,neither men had psychological problems accepting their new faces and have been able to rejoin society,they reported.

Only three people have received face transplants.The world’s first was carried out on French woman Isabelle Dinoire in November 2005 after she was disfigured in an attack by her dog.In 2007,her doctors reported that she had recovered slowly and steadily,overcoming two periods of rejection.

In 2006,Chinese doctors performed a face transplant on a 30-year-old hit by a bear.While there

were some complications with tissue rejection following the operation,two years later the man was doing well,his doctors said.“This case suggests that facial transplantation might be an option for restoring a severely disfigured face,and could enable patients to bring themselves back into society,” Shuzhong Guo and colleagues at Xijing Hospital in China wrote. A French team described their work on a 29-year-old man who suffered from Von

Recklinghausen disease,an illness that changes the shape of his face.“The man,who was not named,was given a new nose,mouth and chin in a 2007 operation.He began to work 13 months after the transplant has more function in his face and has not rejected the new tissue,” his doctors said.

“Our case confirms that face transplantation is practical and effective for the correction of specific disfigurement,” Dr.Laurent Lantieri and colleagues at the Henri-Mondor hospital outside

Paris wrote. 26.What’s the main idea of this passage? A.Face transplants can work.

B.Face transplants help regain confidence. C.Three people have received face transplants. D.Disfigured people need face transplants.

27.What happened to the Chinese patient mentioned in the passage? A.He got a strange illness when he was young. B.He received several operations in hospital.

C.He was the first person to receive a face transplant. D.He was once attacked by an animal.

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28.From the passage we can learn that ________.

A.doctors have different opinions on facial disfigurement B.patients could regain self-confidence after face transplants

C.the new face of every patient has more functions than expected D.it is easy for disabled people to be accepted by society

29.The underlined word “restoring” in Paragraph 4 means “________”. A.removing B.recovering C.repairing D.rejecting

30.What problem resulted from the facial operations? A.The patients wouldn’t accept the facial change. B.It was hard for the patients to get along with others.

C.It took some time for the patients to recover from the operation. D.The patients usually suffered from tissue rejection.


Rome—doctors and medical groups around the world last weekend reacted with strong opposition to the news that an Italian specialist is on_the_brink_of cloning the first human baby. Dr.Severino Antinori,who is the head of a hospital in Rome,has been referred to in an Arab newspaper as claiming that one of his patients is eight weeks pregnant with a cloned baby. Antinori refused to comment on the reports,but in March 2001 he said he hoped to produce a cloned embryo for implantation within two years.So far seven different kinds of mammals have already been successfully cloned,including sheep,cats and most recently rabbits. Doctors showed their doubt and were strongly opposed although they admitted that human cloning would finally come true unless there was a worldwide ban on the practice. Professor Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said,“I find it astonishing that people do this where the result can be foretold that it will not be a normal baby.It is using humans as guinea pigs.It makes people feel sick.”

But Ronald Green,director of the Ethics Institute at Darmouth College in the US,said it was unlikely that an eight-week-old pregnancy would lead to a birth. So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different serious disorders,many of them dying soon after their births.

Doctors are opposed to human cloning because they are worried about the welfare of the cloned child if there is one.

“There are no benefits of cloning human beings,just harm,” said Dr.Michael Wilks of the UK.

31.What do the underlined words “on the brink of” in the first paragraph most probably mean?

A.On the side of. B.On the point of. C.In search of. D.In favor of. 32.The doctors’ general attitude to cloning humans according to the passage is that________. A.they are against it B.they support it C.they pay no attention to it D.they welcome it

33.What does the underlined word “ban” in the fourth paragraph most probably mean? A.order that forbids cloning.

B.suggestion on carrying on cloning. C.anger at cloning. D.cheer for cloning.

34.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A.Doctor Severino Antinori is strongly opposed to cloning human beings.

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