2019年人教版pep英语上册五年级第二单元教案 下载本文

C:What do you have on Mondays?

B:I have math…I don't like Mondays.I love Sundays. A:What do you do on Sundays? 2、 Presentation(新课呈现)

(1)教师呈现教材图片,让学生说出表现Zoom周六活动的三张小图代表哪三个动词短语。并试着按照Zoom的喜爱程度排序。教师再问学生:What does Aunt Cathy do on Saturdays?请学生阅读对话后回答。


(3)教师指导学生书写四会句型,学生在练习本上仿写。可在班内进行“谁写得又快又好”的竞赛活动。 3、Let’s play (趣味操练) (1)Group work

分小组讨论Amy和Wu Yifan的周末活动,并找出他们的共同爱好。然后小组讨论每位成员各自的周末安排,发现共同爱好和不同之处,依照所给示范在班级内汇报。

(2)Task time

这部分是本单元的选学内容,教师可视学习实际安排在课内或者课外完成。主要任务是把一周的活动设计成一本简易的插图活页书,并进行小组间交流。该项任务可以由学生个人完成,也可以由小组共同设计完成。在完成任务过程中要注意分工,学会合作,要求学生试着用英语去解决问题,交流情况。 4、Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展) 让学生做 B Read and write部分的活动手册配套练习。 5、小结 板书设计

Unit 2 My week

What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Saturdays.

What abut you? I do my homework.




1.科学博物馆__________________ 2.书店 。 3.邮局__________________ 4.邮票__________________ 5.go straight__________________ 6.hospital__________________ 7.interesting film__________________ 8.电影院__________________ 9.十字路口__________________ 10.turn right__________________ 二选也每组中不同类的一项。 ( )1.A.family B.park C.zoo ( )2.A.mother B.sister C.doctor

( )3.A.Christmas B.yellow light C.green light ( )4.A.what B.then C.where

( )5.A.plane B.turn left C. go straight 三、单项选择

( )1. The school is ____the hospital. A.in front B.front C.in front of ( )2.My home is far __our school. A.from B. to C.away ( )3.Turn left __the post office . A.for B.to C.at

( )4._____your school?---Near the post office . A.Where B.Where’s C.How ( )5.____do you go to the bookstore? A.Where B.What C.How ( )6.I want ____a pair of shoes .

A.buy B.buys C.to buy ( )7.-Is there a library near here? -Yes ,_____.

A.there isn’t B.there is C.there are ( )8.The cinema is ___the bookstore . A.for B.to C. next to

( )9.There _____a bookstore in the middle . A.is B.am C.are

( )10.What _____Sarah and Amy going to do after school? A.is B.am C.are 四、连词成句

1. museum to can get science I How he (?)

_____________________________________________ 2.post the where office is (?)

_____________________________________________ 3.buy I to a want postcard (.) _____________________________________________