【优质】小学英语冀教版四年级上册Unit 3 Lesson 13 At School 优质公开课教案3 下载本文

Unit 3 Lesson 13全课时教案


冀教版小学英语4A Lesson 13


1. 知识目标:掌握词汇classroom, library, playground, computer room

掌握句型 Where is the computer room? I can show you. Here it is.

2. 能力目标:学生可以通过所学,礼貌的用英语问路。 3. 情感目标:培养自己的语言表达能力和文章的组织能力。




重点:本科重点词汇Where is the computer room? I can show you. Here it is.的用法



Part 1: Greeting and Review T: Good morning everyone. S: Good morning teacher. T: What do you do at evening?

S: First, I do my homework. Then I watch TV several times. Finally, I go to bed. T: Great!

Part 2: Presentation

1. 教师展示卡片school, classroom, library, playground,并且提问:

T: What's that? S:教室

T:教室用英语怎么讲呢? Classroom T: What's that? S: It's classroom.

T: Good! We all in classroom.

2. 当我们想到一个地方去,该怎样礼貌发问; Excuse me/ Could you please help me? 得到答案之后,要记住说“Thanks/ Thank you.” 3. 怎样回答别人的问路

1) 直接领路: I can show you.

2) 方位用词: left, right, straight,front

3) 词组: turn left, turn right, go straight, in front of.

Part 3: Practice

1. 小组对话:两人一组,一个问路,一个指路。 S1: Excuse me! Where is the computer room? S2: Go straight, you can see it. S1: And where is the library?

S2: It's in front of the computer room. S1: Thanks. 2. 游戏:你画我猜

在课本以”my school”为主题,画出学校各个建筑物的简笔画。然后拿出一位同学的课本,让同学们猜画的是我们学校的哪地方,该怎么走。

Prat 4: Class closing Homework

Say goodbye to the students.