仁爱英语九年级上第一次月考试题卷 下载本文


第I卷 (共90分)

I. 听力测试(30分)


听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A, B, C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语. 1. A. Don’t say so. B. I don’t think so. C. Thank you. 2. A. Yes, please. B. Good idea. C. Have fun.

3. A. With pleasure. B. I’m busy now. C. That’s all right. 4. A. In a week. B. Last week. C. Since last week. 5. A. Over there. B. Yes, it’s behind the hospital. C. Yes, it’s closed.

6. A. It’s in August. B. Have a big dinner at home.C.Mooncakes are delicious 第二节: 对话理解。 (每小题1.5分,共9分)

听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A, B, C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,7. A. He can’t carry this heavy box. B. He can carry this box easily.

C. The woman should give him a piece of cake. 8. A. It’s on the third floor. B. It’s behind the bookshop. C. It’s next to the flower shop. 9. A. Because he was busy.

B. Because the restaurant was busy and crowded. C. Because he couldn’t find the new restaurant. 10. A. 8:30 B. 8:00 C. 7:30 11. A. Dave’s B. Mary’s C. Jack’s. 12. A. She was shopping alone.

B. She was shopping with her parents. C. She was at home with her parents.

第三节: 长对话理解(每小题1.5分,共6分)

听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A, B, C三个选项中选出正确答案。 听下面一段对话,完成13和14小题。

13. What does the girl find difficult in learning English? A. reading, writing and pronunciation B. reading, grammar and writing

C. pronunciation, listening and reading 14. What is Peter’s advice?

A. do more exercises. B. memorize the new words.

C. read more books and listen to the tape. 听下面一段对话, 完成15和16小题。 15. What does the woman want to buy? A. some books B. some magazines. C. some clothes 16. When does the bookstore close on weekends?

A. at 8:30 B. at 9:30. C. at 9:00 第四节: 短文理解。(每小题1.5分,共6分)

听两遍,根据你所听到的短文内容,从A, B, C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语.


17. People can ______________ on April Fools’ Day.

A. make a wish B. send presents C. play jokes on others 18. April Fools’ Day first started in____________. A. France B. England C. Scotland 19. How long do people in Scotland celebrate April Fools’ Day? A. 14 hours B. 24 hours C. 48 hours

20. In England, people play jokes _________________on April Fools’ Day. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. at night Ⅱ.单项选择.(每小题1分,共15分)

21.I got up late this morning, but luckily, I got on _______ uncrowded bus and met my good friend, Bob, who is ___ honest boy.

A. an, a B. an, an C. a, a D. a, an

22. I don’t know when the rain _____. If it _______, I plan to play basketball outside.

A. stops, will stop B. will stop, will stop C. stops, stops D. will stop, stops

23. I didn’t know that the earth ________ around the sun _______ you told me.

A. went, after B. goes, until C. goes, after D. went, until 24. If you suggest ___________ the ride, he may have a try.

A. he trying B. him trying C. he tries D. him to try

25. He told me that he _____ his homework on my desk, but actually he _____ to me.

A. lay: laid B. lay: lied C. laid: lied D. laid: laid 26. ——I can’t find my iphone 7 anywhere after shopping.

——I’m sorry to hear that. Perhaps somebody __________ it. A. stealed B. was stealing C. stolen D. stole 27. ----He always says we should speak English not only in class, but also at home. ---- _______________! A. What a useful advice B. What an useful advice C. What useful advice D. How useful advice

28. Everyone isn’t born ______ the ability to learn well. You should connect what you need to

learn ______ something interesting, and develop your study skills. A. with; from B. has: with C. with; with D. has; from 29. Clara was _____________for_______________her homework on time. A. punished; don’t finish B. punished; not finishing C. punishing; not finishing D. punishing; not to finish 30. It is _________ you to speak_______ in public. A. polite for; aloud B. polite of; loud C. impolite for; loudly D.impolite of; loudly

31. Everybody in our school ________ Peter __________the singing competition. A. admire, because B.admire; for winning C. admires, to win D.admires;for winning

32. My host family always treat me _____ love and kindness, and they treat me ___ their own son. A. to, with B.with; as C. with; be D. as; with 33. Not only his relatives bust also Mark __________ Canada twice.

A. has gone to B. have been to C. have gone to D. has been to 34. ---Could you tell me where Luneng Bashu Middle School is?

---Sure. Just go _______ Xingai Road and turn left _______ the second crossing.

A. straight; at B. along; at C. down; on D. straight along; on


35. I would like to know ___________.

A. which was the way to the library B. how can I get to the library C. where I can borrow some books D. who borrowed you these books Ⅲ.完型填空. (每小题1.5分,共15分)

In a history class, our teacher, Mrs. Bartlett asked us to make a poster (海报) in groups about the culture that we were studying. She told us to write the names of three friends who we wanted in one group and she would think about our 36 . The next day, I was told to be in a group I would 37 want – the boy who was too weak in English, and the two girls who wore strange clothes. Oh, how I wanted to be with my 38 ! With tears in my eyes, I walked up to Mrs. Bartlett. She 39 me and seemed to know what I was there for. I told her I should be in the ―good‖ group. She gently 40 a hand on my shoulder(肩膀). ―I know what you want, Karma,‖ she said, ―but your group needs you. I need you to help them. Only you can help them.‖ I was 41 and moved. Her words encouraged me. ―Will you help them?‖ she asked. ―Yes,‖ I replied. Then I 42 walked over to my group. I sat down and we started. Each of us did a part according to our interests. Halfway through the week, I felt 43 enjoying our group. We did a good job together. 44 except(除此之外) Mrs. Bartlett had believed in our group. Amazingly, our group got an A. But I think we should hand the A back to Mrs. Bartlett. She was the one who should truly 45 it. Mrs. Bartlett brought out the potential (潜能) in four of her students.

36. A. classes B. books C. choices D. clothes 37. A. often B. never C. always D. sometimes 38. A. boys B. girls C. friends D. teachers 39. A. laughed at B. looked at C. lived with D. agreed with 40. A. put B. pushed C. washed D. pulled 41. A. useful B. surprised C. scared D. worried 42. A. hardly B. deeply C. lazily D. bravely 43. A. myself B. herself C. yourself D. himself 44. A. Anybody B. Everybody C. Somebody D. Nobody 45. A. receive B. start C. give D. throw Ⅳ阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)

A Welcome to My Villa Beautiful farm house offering comfortable rooms for visitors from all over the world. This is a wonderful farm house offering big beds, with its own swimming pool and lovely little church with beautiful paintings. 5 bedrooms , 4 bathrooms Sleeps up to 10 guests Swimming pools 11m by 5 m Dates: Saturday arriving and leaving. ( For a week ) Weekly Price: For 10 guests. March / April / May / June 2017 ? 3,000 July / August 2017 ?3,500 September / October 2017 ?3,000 Christmas 2017 , New Year 2018 ?3,500 3