宜昌市中考英语模拟试题 下载本文

▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█▉▊▋▌精诚凝聚 =^_^= 成就梦想 ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█▉▊▋▌


听力部分 (25分)

I情景反应:你将听到5个问题,每个问题你都将看到供选择的三个答案,请你根据听到的问句选择适当的答语。每个问题之后你有三秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。共5小题,计5分。 1. A. They are delicious. B. Very well. C. A lot.

2. A. Yes, please. B. That’s great. C. What a good idea! 3. A. Never mind. B. Of course, if you like. C. You’re welcome. 4. A. Well, that’s a deal. B. I’m afraid not. C. Sooner or later.

5. A. What’s up? B. I’m here. C. Sorry, she’s out at the moment.


6. A. The box is empty. B. There’s only a card in the box. C. The box has lots of cards. 7. A. It’s an-hour ride by bike from here. B. I can walk to my school in an hour. C. It is an hour since I rode to school.

8. A. “MTV” is quite a popular music programme from “Music Television”. B. “MTV” sounds like “Music Television”. C. “MTV” is short for “Music Television”.

9. A. We should all try our best to make the environment better. B. We should make full use of the environment.

C. We should live a better life with the help of the environment. 10. A. They were not interested in the wonderful concert at all. B. They fell asleep during the wonderful concert. C. They were deeply attracted by the wonderful concert.



11. What’s the weather like in Hangzhou these days?

A. Rains a lot. B. Very windy. C. A bit cold. 12. At what time does the train leave for Beijing? A. 4:05. B. 14:05. C. 14:15. 13. What does the man offer to do?

A. Write a letter. B. Take a message. C. Send the letter. 14. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Plan for a business trip. B. Work at the weekend. C. Plan for the weekend. 15. What did the girl probably do?

A. Got up early this morning. B. Went to bed late last night. C. Worked hard this morning. 听对话6,回答问题16至17。 16. Why does the man leave early?

▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ■ ▓点亮心灯 ~~~///(^v^)\\\\\\~~~ 照亮人生 ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ■ ▓

▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█▉▊▋▌精诚凝聚 =^_^= 成就梦想 ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█▉▊▋▌

A. Because he is too tired. B. Because he is catching a flight. C. Because he doesn’t like to stay. 17. Where is the man going?

A. He is going home. B. He is going to a station. C. He is going to his office. 听对话7,回答问题18至20。

18. What’s the matter with the woman?

A: She has got a toothache. B. She has got a backache. C. She has got a headache. 19. How does the doctor look her over?

A. By finding the place which aches. B. By asking many questions. C. By taking her temperature and so on. 20. What does the doctor tell her to do?

A. Practise lifting. B. Have a lot of rest. C. Get up early every day.

IV短文理解:你将听到一段短文,然后你将看到5个问题,你根据听到的短文内容回答所提问题。听完短文之后你将有一分钟时间回答所提问题。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。 21. How many people are there in Mabel’s family? A. Seven. B. Eight. C. Nine. 22. How does Mabel go to school?

A. On foot. B. In a car. C. By bus.

23. Why is Mabel popular with her teachers and classmates?

A. Because she’s never late. B. Because she does well in her subjects. C. Because she’s polite and friendly.

24. How did Mabel get hurt while she made her way to school?

A. She was busy thinking about a problem. B. She ran to save the boy. C. She was crossing the street without looking around. 25. What kind of girl do you suppose Mabel is?

A. She is as clever as good. B. She is poor but helpful. C. She is hard-working.


V 情景交际及语法知识:从下列各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。 26. ---Would you mind if I take the seat next to you?

--- . The person who was here has finished his lunch and left. A. Certainly not B. Enjoy yourself C. Better not, please D. I’m afraid not 27. ---What a nice meal! Thank you for having us. ---________. I’m so glad you enjoyed it.

A. It’s nothing B. It was a pleasure C. Not nice enough D. With pleasure 28. ---I like summer best among the four seasons. What about you?

---________. They’re all the same to me.

A. So do I B. Yes, I think so C. Oh, I don’t D. No problem 29. ---Granny, my head hurts badly and I don’t feel like eating. ---Oh, dear! Shall I call a doctor for you right now? A. Nothing serious! B. What’s up?

▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ■ ▓点亮心灯 ~~~///(^v^)\\\\\\~~~ 照亮人生 ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ■ ▓

▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█▉▊▋▌精诚凝聚 =^_^= 成就梦想 ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█▉▊▋▌

C. No hurry, please! D. I’m sorry to hear that.

30. ---Mum, I can’t decide which skirt to choose. These two seems nearly the same. ---______. This one fits you a little better, I think.

A. Let me help you B. Have a try C. Take a look D. Nothing difficult 31. --- Would you like some more bread with butter? --- I’ve had enough. ______.

A. The more, the better B. Thanks all the same C. Don’t trouble me D. Yes, please. 32. ---Excuse me. _____?

---You are right. You’d better take a bus.

A. Where is the hospital B. Is there a hospital near here C. Is the hospital far from here D. How can I get to the hospital 33. ---How are you getting on with your new neighbour?

---Rather badly. He always plays music loudly at night. I’m _______ him. A. different from B. fed up with C. sorry for D. worried about 34. ---What are you going to do on the weekend, Roy?

---I have no plan yet. I _____either go on a field trip or go fishing. A. may B. should C. have to D. must

35. --- Excuse me. Can I have my camera back? I’ll need it this afternoon. ---OK, here it is. It ______just before you arrived.

A. is mended B. has mended C. mends D. was mended

36. ---Sorry, but I have something important to talk to your mother. Is she in right now? ---Yes. Come in, please. She ______some cleaning in the kitchen. A. is doing B. does C. did D. was doing 37. ---How did you ______ your summer holidays last year?

---Reading and fishing.

A. take B. use C. spend D. enjoy

38. ---Pardon me, Uncle Liu, but can you put my computer _______? It doesn’t work now. ---OK. Let me have a try and see if I can help you.

A. down B. away C. right D. up 39. ---Did you know anything about the accident?

---Just a little. I didn’t know much about it _______ I was not there that day. A. after B. until C. if D. because 40. ---Do you plan to get your grandmother a present for her birthday? ---Yes, but I’m not sure ______ she would like.

A. when B. how C. what D. whether


When Yang Liwei became China's first astronaut(宇航员), he made a name not only for himself but also for his hometown--- Huludao in Northeast China's Liaoning Province.

He has been (41) as a good model for others in the town, local government officials(官员)said yesterday.

His mother, Wei Guilan, was (42) with pride when speaking of him during an interview. \(光荣)for our country, our home town as (43) as my family,

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