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port in August.

3. We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No.435 were shipped per direct steamer \March\on April 27and the relative shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed.

4.We have the pleasure to inform you that the shipment per s.s. Green has gone forward and hope that it will arrive at the destination in perfect condition.

5.We take this opportunity to inform you that we have this day shipping the above goods on board s/s \find one set of the shipping documents covering this consignment.

II. Translate the following letter into English:





We rely on you to execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and with the least possible delay.

We trust you will see to it that the order is shipped within the stipulated time, as any delay would cause us no little inconvenience and financial loss.

Please take the matter up at once and see to it that the goods are delivered without further delay.


1. We enclose our Shipping Instructions Form and shall be glad if you will fill this in and return it to us, together with a copy of the invoice, for customs clearance. 2. We should be glad if you could manage to ship the goods by s.s. \sailing from Tianjin on December 5.

3. We wish to advise you that the goods under S/C No. 95657 were shipped by s.s. \expected to reach your port in early September.

4. The goods are expected to leave Kobe on August 20 by s.s. \be trans-shipped at Hongkong as instructed.

5. As we telexed you on February 8, s.s. \carrying the goods for Order No. 9396. 6. We are pleased to inform you that shipment of Chemical Fertilizer under Contract No. 998 will be effected by the s.s. \scheduled to leave here on May 16. Pleased arrange insurance for this cargo.


1 Please ship the first lot number under Contract No. 123 by S.S Long

March_________(预计起航) to sail on or about May 2nd.

2 We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible,

thus ____________(使我们的客户能够赶上销售旺季).


We trust you will see to it that the order is shipped with the stipulated time, as_________ (任何延迟将给我们带来不小的麻烦).


We trust you will make all necessary arrangements to ____________(按时交货).

5 Please do your very best to hasten shipment. We hope that by the time

you receive the letter, you have the goods ________(备妥待运). 6 It has to be stressed that shipment must be made within the prescribed

time limit, as_________(不考虑进一步延迟). 7

We greatly regret the delay, which has been due to _________(我们无法控制的因素). 8

_______________(由于开证延迟), shipment cannot be made as contracted and should be postponed to next month.

1 Please ship the first lot number under Contract No. 123 by S.S Long

March scheduled to sail on or about May 2nd.

3 We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible,

thus enabling our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.

4 We trust you will see to it that the order is shipped with the stipulated

time, as any delay would cause us no little inconvenience.

5 We trust you will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods

in time.

6 Please do your very best to hasten shipment. We hope that by the time

you receive the letter, you have the goods ready for shipment.

7 It has to be stressed that shipment must be made within the prescribed

time limit, as a further extension will not be considered.

8 It is stipulated that shipment should be made before May 1st, and, if

possible, we should appreciate you arranging to ship the goods at an earlier date.

9 We greatly regret the delay, which has been due to circumstance beyond

our control.

10 Please amend the covering letter of credit to allow partial shipment,

under advice to us.

11 Owing to the delay in opening the relative L/C, shipment cannot be

made as contracted and should be postponed to next month.

12 As the only direct steamer which calls at our port once a month has just

departed, goods can be only shipped next month.


Re: Order No. 4017- top Urgent-

Would you please confirm if you have shipped your goods of the above order to our cargo forwarder as instructed in our L/C. If so, please kindly advise us of the flight details including flight number, AWB No., ETA at the our airport, so that we can trace the goods and make the clearance from customs sooner.

We are in urgent situation because we have to deliver the goods to our customer before the deadline on July 20.


We urgently need 10000pcs of P/N in house by May 26 or we will lose our contract. We will pay whatever OT expenditure in order to get these parts immediately. We realize that you have many holidays coming up, but we really need your help.

Please review very carefully and advise your very very very very best shipping date tomorrow without fail!!!

TKS & Best regards.

我们急于知道定单123号项下1000箱锡板的装运情况。 由于合同规定的装运日期很快到了,因此迫切需要贵方毫不迟疑地告知我方装运期。我们从一开始就明确说明了按时执行此定单的重要性,而贵方对于我方6月18日(6天前)的传真(见附件)询问一直保持沉默,我方深感惊讶。 我们急需此货,不得不要你方在规定的时间内执行定单。 兹提及我们7月1日签定的上述合同,此6000长吨小麦应该在10月装运。但是直到目前,我们还没有收到任何有关这批货的消息。我们的最终用户急需此货,我们想派FQ号去接货,预计11月底船可到温哥华。你方需立即以传真回复我方是否同意这一安排。如果不同意,那请让我方知道到底货物最早什么时候可备好。 延迟交运给我方带来了很大的不便,如你方不能在11月装运,我方将就损失向你方索赔,并保留撤消合同的权力。