六年级下册英语试题 - 浙江绍兴柯桥区第二学期期末学业评价考试 人教PEP(含答案) 下载本文



满分:100 考试时间:60分钟


Part I Listening听力部分(40%)

一、Listen and write(听音,补全单词)5%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

二、Listen and circle(听音,选图片,在序号A或B上画圈)8%

三、Listen and tick(听对话,选答案,在方框内打“√”)6%

1. 2. Where did Chen Jie go yestrday? Boy’s home. Hospital. Does Amy go hiking every Sunday? Yes,she does. No,she doesn’t.

3. How did Yifan go to Turpan? 4. What’s Amy’s hobby now?

5. Whose storybooks are these ? 6. What are they talking about? Mike’s. Chen Jie’s Birthday Father’s Day By plane. By train. Playing ping-pong. Playing the piano.

四、Listen and tick(听长对话,选答案,在方框内打“√”)7%

Mike was very excited on his first day at the farm. Now he is calling his mum.

五、Listen and finish(听短文,完成任务)14%

Mike is writing a letter to his grandpa.

(A)Listen and choose.听短文,选出正确的内容。(6%)

(B)Listen again and tick or cross.再听一遍, 判断对(√)错(×)。(8%) ( )1.Every morning, Bill gets up at 6:30.

( )2.After school, he often picks fruits and vegetables for his family. ( )3.On the weekend, he goes to the pig house and reads stories to them. ( )4.This weekend they will go swimming and fishing.

Personality: A.hard-working B.polite Ways to school: A.by bus B.by bike Favorite class: A.music B.art C.science Hobby: A.swimming B.watching ants C.drawing pictures Part II Writing读写部分(60%)

六、Read and judge(读单词,划线部分发音相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”)4%

( )1.—Whose book is this,John?

—Oh, It’s Miss White’s. —Hmm,Forty. —The yellow one. —He is my father. ( )2.—How many horses do you have,Uncle? ( )3.—Which flower do you like best? ( )4.—Who’s that man?

七、Read and choose(读句子,选择正确答案)10%

( )1.—When is your birthday?

—It’s December 25th,Christmas Day.




( ) 2.— did you go last summer holiday?

—I went to the Big Apple,New York.It was interesting. A.How

B.Who C.Where

( )3.—I’m angry,my clothes are dirty.

—Oh,Mike.You should . A.take a deep breath

( ) 4.—How tall are you,Tim?

—I’m . I’m taller than B ob.

A.1.60 meters B.45 kilograms C.size 12 —The fatter one is . A.her;hers



B.see a doctor

C.wear warm clothes

( )5.—There are two dogs in the office. Which one is ?

( )6.—What are you going to do this weekend,Yifan?

—I’m going to . A.go cycling

B.play badminton C.ice-skate

( )7.—What does your father do,Amy?

—My father is a .He always goes to other countries. A.teacher B.fisherman



C.businessman C.were;is

( )8. Before there many whales,but now there not many. ( )9.— is the colourful skirt?

—It’s ninety-seven dollars. A.How many

B.How much

C.How long

( )10.—Where are Mike and Yifan now?

八、Complete the dialogue(完成对话,把序号写在相应的横线上)5%

—They in the art room. A.draw pictures

B.drawing pictures C.are drawing pictures