专题10 非谓语动词(模拟检测)-2019届江苏高考英语单项填空讲练测精品系列 Word版含解析 下载本文

1.Before you quit your job, _______ how your family would feel about your decision. A. consider 【答案】A



2.Recently a recent Canadian study suggests that a child _______ from interactive music classes has better communication skills. A. benefit 【答案】C

B. benefited

C. benefiting

D. to benefit

B. considering

C. to consider

D. considered

3.It is vital to get across to teenagers the simple fact that _______ the Internet will more or less do harm to both mental and physical health. A. being addicted to B. addicted to 【答案】A

【解析】这儿是动名词作主语。C选项变成addicting themselves to使自己……沉溺于也对。


4.Some educators insist _______ to classical music is certainly a form of school education. A. exposed exposed 【答案】B

【解析】be exposed to接触,暴露;此处是动名词做主语。句意:一些教育工作者坚持认


5.—What has made him in such high spirits recently? —_______ by his teacher for succeeding passing the exam. A. Being praised

B. Praised

C. Having praised D. To praise

B. being exposed

C. exposing




C. addicting to D. to addict to


【解析】答句中省略了has made him in such high spirits recently。因为答语缺少主语,应该


6.I had to admit the fact that the ring was _______, and it was no use _______ over spilled milk. A. lost, cry 【答案】B

【解析】that引导同位语从句,在从句中be +lost构成被动语态,表示“被丢失”;and后

边是句型it is+ no use+ doing形式,it是形式主语,crying是真正主语。句意:我不得不承认戒指丢了这一事实,对这事表示伤心是没有用的。

7.With WeChat becoming more and more popular in China, we seem _______ the art of chatting face to face. A. losing 【答案】C



8.We don’t hope to see children nothing in their families, for children can be easily spoiled. A. denying 【答案】B

B. denied

C. to deny

D. being denied

B. to be lost

C. to be losing

D. having lost

B. lost, crying

C. losing, to cry

D. losing, cry

9.What you do not want _______ to yourself, do not do to others. A. doing 【答案】B

【解析】句中含有want sth. done结构,宾语sth.为连接代词what,与do之间是逻辑上的


10.Young people should be led _______ that anything is possible and that nothing can stand in their way with determination and perseverance. A. believing 【答案】B

B. to believe

C. to believing

D. having believed

B. done

C. being done

D. having done

【解析】lead to do sth.引导做某事,诱惑做某事;lead to doing sth.导致做某事。句意:应


11.The goal, which they are unlikely to live to see _______, is to “cure, prevent or manage all diseases” in the next 80 or so years. A. accomplish accomplished 【答案】B

【解析】The goal与动词accomplish是被动关系,指目标被完成,此处用过去分词作宾补,

完整形式为see the goal accomplished。句意:他们不太可能实现的目标是在未来80年左右“治愈、预防或控制所有疾病”。

12.A heavy sandstorm is going to envelop our city. It is unwise to have your car _______. A. wash 【答案】B

【解析】have sth. done使某物成一种……的状态,your car和wash之间是被动关系,用过


13.Difficult as part of the passage was _______, I managed to catch hold of its meaning in the end.

A. understanding understood 【答案】C

B. to be understood

C. to understand



B. washed

C. washing

D. to wash

B. accomplished

C. accomplishing D.


14.If you want to get your ability _______, you have to show it in your work rather than complain all day. A. to recognize 【答案】D

【解析】get sht.done,使某事被……。句意:如果你想要你的能力得到认可,你必须把你


15.An app that rewards students for time _______ away from their phones is being released in the UK. A. spending

B. spent

C. to spend

D. spend

B. recognizing

C. being recognized

D. recognized