《英语导学丛书》高中英语 模块三单元练习及单元测试卷 必修3 下载本文

1.If he can _____ his natural ability with hard work , he should be very successful .

A. combine B. connect C. link D. join

2. I’ve tried all kinds of medicine______ the bad cold , but still failed . A to get away with B throw away

C. to get rid of D getting away with

3. As we all know , no one is perfect , and everyone has his own _______. A. mistake B. weakness C. limit D. belief

4. ------Wait until we get a satisfactory reply ,will you ? ------ I couldn’t agree _____ . The idea sounds great to me . A. much B. worse C. more D. at all

5. You shouldn’t have the machines ________ all the while ; you ought to have them _____ now and then . A run; repair B. running ;repairing C. run ; repaired D. running ; repaired

6. Thank you for giving me a hand . I ______ in the experience without your valuable help .

A. have failed B . will fail

C. would have failed D . must have failed

7. -------I sent him the dictionary by mail this morning. -------You ______ that, for he’s coming tomorrow morning .

A needn’t have done B. didn’t have to do C. needn’t do D. mustn’t do

8. Don’t eat too much chocolate , or you can ______ weight quickly . A. put back B. put away C . put up D. put on

9. He has ______ little education that he finds it impossible for him to be

equal to _____ important a task . A. so; such B such; so C. so;so D. such ;such

10.The passenger was tired and walked more slowly ,but he got home _______ . A. after all B . at all C. above all D. in all


When I was in Germany, one day at Christmas-time I went to a post office to send a letter. To my 1 , I found people queuing (排队) some paces away from the person at the savings deposit window. 2__ so? Each did his business _3_ but the line never moved a step _4 , I was very __5 , so I walked to the window to find out the cause. There was a notice on which was written “Thank you for your __6 for other’s privacy (隐私)”—a polite 7 to keep people away from nosing into other’s 8 __(money matters are regarded as privacy in Western countries). I was deeply impressed by the __9 _and stayed a while to watch: they were waiting so _10 _ at a distance that they seemed quite _11_ to the practice. The _12_ thing happened at a public telephone box. _13_ waiting for their turns always kept their distance—enough to be out of __14_. It’s another typical example! From then on I _15_ to watch their ways of doing things, manners, treatment_16 towards others. I found the Germans always mindful of other’s privacy. They avoided putting others in an embarrassing (窘迫)situation. For instance, they never _17__about age, incomes or the place to buy such a coat, _18 _ would they comment on the others or jewelry others wore. Their laws __19_ reading diaries or opening letters without permission. That shows_20_ matters are not allowed to be disturbed.

1. A. sorrow B. anger C. delight D. surprise 2. A. Why B. How C. What D. Where 3. A. in secret B. with care C. in turn D. by turns 4. A. slower B. nearer C. farther D. longer 5. A. curious B. angry C. interested D. impatient 6. A. care B. respect C. help D. search 7. A. voice B. phrase C. warning D. sentence 8. A. pockets B. savings C. needs D. affairs 9. A. word B. sight C. people D. matters 10. A. honestly B. anxiously C. nervously D. calmly 11. A. used B. familiar C. uncomfortable D. polite 12 A. interesting B. strange C. same D. different 13. A. They B. These C. Those D. That 14. A. sight B. hearing

C. touch D. question 15. A. went on B. took care C. paid attention D. took charge 16. A. moving B. shown C. facing D. offered 17. A. asked B. heard C. worried D. learned 18. A. so B. nor C. not only D. if 19. A. appreciate B. stop C. hate D. forbid 20. A. pubic B. personal C. small D. important 三.阅读理解

How Americans Began to Eat Tomatoes

People have strange ideas about food. For example, the tomato is a kind of very delicious vegetable. It is one of useful plants that can be prepared in many ways. It has rich nutrition and vitamin in it. But in the 18th century, Americans never ate tomatoes. They grew them in their gardens because tomato plants are so pretty. But they thought the vegetable was poisonous (有毒的). They called tomatoes “poison apples.”

President Thomas Jefferson, however, knew that tomatoes were good to eat. He was a learned man. He had been to Paris, where he learned to love the taste of tomatoes. He grew many kinds of tomatoes in his garden. The President taught his cook a way for a cream of tomato soup. This beautiful pink soup was served at the President’s party. The guests thought the soup tasted really good. They never thought their president would serve his honored guests

poison apples. Jefferson never spoke to his honored (忠实的) guests about the fact.

1. After you read the passage, which of the following do you think is true? A. Americans never ate tomatoes after they began to plant them. B. Americans didn’t eat tomatoes before 19th century. C. Even now Americans don’t eat tomatoes.

D. In the 18th century Americans ate a lot of tomatoes.

2. The passage tells us that Jefferson was a President who learned to love the taste of tomatoes _________. A. while he was in Paris B. when he was a little boy C. because his parents told him so D. from books

3. According to the text, _______ made the beautiful pink soup served at the President’s party? A. the President himself B. a French cook

C. the President’s cook D. the President’s wife

4. From the passage we know all the honored guests invited by Jefferson were ________.

A. people from other countries B. from France

C. people of his own country D. men only

5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. All of the guests knew the soup that was served at the President’s party