2020版英语高考新攻略江苏专用大一轮精练Module1 Unit3 Lookinggoodfeelinggood语境运用含答案 下载本文

Module 1 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good




1.Within a few days David became seriously ill, (遭受)great pain and discomfort. 2.The doctor suggests I should eat more fruit vitamin C and drink green tea. 3.As everybody knows, China is a (爱好和平的)country. 4.It is not how much you read but what you read that (重要).

5.She moved to London in the hope of looking for work as a model, but (失败). 6.The crowd (压)against the locked door, trying to get into the building.

7.If you (集中于) all your energy on studying English, you will master the language. 8.When he was recovering the illness, many friends went to see him. 9. You should make the most your spare time to do something useful.

10. I’ve never told this to anyone, but it’s true. I am terribly ashamed my mom. 11.She keeps fit by working for half an hour every morning.

12.Everyone (渴望) have a slim figure and so are you.

13.It counts much for teenagers to develop healthy eating habits (从长远来看).

14.What’s worse, the hair of some girls even begins to (脱落).

15.It’s not that difficult. (事实上),it’s quite easy.

答案 1.suffering 2.containing 3.peaceful 4.counts 5.failed 6.pressed 7.concentrate 8.from 9.of 10.of 11.out 12.is dying to 13.in the long term 14.fall out 15.As a matter of fact


1.Five of my foreign friends, you,have been invited to the outing.(include) 2.All classrooms are with computers, projectors, videos and broadcasting . (equip)

3.Making good of time means spending time in doing something good or instead of something or unnecessary. (use)

4.Although my grandpa is over seventy years old, he is . Whenever I see him, he is full of and never feels tired. (energy)

答案 1.including 2.equipped;equipment 3.use;useful;useless 4.energetic;energy



——她确实进步很大,你也一样。(so的用法) —Mary has made great progress recently.

— . 2.他不像其他人那样说话。(as引导方式状语从句) He does not speak . 3.不管发生什么,我们必须坚持实施我们的计划。(让步状语从句)

, we must insist on carrying out our plan. 4.我坐在炉火附近以便使自己更暖和一些。(keep的复合结构)

I sat near the fire in order to . 答案 1.So she has and so have you 2.as other people do 3.No matter what happens 4.keep myself warmer