牛津深圳英语六年级下2018版Unit 10 Great storybooks习题 下载本文

Unit 10 Great storybooks

课堂练习 一、单词拼写

童话(故事)__________ 更强大的___________ 成年人__________ 比__________ 众所周知的___________ 围巾_________ 脱掉__________ 吹掉__________ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Andersen __________(write) the stories.

2. Children around the world enjoy____________(read) his stories. 3. The Grimm brothers___________ (be) German writers. 4. They collected a lot of_______(story) ?

5. Most stories in this book_______(be) about animals. 6. I am________(strong) than you.

7. I can make the plants________(grow). 8. He began __________(laugh).

9. Are these pens ______(your)?Yes,they are. 三、选择填空。

( )1.--Where are the stories from?

-- They__________Aesop’s Fables. A.are from B.is from C.is come from

( )2.We can usually learn something_____ these stories.

A.from B.in C.at

( )3.It’s windy. Don’t let the wind__________ your hat..

A.take off B.blow off C.put on

( )4.It’s warm now.I want to _______ my coat.

A. put on B. blow off C. take off

( )5.It’s too cold. I’d like to _________ my coat.

A. Put on B.blow off C.take off

( )6._______adults _________children like these stories.

A. Both;or B.Both;and C.Between;and

( )7.Who is ________,Mr.Wind or Mr.Sun? A.strong B,stronger C.strongest 四、翻译下列句子

1. Children around the world enjoy reading his stories. 2. The Grimm brothers were German writers.

3. Aesop’s Fables is another great stories. 4. The animals in the stories can talk.

5. “See how hard I blow.”said Mr.Wind.

6. What’s your favorite story?. 1


判断句子是否符合短文内容,相符的写A, 不相符的写B。(共5小题,每小题1分) It’s Sunday. The weather is fine. The sun is shining. It isn’t too hot, and it isn’t too clod. There are a lot of people in the park. They’re having a good time.

Some people are walking around the lake. Others are sitting under the trees and seeing the scenery(风景). We can see many families. A lot of children are playing games on the grass.

Look, there are two Americans in the shop. They are buying something to eat. They’re from New York. They are living in China for half a year. They can speak a little Chinese. They teach English in a middle school. They are friendly. ( ) 55. It’s Saturday today.

( ) 56. There are lots of people in the park.

( ) 57.Some people are riding bikes around the lake. ( ) 58. The two Americans are from California. ( ) 59. The two Americans can speak a little Chinese.