电子科大19春《大学英语1(本科)》在线作业1 下载本文

A: taught B: teaches C: has taught D: is teaching 正确答案:

(单选题)14: — What will you buy for your boyfriend’s birthday? — I want to buy a _______ wallet for him. A: black leather small B: small black leather C: small leather black D: black small leather 正确答案:

(单选题)15: —The party is so wonderful. Thank you once more for inviting me. —____________________ A: Oh, you are leaving. B: I like the party.

C: Go now if you have time D: Thank you for coming. 正确答案:

(单选题)16: As the busiest woman there, she made _______ her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town. A: this B: that C: one D: it


(单选题)17: —What can I do for you? —______

A: I want a kilo of pears. B: You can do in your own way. C: Thanks.

D: Excuse me. I’m busy. 正确答案:

(单选题)18: Yesterday was _______ day that we decided to go swimming. A: such beautiful B: so beautiful C: such a beautiful D: a so beautiful 正确答案:

(单选题)19: How much has the company _______ this year? A: brought in B: brought down C: brought out D: brought on 正确答案:

(单选题)20: Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a ______ and disorder! A: mass B: mess C: guess D: bus 正确答案:

(单选题)21: Jane’s dress is similar in design ______ her siste’s. A: like B: with C: to D: as


(单选题)22: It is said that ______ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball. A: quite a lot B: quite a few C: quite a bit D: quite a little 正确答案:

(单选题)23: —Hello, may I talk to the director now? —______

A: Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B: No, you can’t. C: Sorry, you can’t D: I don’t know. 正确答案:

(单选题)24: She's the only child in her family, but they didn't really ______ her. A: hurt B: damage C: spoil D: harm


(单选题)25: I am _______ of money at the moment. Could you lend me some? A: short B: long C: need D: wanting 正确答案:

(单选题)26: — Do you mind changing seats with me? — _______

A: Yes, you can.

B: Of course, I like to. C: No, I don’t mind D: Certainly, please do. 正确答案:

(单选题)27: I don’t know the park, but it’s ______ to be quite beautiful. A: said B: told C: spoken D: talked 正确答案:

(单选题)28: What are you going to do?

A: I'm planning to go to the cinema with my friend. B: No, I'm not going to do it.

C: Thank you for asking me about it. D: Yes, I'll go. 正确答案:

(单选题)29: —We ordered 20 boxes of your products, but we have only got 19. —___________________ A: You do not have to B: It does not matter.

C: Sorry, we will send another tomorrow. D: Nothing serious. 正确答案:

(单选题)30: We should give the seat to _______ is old or sick. A: whom B: whoever C: who D: whose


(多选题)31: Do you know the date ______ I was born. A: which B: when C: on which D: what 正确答案:

(多选题)32: He’s determined to finish the job ______ long it takes. A: no matter B: however

C: no matter how D: whatever 正确答案:

(多选题)33: I don’t like the way ______ he talks. A: / B: that C: in which D: how 正确答案:

(多选题)34: Strict ______ measures have been taken during the President's visit. A: secure B: security C: safety D: save 正确答案:

(多选题)35: For a successful business, friendly and ______ staff are essential. A: sufficient B: effective C: efficient D: responsible 正确答案:

(多选题)36: --Did you remember to give Tom the key to the bike? --Yes,I gave it to him______I saw him. A: while B: once

C: immediately D: the moment 正确答案:

(多选题)37: The reason ______ he gave us is enough. A: that B: which C: when D: why 正确答案:

(多选题)38: The reason ______ he was late was unknown. A: why

B: for which C: that D: which 正确答案:

(多选题)39: We must learn to act in ways ______ do not harm other living things. A: which B: that C: in which D: how 正确答案:

(多选题)40: This is the way ______ he thought of to solve the problem. A: which B: that C: in which D: how. 正确答案:

(判断题)41: Only make efforts, you can get good results. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)42: Seeing is believing. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)43: He will going to travel by car. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)44: We should effort to overcome difficulties. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)45: many people think people succeed is because of luck. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)46: The boy ran to his mother cry A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)47: Being an honest man, Mr Wang worked very hard. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)48: It is no use crying over the spilt milk. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)49: Comparing with the bike, the car runs much faster. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案:

(判断题)50: The old man likes take a walk in the village after supper. A: 错误 B: 正确 正确答案: