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tune 曲调,曲子 v. tune in to sth. 收听 收看 overwhelm v.难以禁受,充溢;压倒,征服 搭配:be overwhelmed by/with grief 伤心至极

2.sepulchral adj. looking or sounding sad and serious 阴沉的,阴森的; connected with burying dead people, or graves or sepulchres 埋葬的

Eg: He spoke in sepulchral tones.

a sepulchral monument follow suit 赶潮流,学样; 跟牌 follow in sb?s footsteps 仿效某人

follow your nose 凭嗅觉指引;一直向前走;凭直觉办事

Paragraph 3-4 Key words



dealing in securities 证券交易 dealing in future 远期交易 dealing with 处理,对待

Eg Banks are still banned from dealing in securities, which

makes them weaker than they otherwise would be.







vi./vt. to throw or drop things in different directions so

that they cover an area of ground


Scatter the grass seed over the lawn把草籽撒在草坪上。 2、to move or to make animals or people move very quickly in


different directions 散开 驱散


At the first shoot,the crowd scattered.枪声一响,人群便逃散。 scatter over 四处放;散布在各处 Purchasers

n. 用户,购买者(purchaser的复数形式) vt. 1.

买,购买,购置: 2.

(用牺牲等)换取,换得: 例句:

They purchased life at the expense of honour.













not worth a day's (或 an hour's) purchase活不到一天(或一小



for instance 比如 for good and all永久地 for a while 暂时 for fear of 为了避免 for nothing

不要钱地,免费地;不花钱地 没有结果地,徒然;白白地 无缘无故地

They often quarrel for nothing. 他们经常?°无端?±争吵。



n. 讨价还价;交易;交涉

v. 讨价还价;交易(bargain的ing形式) adj.


All the workers are anxiously waiting for the result of the new

round of pay bargaining.






leisurely ['le??li]


not hurried or forced 例句:

at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace






in an unhurried way or at one's convenience 例句:

he traveled leisurely





Father leisurely sits on the boat fishing while Son is writing

something aside.



?preliminary [pri'limin?ri]


n.a preliminary is an action or event that is done in

preparation for sth.预备性措施


Research will be needed as a preliminary to taking a decision




happening before a more important action or event 预备性的

初步的 开始的


After a few preminilary remarks he announce the winners.说了



narrow down v..

1 define clearly 2 become more special

The river narrows down from here. 河道从这儿开始变窄了。

Can you at least narrow down the time of death? 能不能起码缩小一下死亡时间?


beat down v.

1. persuade the seller to accept a lower price 2. shine hard

3. dislodge from a position

The sun beat down on our necks and backs. 太阳直射在我们的脖子和背上。 The sun beat down all day.