新版PEP人教版五年级下册英语教案 下载本文

T: Do you know another season? 引出summer, autumn(反复教读单词) 4) Let’s learn.

S1: Spring. It’s warm and sunny.

T: Which season do you like best? S2:Summer.I can go swimming every day. … 反复操练并让学生掌握该句型。

5) 、Listen to the tape,分角色读Let’s learn. 请学生翻译句子。 Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟) 1、Role- play:


S1: Which season do you like best? S2:Spring/….I can … 反复练习。 2、Read and match:Read and choose the right pictures. Step 4. 达标检测(用时7分钟)


A. summer ( ) B. winter ( ) C. autumn ( ) D. spring ( ) E.season ( )

1._____ 2.______ 3._____ 4.______ 二、根据提示,把下图中的树画完,并完成句子(课后做)。

winter summer spring autumn

What’s the weather like in spring? It’s_____.(A. warm B. cold) What’s the weather like in summer? It’s______.(A. hot B. warm) What’s the weather like in autumn? It’s_____.(A. cool B. cold) What’s the weather like in winter? It’s_____.(A. hot B. cold)


1. What’s the weather like today? A. 我每天都能去游泳。 2. Today is cold. B. 冬天是白色的。

3. I can go swimming every day. C. 你最喜欢哪个季节? 4. Winter is white. D. 今天很冷。

5. Which season do you like best? E. 今天天气怎么样? 学生小结:这节课我学到了__________________________________ Step 5.布置当堂作业


板书标题 Unit 2 My favourite season 板书内容设计:

spring summer autumn winte Which season do you like best? 教学反思:

Period 2 Section A Let’s try Let's talk P14

Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 能听懂Let’s try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。 2. 听、读Let’s talk部分,运用核心句子“Which season do you like best?”“Spring/Winter/….It’s pretty/Ilike snow/…”来谈论最喜欢的季节,并变换单词,分角色练习对话,说出简单的理由。 Important &difficult points(重难点)

3. 掌握句型“Which season do you like best?”并能在实际情境中运用。 4. 能正确回答“Which season do you like best?”并能说出喜欢的理由。 导学探究

Step1 : 预习温故(用时8分钟) 1. Review “the weather”. What’s the weacher like?

It’s warm /hot/cool/cold/sunny/windy/snowy/….并让学生说出划线部分单词意思。 2. Review the words.

season,spring, summer, autumn, winter 并将单词带入句型中去复习:

T: Which season do you like best? Ss: Spring. It’s warm./…(用同样句式复习其他单词)反复操练此句型。

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)。 1. Let’s talk.

1) 学习重点单词、短语和句型:beautiful—It’s very beautiful. pretty—It’s pretty.(教师可以自己找一找并板书) 2) Listen to the tape and read the dialogue . 3) 学生自读课文,并根据课文回答提问: T: Which season do you like best?

Ss: Winter/…. I like snow./It’s pretty. 反复操练几个句型,让学生掌握。


2. Let’s try.What is the weather like today?Listen and write. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时6分钟)


T: What is the weather like today? Ss: It’s warm/….

T: Which season do you like best? Ss: Spring/….也可分小组练习对话。 3. Teach the song“What’s your favourite season?” Step 4. 达标检测(用时6分钟)


A. 哪一个 B. 最好地 C. 雪 D. 季节 E. 春天 F. 夏天 G. 秋天 H. 冬天

spr_ ng ( ) s_ _son ( ) wint_ _ ( ) wh_ch ( ) b_st ( )

_ _tumn ( ) s_mmer ( ) sn_ _ ( ) 二、把你所听到的句子进行排序。 A. Yes. It’s very beautiful.

B. Which season do you like best, Wu Yifan? C. Winter. I like snow. D. Do you like the music? E. What about you?

F. Spring. It’s pretty.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ 三、选词填空,并读一读。

1. _____ season do you like best? A. Which B. What 2. I like ______(秋天) best. A. summer B. autumn 3. I can go _____ every day. A. swim B. swimming

学生小结:这节课我学到了__________________________________ Step 5.布置当堂作业 熟读并背诵本课对话。 板书标题 Unit 2 My favourite season 板书内容设计:

What is the weather like today? Ss: It’s warm/….

Which season do you like best? Ss: Spring. It’s warm./…. 教学反思:

Period 3 Section B Let’s learn Ask and answer P18 Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 能掌握动词短语:go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman。 2. 能掌握问句“Which season do you like best?”更详细的回答方式。 Important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 熟练掌握短语:go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman。

2. 能将本课重点短语运用到句型“I often go on a picnic/...with my family.”中去。 3. 能熟练回答“Which season do you like best?”并能说明理由。 导学探究

Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)

1. 开火车的形式拼读单词:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter。 2. 复习对话:

T: Which season do you like best?

Ss: Winter/…. I like snow./It’s pretty.反复操练巩固句型。 Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时17分钟)

1. Learn the phrases: go on a picnic, go on a picnic—I often go on a picnic. 用以上方式反复教其余词组:go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman. 2. Learn the sentence:

T: Which season do you like best? Ss: Spring. I often go on a picnic. 替换单词或词组反复操练此句型,让学生掌握此句型。 3. Listen to the tape and read it again.分角色读。 4. 师生互译短语和重点句子。

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)

1. Ask and answer: 两人一小组进行对话练习。

A: Which season do you like best? B: Winter. I often play in the snow. 用表格内的词组进行替换操练。 2. 学生灵活运用短语和句型去造句

I like spring. Ican plant flowers./I like summer. I can go swimming./...

Step 4. 达标检测(用时6分钟)

一、 选择正确的词组,并读一读、译一译。

A. go on a picnic( ) B. go swimming( ) C. pick apples( ) D. make a snowman( )

1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 二、为下列句子选择相应的答语。

( )1. Why do you like winter best? ( )2. When do you go to school?

( )3. What’s the weather like in autumn? ( )4. What do you do on the weekend? ( )5. Which season do you like best?

A. Summer. B. I often go shopping. C. It’s windy and cool. D. Because I can make a snowman. E. I go to school at 8 o’clock. 三、选择翻译正确的一项。 ( )1.我常常和我的家人一起堆雪人。 A.Which season do you like best? ( )2.到处都是美丽的花朵。 B. I can go swimming every day. ( )3.你最喜欢哪个季节。 C. I like spring best.

( )4.我最喜欢春天。 D.I often make a snowman with my family. ( )5.我每天都能去游泳。 E. There are beautiful flowers every where. 学生小结:这节课我学到了__________________________________ Step 5.布置当堂作业


板书标题 Unit 2 My favourite season 板书内容设计:Which season do you like best?

I like spring best.There are beautiful flowers everywhere. go on a picnic

I often go swimming . pick apples make a snowman 教学反思:

Period 4 Section B Let’s try Let’s talk P17

Learning aims(学习目标)

2. 能听懂Let’s try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。

3. 能正确回答为什么最喜欢这个季节,并能在情景中熟练运用这个句子。 Important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 重点掌握学习目标中的句型,要求学生能在真实的情景中运用。

2. 正确运用答句“Because I can…”。 导学探究

Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)

1、Sing a song“What’s your favourite season?”.

2、Review the phrase: go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman.

(板书:go on a picnic—I often go on a picnic with my family.让学生替换词组反复复习。) 3. Answer the question.

T: Which season do you like best? Ss: I like spring. It’s pretty. 反复进行替换练习,要求学生说出理由。 Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)

1) 学习重点单词、短语和句型,good job, because,…。(教师可以自己找一找,并板书) 2) Listen to the tape and read the dialogue . 3) 学生自读课文,并根据课文回答提问:

T: Which season do you like best? Ss: I like spring best.

T: Why? Ss: Because the weather is pretty. 反复操练几个句型,让学生掌握。

4) 请学生讲解重点句子,并对重点做好笔记。

5) Listen “let’s try”,Choose the right picture. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)

各组组长带领组员进行小组间分工讨论交流,并展示,学生评价后老师进行讲评。 1. Act “let’s talk”. 2. Try to write a dialogue. Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)


A. I like spring best because I can go on a picnic.

B. It’s hot. Let’s go swimming. C. Do you often pick apples? D. I usually make a snowman with my parents.

1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 二、给下列句子选择正确的翻译。

( )1. Which season do you like best, Mike? ( )2. Winter. ( )3. Why?

( )4. Because I like summer vacation!