PEP小学英语三年级下册第二单元测试题 下载本文

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Class Name

Listening Part



二、听音,判断下列各图与听到的内容是否一致,是的画 ,否则画 。(12%) 1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5. 6.

( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 听音,选择与你听到的内容相符的图片,在其序号下打“√”。(10%)

Writing Part( 60% )

1. 根据动物的姿势,写出相应字母的大小写形式。(6%)

2. 找出下列不同类型的单词,将序号写在题前的括号里。(10%) ( )1. A. siter B. brother C. girl ( )2. A. mother B. man C. woman ( )3. A. grandpa B. great C. grandma ( )4. A. duck B. fifteen C. twelve

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( )5. A. egg B. hot dog C. dad 3. 根据图片提示,用he或she填空。(10%) 1. —Who’s this man? — is my father.

2. —Who’s this girl?

— is my sister.

3. — Who’s that women?

— is my mother.

4. — Who’s this boy?

— is my brother.

5. — Who’s that man?

— is my grandfather.

4. 找出A组句子的答句,用线连起来。(10%)


1. Is she your grandmother? a. Nice to see you, too!

2. Zoom, How nice! b. Great.

3. Where are you from? c. No, my sister.

4. Let’s watch TV. d. Thank you.

5. Nice to see you again! e. I’m from England.

6.将下列几句话按正确的顺序排列(晴用ABCDE填写)。(10%) ( )No, my mom. And this is my grandmother. ( )Who’ s this girl? ( )They are beautiful! ( )Is’ s she your sister? ( )Guess! ( )Thank you.

7. 根据实际情况选择正确的答句,将序号填在题前的括号里。(10%) ( )1. 在游船上玩耍的时候,Mike看到一只大鱼跳出水面,他惊叹道: A. This is a fish. B. What a big fish! C. How funny!

( )2. 我要问“那位男士是谁?”,应该说:

A. Who’s that boy? B. Who’s this man? C. Who’s that man?

( )3. 小红刚刚认识了Sarah的妈妈,她应该说:

A. Nice to see you again! B. Nice to meet you. C. Hello!

( )4. “我爱爸爸妈妈!”用英语说应该是:

A. I love my father and mother. B. This is my father. C. I like my mother.

( )5. 向别人介绍自己的新朋友Amy,可以说:

A. That is my new friend, Amy. B. Who’s this girl? C. This is my new friend, Amy.