最新职高高一英语期末试卷及答案.dot 下载本文



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第一节 从题后所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案填写在答题纸上。 1. They found their home ______ most cheery place. A. the B. a C. / D. an

2. In the middle of the mountain ______ a ______ temple.

A. stand; alone B. stands; lonely C. stand; lonely D. stands; alone 3. ----I am not well today, and I want to go to see a doctor. ----I agree with you ______.

A. You can’t be too careful with your health B. It is not necessary to see a doctor C. Don’t care about it. D. I don’t believe in doctors.

4. Tom, you waste ______ time watching TV.

A. too many B. much too C. too much D. many too 5. ---- I’m sure David will be able to find the library. ---- He has a pretty good _____ of direction.

A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense

6. You will find the map of great ______ in helping you to get round London. A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness 7. Our teacher looked very ____ today. Can you tell me why?

A. exciting B. excitedly C. excited D. excite

8. Experts say that the reason ____ so many people died in the earthquake is ____ they didn’t know how to protect themselves.

A. why…because B. that…that C. why…that D. that…because 9. I have to go to work by taxi because my car ______ at the garage. A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired

10. I ______ you not to move my dictionary. You see, I can’t find it now. 精品文档


A. asked B. ask C. was asking D. had asked 第二节 从题后所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 11. --Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation? --___________. A. I’m glad you think so B. It all depends C. With pleasure D. That’s right

12. –Thank you for your coffee and tasty snacks. I’m afraid I have to go now. --OK. _______. A. Go slowly B. Stay longer C. See you D. That’s all right 13. –Do you want tea or coffee? --__________. I really don’t mind. A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither 14. –I’m terribly sorry I broke your glass. –___________.

A. That’s right B. Bad luck C. Sorry D. You can forget it 15. –Are you planning to study abroad after graduation?

–_________. My father is sick, so I need money to help him. A. No, I want to find a job

B. Yes, I’d like to get further education in the future C. Of course, I will. Knowledge is power. D. No, I will be homesick away from home 16. A: I think I’m running a temperature and I feel sick. B: Let me see. Come into the examination room, please.

The relationship between A and B is _________. A. teacher and student B. doctor and patient C. manager and secretary D. mother and daughter 17. –Could you help me with my luggage? --_________.

A. With pleasure B. It’s a pleasure C. Never mind D. That’s all right 18. –You’d better hand in your composition before six o’clock. --________! It will take me at least three hours to finish it.

A. I guess so B. You must be joking C. No problem D. That’s all right 19. --May I speak to Anna? –Sorry, she is not in. ______________ A. May I leave a message? B. Can I give a message? C. Would you like to leave a message? D. Can you receive her message? 20. Mike: Hello, Mike’s Service Station and Garage. Alice: This is Alice Green speaking. Is my car ready yet?

Mike: I’m afraid we haven’t been able to find out what’s wrong with it. I think you need a new car, Miss Green. Alice: Or maybe a new garage. 精品文档 精品文档

What can we learn about Alice Green?

A. She wants to buy a new car at once. B. She is pleased to have a new garage. C. She has had her car repaired already. D. She isn’t satisfied with Mike’s work. 21.

Peter: I like growing flowers and playing basketball. What about you? Sam: I’m crazy about keeping pets and swimming. What are they talking about? A. Swimming. B. Flowers. C. Basketball. D. Hobbies. 22.

Woman: Now that you are on the business, what’s your advice for someone to become a fashion designer? Man: Go to school. I mean it. Find a good school and learn as much as you can. What does the man mean?

A. Fashion designing is a booming business. B. School learning is a must for fashion designers. C. He hopes to attend a good fashion school. D. The woman should become a fashion designer. 23.

Man: What do you think of your new roommate? Woman: Well, she is a bit untidy, apart from that she is really sweet. Man: You should have some patience then. What’s the woman’s roommate like?

A. She’s patient. B. She’s nice. C. She’s tidy. D. She’s lazy. 24.

Man: Are you going on holiday with your brother again this year? Woman: Yes. He is coming home from Canada tomorrow.

Man: Where are you going?

Woman: I’ve already booked a hotel in Turkey. But my brother wanted to go to Italy. I hope he doesn’t mind. Where does the woman want to go on holiday? A. Turkey. B. Canada C. Italy. D. Nowhere. 25. Welcome to McDonald’s! Congratulations! You’ve been hired to work at the world’s most successful fast-food restaurant. In this video, we’ll teach you a few things that you need to know in order to be successful here. This talk is addressed to _________ McDonald’s. A. new staff in B. customers to C. visitors to D. manager in 第三节 从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 精品文档