出口贸易操作流程 下载本文


2007-08-16 16:38

1. 接单:XX公司贸易部在接到客户订单后,须将客户订单转化为公司内部订单;

Receive order, after xx trade company get the order, we should turn customers orders into our company 2. 订单评审:XX公司贸易部负责组织公司生产部、产品部及品检部相关人


3. order review, xx trade company is responsible for organizing

company production part, product quality inspection part and

4. the department of customer orders related to personnel assessment 5. the major assessment issues ,including production

functionalityand quanlity requirement, production ,packing requirement and delivery date and so on .

3. 签订销售合同:XX公司贸易部根据订单报价制作销售合同,由客户首先签字盖章回传后,再由公司领导签字后加盖公章;

4. 编制出口计划:XX公司贸易部根据公司生产部编制的生产计划制定出口计划,生产部如果变更生产计划,须及时通知公司贸易部,以便贸易部及时与客户沟通出口计划变更情况;

5. 订单跟踪:XX公司贸易部在编制完出口计划后,需积极跟踪生产部门的生产状况以确保货物按时、准确地发出。如果遇到不能按时交货状况,须将信息及时反馈给客户并做出相应调整;

6. 订仓:在与公司生产部沟通确认交货日期后,贸易部应在交货日期前5日内根据核算的货物数量以及体积,制作订仓委托单并转到贸易策划室处安排订仓准备事宜。如果要取消订仓,需要在拖货日期前2天内通知相应货代及贸易策划室及时安排相关事宜(如核销单、代理报关委托书、通关单等的准备和办理等)。一般情况下,定仓分为如下两种情况:

a) 指定货代:一般适用于FOB价格条款以及部分CIF条款下货物。若为指定货代,则XX公司贸易部需事先与客户进行沟通,确认指定货代详细信息,并转贸易策划室进行备案统计;

b) 自订货代:一般适用于CIF价格条款下货物。货代由贸易策划室根据市场以及服务价格等选择决定,贸易策划室负责通知XX公司其所选定货代具体情况;

7. 货物出运:XX公司贸易部根据所定货柜尺寸以及货物实际情况编排托盘清单,并将该清单转交生产部落实。生产部在排托盘过程中发现问题须及时与贸易部进行沟通整改。发货前,贸易部需制作出货单,由XX公司负责人签字后转交仓库管理员盘点备货。对于出口货物需报检的,贸易部还需提前准备报检产品对应装箱单、发票和合同以便在货物出口报关前办理好通关单;

8. 报关:XX公司贸易部根据实际发货数量编制、准备报关单据(发票、装箱单、报关单等)后转交贸易策划室,加盖XX公司报关章、业务章、签名章后统一进行报关;

9. 开票:报关完成后,XX公司贸易部将盖章报关发票转交公司财务人员开立出口货物销售统一发票;

10. 准备议付资料:货物发运后,XX公司贸易部根据相关数据以及客户要求确认提单,并着手准备客户要求的提单、原产地证、发票、装箱单、重量单、保险单等相关议付资料;

11. 交单:贸易策划室负责收集整理公司所有议付单据,统一进行审核后,将根据付款条款及要求将交易所寄出或进行银行交单;

12. 收款:根据销售合同之付款条款和期限,XX公司贸易部应及时跟踪货款回收状况以确保后续工作的有效运行。如客房未按规定时间付款公司贸易部须及时报告主管上级;

13. 核销:贸易策划室在货物出口后,负责跟踪查询各单口岸电子信息、报关单的退回以及交单工作,并将口岸电子信息以及报关单的出口退税联转交XX公司财务室准备办理退税手续。按照国家相关法规定,公司报关单退单期限一般为3个月。XX公司贸易部根据回款和退单情况,在核销系统上将相关核销数据匹配后转交贸易策划室统一到外汇局办理核销手续,公司核销期限一般为3-6个月;

14. 退税:核销完成后,贸易策划室负责将出口收汇核销单出口退税专用联转交XX公司财务室办理退税,完成整个货物出口流程。


刚做外贸的时候什么也不懂 还好有福步一直与我为伴 今天我也把自己的一点总结贴在这个大家庭 希望能对福步里的兄弟姐妹有所帮助!

一、 get the inquiry---reply the inquiry ensure the product's name ,size, item No, quantity, company, delivery, payments, packing specification, container type . Profomal Invoice give the formal quotation---get the formal purchase order---ensure the order then arrange the production-(if the customer can ensure the payment as below,) about the terms of the payment:

(1) if the customer choose T/T: ensure the 30% deposit has been received, then we can send the goods

(2)if choose L/C: ensure the L/C has been received before the delivery date one month, then the salesmen and the merchandiser check it. make sure the delivery (3)if choose D/A: should get the confirmation by the manager


1、before one week of the delivery, notify the inspector inspect the goods.

2、if the customer ask the SGS ,we should contact the SGS before two weeks of the delivery. fix a time then notify the factory

三、make the basic documents

P/L,C/L,M/L supplied by the factory ,then the salesmen make it

四、have the goods inspect by the China Commodities Inspection Bureau, should get the commodities inspection certificate before one week of the delivery.

五、reserve the warehouse

1、if FOB the customers will charge the logistics ,then we will contract with the logistic, send the ING ORDER to the logistic before two weeks

2、if the freight prepaid by the exporter, also should contract with the logistic .send the ING ORDER before two weeks

3、if send the ING ORDER. we should fax the quantity, type of the container, board date ,port of the destination to the logistics company

六、arrange the counter drag, fax a loading material to the factory marked loading time, type of the container, warehouse No., car's No, driver's TEL.

七、 custom declaration, get the transport documents

八、all the documents (B/L, C/I ,M/I,C/O ,P/L) c/o = certificate of origin 产地证 b/l = bill of loading 提单

B/L: p/l ,p/d ,shipper ,consignee ,ocean vessel/voyage ,type of the move ,notify party ,shipping marks ,free detention , container No. weight ,measurement ,seal No,,

C/I: the declaration should as the same as the L/C, also include goods' size, quantity, unit price, amount (the description of the goods)

M/I: the same as the C/I—commercial invoice 商用发票

P/L= packing list : container No. ,grade ,product name /code ,No of Ctns, Qty.

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