2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第2部分专题复习巧点拨专题7书面表达对点训练新人教版 下载本文






支持者的观点 1.既然是开放式公园,宠物狗可以跟着主人进出公园 2.…… 1.有人不负责任,让宠物狗乱跑,给他人带来安全隐患 2.…… …… 反对者的观点 你的意见或建议 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

Nowadays more and more people are keeping pet dogs and some of them often walk their dogs in open parks._____________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 参考范文

Nowadays_more_and_more_people_are_keeping_pet_dogs_and_some_of_them_often_walk_their_dogs_in_open_parks.But opinions about whether pet dogs are allowed into parks are divided.

Some in favor of it hold that everyone has access to parks,even those panying pet dogs.Meanwhile,as long as dogs are under control,they will do no harm to the public.Others,however,believe some irresponsible people let their dogs alone,leaving them running freely,which sometimes is scary,especially for the old and the young.What's worse,some owners leave the pets' waste behind,making it disgusting.

Personally,I'm greatly convinced that pet dogs shouldn't be brought into parks.On the one hand,not walking dogs in parks can spare much trouble for the

owners—after all,not everyone likes dogs.On the other hand,parks are public to humans,not to dogs,so the public have every reason to reject dogs.



1.同情他的处境; 2.帮他分析遇到的问题; 3.给他提出一些建议。 注意:1.词数100左右;

2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Frank,

I am Li Hua.I am sorry to know from your email that

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I hope my advice would be of use to you.

Yours, Li Hua

参考范文 Dear_Frank,

I_am_Li_Hua.I_am_sorry_to_know_from_your_email_that you're having such a bad time at the moment.I am writing to offer you some advice.

Actually many of us may meet some problems in our life.So we should face them bravely.You tell me that you are laughed at by your classmates for your obesity.That is why you feel frustrated these days.I would advise you not to care about what others say about you.If you were not bothered by what they say,they might stop making fun of you.Besides,you'd better expend some time in taking exercise so that you can lose weight.Nothing is more important than good health.



Li Hua




1.(xx·江西红色七校一联) The young man wanted to help the dog,________ as he approached, the dog started to bark.

2.(xx·山东东营下学期一模) During the first three years children learn the basic skills they will use in all their later learning both at home ________ at school.

3.(xx·山东烟台3月诊断)The teacher,Sanela, agreed almost immediately, ________on the first day of school,she noticed Zejd sitting all by himself, unable to municate with any of his classmates.

4.(xx·山东青岛一模) They quickly gave me the gun ________ asked me if I had heard the tiger.

5.(xx·北京顺义期中) The number of people invited was fifty, ________ a number of them were absent for different reasons.

6.(xx·北京顺义期中)Let's keep to the point ________ we will never reach any decision.

7.(xx·山东泰安一模)Count,but never stop ________ you find the tenth. 8.(xx·安徽安庆重点中学模拟)There are several reasons for sleep.We sleep ________ we need to dream.

9.(xx·浙江杭州一次质检)________there was no conclusive evidence,most people thought he was guilty.

10.(xx·陕西西工大附中第四次训练)More and more people are willing to shop online to get what they want,and I am one of them.I just can't help buying things ________ I need them or not.

答案 1.but/yet 2.and 3.but/yet 4.and 5.but 6.or 7.until/before 8.because

9.While/Although/Though 10.whether Ⅱ.单句改错

1.His face turned red but offered one seat to the woman at once.____________

2.Whatever interesting the film is,I won't waste any time on it.____________ 3.My brother doesn't study very hard,and he always gets excellent grades.____________

4.One evening we were having a party while the phone rang.____________ 5.On Monday,Mary was energetic but active in class.____________ 答案 5.but→and


My classmate Michael studied very hard 1.________ he went to senior school. Every day he worked 2.________ everyone else in my class left theclassroom. He said he wouldn't stop trying 3.________ he got satisfying scores in his studies. Hard 4.________he tried, he made little progress.But he didn't lose heart at all 5.________ he believed as long as he persisted he would succeed one day.6.________ time went by, he made improvements in his studies and he was admitted to a university in Beijing at last. We had a get-together party 7.________ we started our new life in university. Everyone had got offers from universities,8.________ we had a very good time. When we stood 9.________ we used to play and study, we couldn't help thinking of our happy old days. We believed we would never forget each other,10.________ we would go or whatever we would do.

答案 1.after 2.until 3.unless 4.as/though 5.because/as 6.As 7.before 8.so 9.where

10.wherever Ⅳ.短文改错

On the first day of her new job, Alice arrived in a quarter to nine. She took the lift to the eleventh floor, and the secretary showed her which her desk and her puter were. She talked to the man seating near her, or he was not friendly. Then, a boss came in, giving her a pile of reports. To her surprise, he was not the man had interviewed her. He introduced him as Tim.She tried to finish the work that day, so everything was confusing. After work, she left the office and went back to the lift. On the tenth floor, she met John, which had interviewed her. “Alice, I thought you were starting with us this morning,”He said. “My god!” she sudden realized, “I was in the right office all day!”


On the first day of her new job, Alice arrived in a quarter to nine. She took


1.but→and 2.Whatever→However 3.and→but 4.while→when

the lift to the eleventh floor, and the secretary showed her which her desk and her


puter were. She talked to the man seating near her,or he was not friendly. Then,



a boss came in, giving her a pile of reports. To her surprise, he was not the man ∧ had interviewed her. He introduced him as Tim.She tried to finish the work



that day,so everything was confusing. After work, she left the office and went back


to the lift. On the tenth floor, she met John,whic h had interviewed her. “Alice,


I thought you were starting with us this morning.”He said. “My god!” she sudden


realized, “I was in the right office all day!”
