2018江苏高考英语考纲每天50个词汇全测全练 word版 8 下载本文



1.strengthen between…加强…之间的纽带关系

with sb建立互信关系create a relationship of trust with sb 2.shelter from the rain b a tree在树下避雨(under) 3.for the /good of为了…利益 (=in the interests of)

4.be of b /advantage to对…有益(be b to)be to ones b /advantage对某人有利(in sb’s favor)

5.bit bit一点一点地,逐渐地(little by little,gradually) 6.not a 一点也不(not in the least/not at all) 7.She is a dancer birth.天生;生来(by nature) 8.turn a eye to视而不见turn a deaf ear to/ignore 9.feel /depressed/sad感到郁闷

10. off 更加富裕 worse off 日子每况愈下 11.can’t be 再好不过.b the environment改善 12. b /leak/(let out)/give away the secret泄漏秘密 13.give to 生(孩子),产(仔)

14.the passengers on 飞机上的乘客 15. up one’s body强身健体

16. optimism/admiration盲目乐观/崇拜 17. follow one’s example盲目效仿某人 18. one’s belt勒紧裤腰带,省吃俭用 19. sb使某人受益 20.benefit sth 受益于

21.be to for sth应该承担某事责任

22.blame sb sth/blame sth sb把责任推到某人身上=lay the blame on sb. cf:scold sb for sth因某事责备某人

23.be on doing sth决心做某事(be determined to do) 24.three away 3个街区的距离

25. one’s view/way挡住视线,去路 The exit is up出口被堵塞 26.a /puzzled look感到迷惑的表情 go 变得空白

fill in this form填写空表格 二、认词(组)+语境想象

1. fill one's belly 2. do one's bit 3. be blessed with 4. beside/off the point一一to the point

5. a block of wood/stone 6. remove a road block 7.a sense of belonging 8. fasten your safety belt 9. beyond compare/praise/limit/words/one’s ability 10. the bonus distributing principle


11.be bent with age 12.betray sb’s hope/live up to sb’s hope 13.a notice board 14.lower blood pressure 15.receive a heavy blow 16.blow up the bridge/balloon 17.body and soul 18.keep body and soul together 19.black and blue 20.at best(=at most) 21.a wet blanket 22.I bet!; cf:you bet! 23.a board of directors 24.full/half board 三、用方框里的单词或词组完成句子(①可重复使用;②注意形式) beyond words; beyond; betray; be to blame; lay the blame on; build a …bond with; better; you bet; I bet; for the benefit of 1.Everybody was touched after they heard her moving story.

2. the minimum requirements as social beings, chimps(黑猩猩)have little instinct(本能)to help another.

3.We all know clearly the immediate future, which, however, it is hard to tell what lies.

4.The behavior of building users at least partly for the weather change. 5.What a mess! You are always so lazy! I not , mum. I am what you have made me.

6.One thing is certain about globalization---there is no turning back. The challenge now is finding a way to a kind of globalization that works all. 7.The report shows more people now die from being overweight, or say, from being extremely fat,

than those being underweight. It’s the good life that is more likely to kill us these days. Some ________________Americans complaining that pounds have piled on thanks to eating too much American-style fast food.

8.If you have been ,you are the victim of your circumstance. But there is a difference between a victim and living with a “victim mentality”.(live with忍受;mentality心态) 9.Engineer by day, Loe learned cooking at night school to her cooking skills.

10.If you’d like to powerful your garden, start by taking some time to recall the gardening of your youth then work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden.(translate…into使…转化成) 11 .-----“Are you nervous?”

------“ After all, this is the first time that I will take such an exercise.”

12.----“Financial worries cost me many sleepless nights.” -----“ But I’m sure you’ll get over the problem soon.”