北师大版高中英语必修2Unit5教案《1 Performance》教学指导 下载本文

《1 Performance》教学指导


■ To practise the vocabulary relating to concerts and performance. ■ To read and understand a concert review. ■ To practise using will for decisions.

■ To practise using time clauses with as soon as, when, before... and clauses of concession with although/though.

Resources used

Cassette, Grammar Summary 3. Mini-Grammar 3

Possible problems

Students may have problems remembering to use the Present Simple in time clauses for the future instead of will.


Alanis Morissette? C the Canadian rock singer, has won Grammy Awards for Best Rock Song and Best Rock Performance.

Routes through the material

■ If you are short of time, set some of the exercises for homework and omit Exercises 5 and 12. ■ If you have time, do the Options activities.

■ If you have two periods for this lesson, a suitable natural break is after Exercise 5.

Language Power: pages 66?C67. Mini-Grammar: 3.


Before you start

Exercise 1 Key Words

The Concert ?C the music, the singing, the guitar, the drums, the lighting, the special effects, the stage design,

the sound, the songs, the words

Adjectives ?C boring, brilliant, exciting, fantastic, poor, quite good, really loud, disappointing, extraordinary, clear, unclear

■ Read through the Key Words with the class.

■ Ask students to talk about concerts they have watched? C encourage them to say as much as possible and to give their opinions. Read to learn

Exercise 2


■ Students read through the titles (a? Cd) and guess the order.

Then they read the concert review and see if their guesses were correct

Answers 1 d 2 c 3 b 4 a

Exercise 3

■ Students can compare their answers in pairs before checking the answers as a class. Answers

1 Yes, because it was the performance of a real star. 2 They enjoyed it very much? C they loved the concert. 3 The concert hall was cold and the sound was sometimes poor. 4 Jagged Little Pill 5 anger, love and joy

Exercise 4

■ Students work in pairs, reading the text and finding the words. Answers 1 audience 2 album 3 extremely 4 throughout 5 fan

■ Ask students to look at the text again and to describe the songs “Everything But …” and “Heartache”.

Exercise 5

In groups, students discuss the possible reasons why pop music and rock ’n’ roll are loved by many young people.

Students also discuss which performers they would like to hear at a live concert and give reasons. Each group reports their discussion to the class. Have a class discussion if necessary.

Language Power: the Word Corner on page 67 gives further practice of concert vocabulary.


Exercise 6

■ Students listen to the telephone conversation on the cassette to find out who decides to pick up the tickets. Play the cassette twice if necessary.

Answers Sue

Tapescript Sue: Hello.

Ricky: Hi, it's me. Are we still going to the concert on Saturday? Sue: Yeah, fine.

Ricky: I'll pick up the tickets at lunchtime tomorrow. No … I can't. I've got choir practice. I know. I'll go and pick them up as soon as school finishes.


Sue: You can't tomorrow. It's early closing. The ticket office closes early.

Ricky: You're right. Maybe my mum can get them. She works near the ticket office. I'll ask her when she gets back tonight.

Sue: I've got a better idea, Ricky. I'll go and get them now, before I go to the dentist …

Ricky: Oh, all right … but I said …

Sue: I have to rush, otherwise I won't have time. Byeee!

Exercise 7

■ Read through the sentences with the students.

■ Students then listen to the conversation again and note who says the sentences. Answers

1 Ricky 2 Ricky 3 Ricky 4 Sue ■ Play the cassette again, and ask:

Why can't Ricky pick the tickets up at lunchtime tomorrow? (He's got choir practice.)

Why can't he pick them up after school tomorrow? (The ticket office will be closed.)

Where does Ricky's mum work? (Near the ticket office.) Where is Sue going after she's got the tickets? (To the dentist.)

Exercise 8

■ Play the cassette again and ask students to listen for which verb form Sue and Ricky use when they make sudden decisions. Answers will

Exercise 9

■ In pairs, students read the sentence and decide what time the underlined part refers to? C the present or the future? Answers the future

■ Students then look back at the sentences in Exercise 7 and identify the linking words. Answers

as soon as when before

Exercise 10

■ Students read the sentences in pairs and underline the linking words