外贸英语函电第三章课后练习 下载本文

外贸英语函电第三章课后练习 第四题汉译英(前5句)

1. 贵公司已由英国伦敦商会推荐给我公司。

Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce, London, England.

2 按介绍,本公司是中国纺织品的主要出口商之一,经营此项业


This is to introduce ourselves as one of the main exporters of Chinese textile goods having many years’experience in this particular line of business, and we hope to establish trade relations with you..

3 感谢你9月10日的来信,希望就如下问题商讨开展业务的可能


We thank you for your letter of September 10 and would like to discuss the possibility of initiating business on the following items.

4 随函附上一本产品目录及价目表,以便使你方了解我方现有出


We enclose a catalogue and a price list to acquaint you witb our commodities now available for export.

5 你们寄给我驻巴基斯坦参赞处的信已转给我们办理,因为该项商品的出口由我公司专营。

Your letter addressed to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of Embassy


in Pakistan has been forwarded to us for attention ,as we exclusively handl the export of this article.

