牛津译林版七年级英语Unit7welcome 课时练习(有答案) 下载本文

七年级英语Unit7welcome 课时练习


1.It’s fun ________with my father.

A.goes fishing B.go fishing C.to going fishing D.to go fishing 2.What about something to drink? ________,please.

A.Some apples B.some tomatoes C.some oranges D.Some juice 3.Come here,Peter.I need you_________me.

A.to help B.help C.helps D.helping 4.Tom likes music.She often buys __________CDs with ________money.

A.lot of ; many B.lot of; much C.a lot of; much D.lots of; many 5.Please _________your coat with you when you go out. A.take B.bring C.put D.get 6.It’s very hot today.What about _________?

A.go swimming B.going swimming C.go to swim D. Goes to swim 7.Would you like friends _______you with your English?

A.help B.helping C.to help D.helped 8.He __________it by himself ,because his mother often does it for him.

A.needn’t to do B.doesn’t need to do C.doesn’t need not to do D.doesn’t has to do

9.The meat is ________cheap but you can’t eat_______.

A.much too; much too B.much too; too much C.too much; too much D.too much; much too

10. She has_______ money. She can buy _______things. A. lots of; much B. a lot of; much C. lot of; many 二、完形填空:

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods. Unluckily, two of them fell into a hole. When the other frogs saw how 1 the hole was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs didn’t _2__ them and tried to jump out of the hole with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to __3__. Finally, one of the frogs believed what the other frogs were saying and 4 . He fell down and died.

D. a lot of; lots of

The other frog continued to jump as 5 as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs shouted at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and 6 made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said,” Didn’t you 7 us?” The frog explained to them that he was_8 _. He thought that they were__9__ him all the time. This story teaches us two 10 : 1. There is power of life and death in 11 . An encouraging (鼓励的)word to someone who is 12 can lift him /her up and help him/her make it 13 the day. 2.A destructive(破坏性的) word to someone who is unhappy can be what it takes to 14 them.

Be careful of what you say. Speak life to these who cross your path . It is sometimes _ 15__ to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Remember, anyone can say words that can encourage another person to continued his/her way in difficult times.

1. A. wet B. round C. far D. deep 2. A. listen to B. look forward to C. move to D. turn to 3. A. leave B. jump C. try D. stop 4. A. broke up B. showed up C. gave up D. looked up 5. A. fast B. far C. gladly D. hard 6 A. quickly B. finally C. slowly D. possibly 7. A. hear B. see C. need D. know 8. A. cheerful B. great C. deaf D. surprised 9. A. laughing B. greeting C. frightening D. encouraging 10. A. example B. lessons C. sayings D. ways 11. A. lies B. stories C. words D. books 12. A. down B. relaxed C. bored D. angry 13. A. on B. around C. into D. through 14. A. help B. kill C. surprise D. hurt 15. A. easy B. strange C. hard D. surprising 三、翻译下列词组 1.沿着这条街

2.喜欢去购物 3.需要你拎所有的包 4.跟我来

5.一个新的购物中心 6.谈论购物 7.对音乐感兴趣 8.收集邮票 四、词汇运用:

1. Do you have a good___________ (主意)?

2. There is a _______(书店)near my school. I often go there to buy books. 3.This bike is a _______(礼物)from my uncle. 4. There is always a lot of money in his_______(钱包). 5. Please_______(搬)the chairs into the next room. 6. My brother likes collecting_______(邮票)very much. 五、阅读理解:

Laura is at the airport(机场). She is waiting for her plane to Berlin, and it is 4 hours away. Laura walks around the shops.

After an hour she wants to go to the bathroom. But she doesn't find it. “Where is the bathroom?” she says. She starts asking other people. Laura says to a man, “Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me where the bathroom is?” The man says, “You mean the restroom, right?” Laura says, “No, I mean the bathroom.” “Well, the restroom is over there,” he says and walks away.

Laura doesn't understand(明白). She asks a woman, “Excuse me, madam. Could you please tell me where the bathroom is?” “The restroom is over there,” the lady answers and walks away.

Laura is confused. “What's wrong? I need to use the bathroom and they tell me to rest!” Then Laura gives up(放弃). She feels tired and thinks she needs to rest.

She walks to the restroom. Now she is surprised. She realizes(意识到) the restroom is the name for a public(公共的) bathroom! 1. Laura will go to ________.