八年级英语上册 lesson 8 E-mail Helps教案 (新版)冀教版 下载本文

E-mail Helps

1. Remember the new words and phrases. 教学目标 2. Learn to talk about preferences. 3. Grammar: Present Perfect Tense. 教学重点 Grammar: Present Perfect Tense. Learn to talk about preferences. 教学难点 Grammar: Present Perfect Tense.学习句型变换。 教学方法 Listening, speaking, reading, writing and practice. 教学资源 Electronic whiteboard, Multimedia courseware, A recorder, PPT. 教学步骤 教 学 过 程 设 计 教 教师活动 Step 1.Analysis of the student. 1. Homework check. 2. Review: In last lesson, we talked about time .And we knew Jenny’s favourite subject. Then ask some Ss answers the questions: What is Brian’s favourite class? What is Present Perfect Tense? Step 2. Lead in. 1. Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly. Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say. 2. Ask some Ss talk about the following questions: Do you like to write e-mails or letters in English? Do your classmates help each other in class? How?Then ask some Ss translate the title. Step 3. New lesson. No. 1 Prepare lessons before class. Teach the new words and phrases. Make sure the Ss can read it correctly. No. 2 Text: Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary. At last, the teacher explains the text in Chinese, make sure the Ss can understand the 学生活动 Greet the students as usual and make sure they can response correctly. Listen to the recorder carefully. Ask the students To learn the Sentences by heart, and complete reading. 调整与思考 学 过 程 设 计 meaning of text. No. 3 Introduce the Past Participles. Be--was/were--been do--did--done Go--went--gone write--wrote--written No. 4 Review the grammar: Present Perfect Tense. Practice:现在完成时句型变换,否定句,疑问句并作 答。 1.I have written three e-mails in English today. 否定句: 疑问句: 作 答: Give the Ss 2.You have helped me a lot. chances to 否定句: use the 疑问句: language they 作 答: learnt in 3.She has helped me with my maths homework a lot. class and do 否定句: something 疑问句: they like. 作 答: No. 5 Finish the practice “Let’s Do It!” Step 4. Summary. Sum up the text what we learned, the new words, phrases, and sentences. Sum up the grammar. 1. Finish the activity book and the practice. 2. Copy the new words and phrases twice. Lesson 8: E-mail Helps! 1. New words and phrases: except, tonight, physical, runner, physical education. 2. Understand the meaning of text 作 业 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思