9年级上学期Unit8纠错试卷 下载本文

Unit 8 Detective stories 复习纠错卷2017\\12\\27


( )1. —Listen! Is that Millie playing the piano in the room? —No,it_________ be Millie.She__________ to London.

A. can’t;has been B. may not;went C. mustn’t;has gone D. can’t;has gone ( )2.You must know the woman ________ a red dress.

A. dressed

B. dresses up

C. wearing

D. wears

( )3. I didn't know which hook was better, so I took them_______. A. both B. all C. each D. none

( )4. The young man had some bad fish yesterday. __________, he felt sick this morning.

A. Because B. Because of C. As a result D. As a result of

( )5. Where and when _________ the robbery _______ place?

A. was, taken B. did, take C. has, taken D. has, been taken

( )6.He works hard, _______, he always comes first.

A. for example

B. as a result of C. with a result D. as a result

( )7.---Please don’t forget ______ to me, will you? --- ________. A. to write; No, I won’t B. writing; No, I won’t C. to write; Yes, I will A. broke out

D. writing; Yes, I will

( )8. Yesterday evening someone ________ the shop and took away lots of watches.

B. broke down C. broke in D. broke into B. some time C. sometime D. some times

( )9. The kidnapping happened ______ yesterday evening in Valley Town. A. sometimes

( )10. Many tourists are_________ by the beautiful view here every year. A. attracted B. arrested C. attacked D. accepted ( )11. __________ beautiful necklace! Who bought __________? A. How; it for you

B. What a; you it

C. What; it to you D. What a; it for you

( )12. They thought ______ wrong to choose him as a leader. A. it

B. that was

C. it is

D. that

( )13. The mother with her little son ______ at my home ________ that snowy night . A. were , at B. was , at C. were , on D. was , on ( )14. Who do you think is most________ the murderer? A. likely to be

B. like be C. likely be

D. like to be

( )15. The ________ man told us his past before he ________. His ______ made us sad. A. dead; dying; die C. dead; died; dying

B. dying; died; death D. dead; dying; death


( )16. The victim’s parents have offered a (n)_______ for any information that ______ to the

arrest of the murderer.

A. award; lead B. reward; leads C. award; to lead D. reward; lead ( )17. Do you often see her _______ fruit at the gate? A. selling B. sell C. to sell D. sold、

( )18. --When _____ your dog _______? —It ________ for two and a half days. A. was missing; had been missing

B. has gone missing; has gone missing

D. has been missing; went missing

C. did go missing; has been missing A. no one

B. none

( )19. Though there are lots of e-books in your computer, _______ is of any use.

C. nothing D. anything

( )20. He became a famous actor __________.

A. in the twentieth B. when he was twenties C. in his twenties D. in his twenty’s ( ) 21. The Chinese _______ in red when they get married. A. dressed B. are dressed C. wear D. are worn

( ) 22. It is reported that the victim was attacked _______ a gun_______ a short, fat man. A. by, with B. with, by C. for, to D. to, for ( ) 23. —What happened to him?

—He was_________ murder last week,

A. charged of B. guilty with C. arrested with D. guilty of ( ) 24. He was ______18-year-old young man. He was found______on the road. A. an; died B. a; dead C. a; dying D. an; dead ( ) 25. Ten years ______ passed. It's _______ long time.

A. have; a quite B. has; quite a C. is; very a D. have; a very


1. She broke the ______ (记录) of high jump at the sports meeting .

2. He is a man of great ________ (财富), and he is very generous to the poor. 3. Any person who does something ________ (违反)the law will be put into prison. 4.You _ ________ (呼吸) more slowly when you are asleep than you are awake. 5.The _______ (敌人) were afraid of us.

6. Eddie is always ________ (dress) like an office worker .

7. The hairdresser was charged with ______ (kidnap) the millionaire’s son. 8. The young superstar’s ______ (die)is a great loss to the film industry. 9. ________ (safe) is the most important thing in our daily lives. 10. His nose is _____ (blood). Maybe he should go to see the doctor. 11. One should not equal __________(wealth) with happiness.


12. You ________(呼吸) more slowly when you are asleep than you are awake. 13. He is an office worker of _________(中等) height.

14. It’s well-known that no __________(指纹) are the same in the world. 15. I can’t stand him. He is so __________(不整洁的). 三、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空

1. He was seen _______ his office at about 5:30, and after that, nobody knows where he has gone. (clean)

2. People must _________ (stop) from changing the wetlands into building. 3. Could you tell me when the meeting __________ (begin). 4. He __________ (visit ) many places of interest in the last 5 years . 5. Remember to wash your hands before __________ (eat) food . 6. Our teachers often warns us to pay attention to ___________(safe). 7. The policemen are checking the scene of the ___________(kidnap). 8. I had to stay at home because it was raining ____________(heavy) outside. 9. The coats and trousers with blood were those ____________(murder). 10. Eddie is very hungry because his food has gone ___________(miss). 11. The doctor has warned him not to move, or his cut will __________(blood). 六、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1. 没有人知道这个人到底靠什么生活.

No one knows what this man does _____ ______ ______. 2. 工作太多,休息太少常常导致疾病。

Too much work and too little rest often________ ________ __________. 3. 你能告诉我这家工厂开办多久了吗?

Could you tell me ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ _______? 4. Sandy足够随和, 能和所有邻居和睦相处。

Sandy is_____ ______ ________ ______ ______ ______ _______ all his neighbours. 5. 当我气喘吁吁地到那儿时,电影已经放映10分钟了。

The film ________ ______ ________ for ten minutes when I got there ________ _______ __________.

6. 正当我过马路的 时候,我看见一个老人躺在地上。

I _______ _______ ________ ______ ________ on the ground when I _________ _________the road.

7. 我不确定他是否在这儿结交了朋友。

I’m not _______ _______ he has _______ ______ friends here. 8. 警方正在检查现场,寻找别的线索。

The police are _______ the _______ _______ other _______.