2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修二讲义:Module+3+3.3及答案 下载本文


即学即练 ? 1.语法填空 ①When going for a walk, take along a small garbage bag. Should you come across waste paper thrown (throw) out of a passing car, pick it up. ②Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time spent (spend) with his students. ③To return to the problem of water pollution, I'd like you to look at a study conducted (conduct) in Australia in 2012. 2.完成句子 在事故中受伤的男孩被送到医院了。 The boy injured_in_the_accident was sent to hospital.(injure) [词语积累] ①at an early age 在很小的时候 ②from... till... 从……到……(till可换成to) ③lecturer n.(大学的)讲师 lecture n.讲座 ④from that time 从那时起 ⑤leading adj.最重要的,一流的;领先的,最前的 ⑥classical music 古典音乐 ⑦be famous for 因为……而著名 ⑧mix vt.使混合;调配 mix... with... 把……和……混合/结合起来 ⑨instrumentation n.器乐谱写 ⑩a member of ……的一员 ?independent adj.独立的 independence n.独立 ?work n.[C]著作,作品 ?play with sb.此处意为“和某人一起演奏”。 ?professor n.教授 Ye Xiaogang Ye Xiaogang, who was born in 1955, is one of a group of Chinese composers known as the New Tide. 【1】 He writes symphonies and pieces for smaller groups of musicians. He also writes film music. He 9 / 19


showed musical ability at an early age① and began studying piano when he was four years old【2】. 【1】本句为复合句,句中who was born in 1955为who引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰Ye Xiaogang;后面的known as the New Tide为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰a group of Chinese composers,它可以转化为定语从句that/who are known as the New Tide。 【2】此处为when引导的时间状语从句。 From 1978 till② 1983, he studied at the Central Conservatory of Music of China. After graduation, he worked there as a lecturer③. In 1985, there was a concert of Ye Xiaogang's symphonies in Beijing. From that time④, he has been one of the leading⑤ modern composers of Chinese classical music⑥. In 1986, his album Horizon appeared and his music was played at the First Contemporary Chinese Composers' Festival in Hong Kong. He is famous for⑦ mixing⑧ Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation⑨. Ye is a member of⑩ the Beijing music group Eclipse. Eclipse is perhaps the first independent? music group in China which plays works? by modern Chinese composers. In November 1996, the group played with? Italian musician Enrico Rava at the Beijing International Jazz Festival. Ye Xiaogang has received many prizes, in China and in other countries. Since 1993, he has worked part of the time in Beijing and part of the time in the US.【3】 He's a professor? of music at the Central Conservatory of Music of China, and composes pieces for the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. 【3】句中Since为介词,意为“自……以来”,其所在的句子用了现在完成时。 [课文翻译] 叶小钢 叶小钢,出生于1955年,是著名的“新潮流”中国作曲家群体中的一员。他为一些小型音乐家团体创作交响乐和(其他)曲子,他也创作电影音乐。很小的时候他就表现出了音乐才能,4岁便开始学习钢琴。 1978年到1983年期间,他在中国中央音乐学院学习。毕业后,他留校当了一名讲师。 1985年,叶小钢交响乐音乐会在北京举办。从那时起,他便成10 / 19






1.The singer's new album (专辑) is very popular.

2.After graduation, he worked as a lecturer (讲师) in a college. 3.The band (乐队) consists of 5 young people.

4.I can't understand what he said, because it's complex (复杂的). 5.He is often influenced (影响) by other people.

6.If a song is catchy (动人的), people remember it very easily. 7.I have recorded (录音) what my daughter said. 8.I don't know the tune (曲调) to this song. 9.Lang Lang is a solo (独奏) pianist.

10.As we know, oil and water don't mix (混合). Ⅱ.语法填空

1.This mobile phone is very expensive. I can't afford to_buy (buy) it.

2.Students can sometimes mix study with pleasure. 3.Thank you for offering (offer) to help, but I can manage it myself. 4.—Are you going to offer your seat to me? —No way, man! I'm so tired. 5.To make a living, Tom tried writing (write), painting (paint) and various other things, but failed in all.



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It is clear that the Internet has_a_great_influence_on our everyday life. 2.我们有时能把工作和娱乐结合起来。 We can sometimes mix_work_with pleasure. 3.他上课有记笔记的好习惯。 He has a good habit of making/taking_a_note/notes_of what his teachers say in class. 4.学生们对他的演讲方式印象深刻。 The students were deeply impressed by the_way_he_made_the_speech. Ⅳ.短文改错 One day I happened to find a chat room on QQ, where people were chatting in English. I tried to chat some of them. To my surprise, I find that the spoken English of some junior students was better than me. I asked them for advices and they told me to practice more on QQ. But every day after school I would spend one hour practice my spoken English on QQ. Day after a day I learned much useful words and expressions. As time going by, I found that I could even communicate with some college students free. 答案: One day I happened to find a chat room on QQ, where people were chatting in English. I tried to chat ∧ some of them. To my surprise, I withfind that the spoken English of some junior students was better than foundme. I asked them for advices and they told me to practice more on mineSomanyadviceQQ. But every day after school I would spend one hour practice practicingmy spoken English on QQ. Day after a day I learned much useful words and expressions. As time going by, I found that I could even wentcommunicate with some college students free. freely 课时作业(九) Module 3 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.It's up to you. Don't let me influence (影响) your decision. 2.Rock and roll bands (乐队) never sing ballads. 3.The Beatles sold more albums (专辑) than any other rock band. 12 / 19