外研版八年级下册英语课文电子版新 下载本文

Module 1

Unit 1 It smells delicious 3 listen and read.

Tony: Mm…What a delicious smell! Your pizza looks so nice.b5E2RGbCAP Betty: Thanks! Would you like to try some?

Tony: Yes, please, it looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, it tastes good.p1EanqFDPw Darning: What’s that on top?

Betty: Oh, that’s cheese. Do you want to try a piece?DXDiTa9E3d Darning: Ugh! No, thanks. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell fresh. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour.RTCrpUDGiT Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. Have a try!5PCzVD7HxA Darning: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle.jLBHrnAILg Tony: Are you cooking lots of different things? You look very busy!xHAQX74J0X Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now I’m making an apple pie and a cake.LDAYtRyKfE Darning: Apple pie sounds nice, I have a sweet tooth, you know. Shall I get the sugar?Zzz6ZB2Ltk Betty: Yes, please. Oh, are you sure that’s sugar? Taste it first. It might be salt!dvzfvkwMI1 Darning: No, it’s OK. It tastes sweet. It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this? It tastes sweet too. Betty: That’s strawberry jam, for the cake.

Darning: Good, everything tastes so sweet! It’s my lucky day!rqyn14ZNXI

Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.

2 Read Sally’s email and find out which is her picture.EmxvxOtOco FROM: Sally TO: Lingling

SUBJECT: Re: Welcome to China. Hi Lingling,

Thanks for your last message. It was great to hear from you, and I can’t wait to meet you.SixE2yXPq5 1 hope you will know me from my photo when I arrive at the airport. I’m quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses. I’ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I’ll also carry my warm coat. I’ve got your photo — you look very pretty. So I’m sure we’ll find each other!6ewMyirQFL Thanks for telling me about your hobbies. You sound just like me! I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school, but I also like dance music — I love dancing! I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis. My brother is in the school tennis team — I’m very proud of him! He’s good at everything, but I’m not. Sometimes I get bad marks at school, and I feel sad. I should work harder.kavU42VRUs You asked me, “How do you feel about coming to China?” Well, I often feel a bit sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days, and I’m quite shy when I’m with strangers. I feel nervous when I speak Chinese, but I’ll be fine in a few days. I’m always sorry when I don’t know how to do things in the right way, so please help me when I’m with you in China! Oh, I’m afraid of flying too. But I can't tell you how excited I am about going to China!y6v3ALoS89 See you next week! Love,

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Module 2

Unit 1 I’ve also entered lots of speaking competitions. M2ub6vSTnP 3 Listen and read.

Tony: Hi, Lingling. What are you doing? Lingling: I’m entering a competition. Tony: What kind of competition? Lingling: A speaking competition.

Tony: Great. It’ll help you improve your speaking. And maybe you will win a prize.0YujCfmUCw Lingling: Yes, The first prize is “My dream holiday”.eUts8ZQVRd Tony: Have you ever won any prizes before?

Lingling: No, I haven’t. I’ve always wanted to go on a dream holiday. But I can’t afford it. The plane tickets are too expensive.sQsAEJkW5T Tony: Well, good luck! I’ve also entered lots of speaking competitions, but haven’t won any prizes. I’ve stopped trying now.GMsIasNXkA Lingling: That’s a pity. Have you ever thought about other kinds of competitions?TIrRGchYzg Tony: What do you mean?

Lingling: Look! Here’s a writing competition Around the World in 80 Days. To win it, you need to write a short story about a place you’ve visited.7EqZcWLZNX Tony: That sounds wonderful, but I’ve never travelled much. How can I write about it?lzq7IGf02E Lingling: Don’t worry. It doesn’t need to be true! You can make it up.zvpgeqJ1hk Tony: That’s interesting. I’ll try. I hope I will win, then I will invite you to come with me.NrpoJac3v1 Lingling: Sorry! The first prize is only the book called Around the World in 80 Days!1nowfTG4KI

Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.

2 Read the passage and answer the questions.

Mike Robinson is a fifteen-year-old American boy and his sister Clare is fourteen. At the moment, Mike and Clare are in Cairo in Egypt, one of the biggest and busiest cities in Africa.fjnFLDa5Zo They moved here with their parents two years ago. Their father, Peter, works for a very big company. The company has offices in many countries, and it has sent Peter to work in Germany, France and China before. Peter usually stays in a country for about two years. Then the company moves him again. His family always goes with him.tfnNhnE6e5 The Robinsons love seeing the world. They have been to many interesting places. For example, in Egypt, they have seen the Pyramids, travelled on a boat on the Nile River, and visited the palaces and towers of ancient kings and queens.HbmVN777sL Mike and Clare have also begun to learn the language of the country, Arabic. This language is different from English in many ways, and they find it hard to spell and pronounce the words. However, they still enjoy learning it. So far they have learnt to speak German, French, Chinese and Arabic. Sometimes they mix the languages. It’s really fun,” said Clare.V7l4jRB8Hs The Robinsons are moving again. The company has asked Peter to work back the US. Mike and Clare are happy about this. They have friends all over the world, but they also miss their friends in the US. They are counting down the days.83lcPA59W9 3 / 17

Module 3

Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? 3 Listen and read.

Daming: Hi, Tony. What are you up to?

Tony: Hi, Daming. I’ve just made a model spaceship for our school projectmZkklkzaaP Daming: 1 haven’t started yet because I’m not sure how to make it Can you help me?AVktR43bpw Tony: Sure, no problem. Have you heard the latest news? Scientists have sent a spaceship to Mars. The journey has taken several months.ORjBnOwcEd Daming: Has it arrived yet?

Tony: Yes, it has arrived already. That’s why it’s on the news.2MiJTy0dTT Daming: So have they discovered life on Mars? Tony: No, they haven’t yet.

Daming: Are there any astronauts in the spaceship? Tony: No, there aren’t.

Daming: Why? Astronauts have already been to the moon.gIiSpiue7A Tony: Yes, but no one has been to Mars yet, because Mars is very far away, much farther than the moon. Lots of scientists are working hard in order to send astronauts to Mars one day.uEh0U1Yfmh Daming: That’s interesting! How can I get information on space travel?IAg9qLsgBX Tony: You can go online to search for information. Daming: I will. Thank you, Tony!

Unit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet.WwghWvVhPE 2 Read the passage and choose the best title for it.asfpsfpi4k 1 Anyone out there? 2 Life on earth 3 The sun and the stars 4 The stars at nightooeyYZTjj1 __________________

Scientists think that there has been life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years. However, we have not found life on any other planets yet.BkeGuInkxI The earth is a planet and it goes around the sun. Seven other planets also go around the sun. None of them has an environment like that of the earth, so scientists do not think they will find life on them. The sun and its planets are called the solar system, and our solar system is a small part of a much larger group of stars and planets, called the Galaxy or the Milky Way. There are billions of stars in the Galaxy, and our sun is only one of them.PgdO0sRlMo Scientists have also discovered many other galaxies in the universe. They are very far away and their light has to travel for many years to reach us. So how large is the universe? It is impossible to imagine.3cdXwckm15 Scientists have sent spaceships to the planet of Mars to take photos. They have even sent spaceships to travel outside the solar system. However, no spaceship has travelled far enough to reach other stars in our Galaxy.h8c52WOngM Scientists have always asked the questions: with so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space? Have there been visitors to the earth from other planets? Why has no one communicated with us? We do not know the answers…yet.v4bdyGious 4 / 17

Module 4

Unit 1 I haven’t done much exercise since I got my computer.J0bm4qMpJ9 3 Listen and read. Doctor: How can I help you?

Darning: I feel ill. I’ve got a stomachache and my head hurts.XVauA9grYP Doctor: How long have you been like this?

Darning: Since Friday. I’ve been ill for about three days!bR9C6TJscw Doctor: I see. Have you caught a cold? Darning: I don’t think so.

Doctor: Let me take your temperature… Mm, there’s no fever. What kind of food do you eat?pN9LBDdtrd Darning: Usually fast food. Doctor: Do you have breakfast? Darning: No, not usually.

Doctor: That’s the problem! Fast food and no breakfast. That’s why you’ve got a stomachache.DJ8T7nHuGT Darning: What about the headache? Doctor: Do you do any exercise?

Darning: Not really. I haven’t done much exercise since I got my compute last year.QF81D7bvUA Doctor: You spend too much time in front of the computer. It can be very harmful to your health.4B7a9QFw9h Darning: OK, so what should I do?

Doctor: Well, don’t worry. It’s no serious. First, stop eating fast food and have breakfast ever day. Second, get some exercise such as running. And I’ll give you some medicine. Take it three times a day.ix6iFA8xoX Darning: Thank you, doctor.

Unit 2 We have played football for a year now.

2 Read the passage and match the people with the pictures in Activity 1. wt6qbkCyDE Healthy living


I was not feeling very well so the doctor checked my heart and said I needed more exercise, I have never been very active, and I do not like sports. I have always wanted a pet, so my parents gave me a dog for my birthday. Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day. I have had him for three months now and I feel really healthy. — AnnaKp5zH46zRk 2

Our teacher decided to start a girls’ football team and I thought: “What a great idea!” I was the first member of the team. We have played football for a year now and we all feel very fit. Our teacher is the coach, and she also takes part in the same training with us. She is in excellent condition too. — Wang WeiYl4HdOAA61 3

In the last few years, I went to work by underground. When I got to work, I always felt very sleepy and I was not happy. I bought a bike in January. Since then, it has become part of my life. Now I ride to work every day. It is my daily exercise. I arrive at work with a smile on my face. — Thomasch4PJx4BlI 4

Feeling weak after a long illness, I wanted to exercise more. Then a friend suggested, “Why don’t we go for a run before school?” So we started running a week ago. But I do not enjoy running, and when I get to school, I feel awful. My legs hurt and I am hot all over. Perhaps I am too weak to do any exercise. What do you think? — Richardqd3YfhxCzo 5 / 17