2020春冀教版五年级英语下册课件-Unit 2 课时练 下载本文

2020春 五年级 英语 下册



( ) 1. h_lp A. a ( ) 2. h_ _t A. er

B. e

C. o

B. ar C. ur B. up C. ep B. ir C. er

( ) 3. pe_ _le A. op ( ) 4. cam_ _a A. re

( ) 5. p_ _ture A. ac B. ic C. ec ( ) 6. f_ lm A. i B. e C. a ( ) 7. e_ sy A. o B. a C. u ( ) 8. m_ _y A. am

B. en C. an

( ) 9. qu_ _k A. ic B. ac C. ie ( )10. w _ _k A. ol B. al C. el


Jenny: How old is the Palace Museum, Li Ming? Li Ming:1.___________ Jenny: That's old.

A. May1 have your camera? Danny: I want to take a picture! 2.___________, Jenny? B. I hurt my nose. Jenny: Sure.May I help you 3.__________? Danny: No,thanks! 4.__________ Jenny: Poor Danny! Are you okay? Danny: No! 5.__________

C. It’s about five hundred years old. D. Cameras are easy. E. take a picture 三、选择和图片相符的句子。

( ) 1. A. I want to buy a dress for my mother.

B. I want to buy a cap for my mother.

( ) 2. A. These children are playing football.

B. The child is playing football.

( ) 3. A. I hurt my arm.

B. I hurt my foot.


2020春 五年级 英语 下册


一、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B 二、1. C 2. A 3. E 4. D 5. B 三、1. A 2. A 3. B

Unit 2 In Beijing

Lesson 7 Arriving in Beijing


( )1. There _________ a hotel.

A. am B. is C. are ( )2. I want to play basketball _________ the evening. A. in B. at C. on ( )3. They arrive _________ Shanghai _______ ten o'clock. A. to; at B. at; in C. in; at ( )4. The woman in red shorts is ________.

A. run B. running C. runing 二、选出与所给单词同类的一项。

( )1. hotel A. people B. park

C. football

( )2. young A. old B. some C. way ( )3. singing A. dance B. fly C. running ( )4. arrive A. play B. great C. many 三、仿照例句写句子。 A child is flying a kite. → Some children are flying kites. 1. A woman is dancing. →

_______________________________ 2. A man is running. →


2020春 五年级 英语 下册

_________________________ 3. A girl is walking. →

_________________________ 4. A baby is sleeping. → __________________________


一、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 二、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 三、1. Some women are dancing.

2. Some men are running. 3. Some girls are walking. 4. Some babies are sleeping.

Lesson 8 Tian’anmen Square


1. hurt my arm ______________ 2. on the square _____________________ 3. 天安门广场 ___________________4. 拍照_______________________ 5. 放风筝__________________ 二、单项选择。

( ) 1. Let's ________ a kite.

A. fly

B. flying

C. flies

( ) 2. \

A. asking

B. asks C. answers

( )3. I can answer the question. It's ________.

A. easy

B. difficult C. hard

( )4. Many people are ________ the square.
