《原创》广东省中山市重点高中2016届高考英语语法专题演练特殊句式10Word版含答案 下载本文



------ I don’t like English but I like Chinese very much._____. ------ _______

A. So do I B. Nor do I C. So I do D. So it is with me 答案 D 246.

---David, you clean the blackboard today, _______? ---With pleasure. I cleaned it yesterday, though. A. will you 答案 A 247.

_____ that they had to stay at home all day. A. So the weather was terrible C. So terrible was the weather 答案 C 248.

Yesterday Frank worked deep into the night;this is the second time this week he’stayed up, ?

A.didn’t he 答案 B 249.

How annoying _______!

A. that they are making so much noise B. is they are making so much noise C. is it that they are making so much noise D. it is that they are making so much noise 答案 D 250.

It was not until early in the morning ______ he woke up _______ he found _____ he lay asleep on the floor for a night.

A. that; when; that B. when; that; / C. that; that; when D. when; / that 答案 B

B.isn’t it

C.isn’t this

D.hasn’t he

B. The weather so terrible was D. So was the terrible weather

B. do you

C. don’t you D. didn’t you


Was it in front of the market was rebuilt two years ago the road accident

happened yesterday?

A.where; that 答案 B 252.

Not until actually faced with water scarcity ________ appreciate the value of water to a region. A. one can 答案 C 253.

In no place other than Britain ____ experience four seasons in a single day. A. you can 答案 C 254.

Only ____ did she realize the stress he was_____. A. then; under B. when; on 答案 A 255.

_________ it is to listen to music.

A. What fun B. What a fun C. How fun D. How a fun 答案 A 256.

Is ________ three hours ________ the boy ________ family is poor to come to school on foot? A. it;that; whose

B. it; that it takes; whose D. it; when; that

C. when; at

D. then; with

B. people can

C. can one

D. can it

B. one cannot

C. can one

D. cannot one

B.that; that

C.that; which

D.which; where

C. it for; that it takes; whose 答案 B


B.Fascinated as is he D.As he is fascinated

___________at online games, he manages to keep himself from being addicted to them. A.Fascinated as he is C.As fascinated is he 答案 A 258.

--- Are you still smoking, Mr. Wang? --- No, but I _________.

A. used B. am used C. used to D .used to smoking. 答案 C 259.

The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, _________? A. did they 答案 D 260.

As far as I’m concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, ______. A. the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life you are C. the more life you are equipped for D. you are equipped the more for life 答案 B 261.

–You must have stayed up late last night,________ ? –You are right. I was watching Korean plays all night long. A. mustn’t you B. haven’t you C. didn’t you 答案 C 262.

---Alice, you feed the bird today, ____? ---But I fed it just now.

Do you B. will you C. don’t you D. didn’t you

D. hadn’t you

B. didn’t they

C. did it

D. didn’t it