【创新设计】2015届高考英语基础复习 Unit 18 Beauty活页提升 北师大版选修6 下载本文

Unit 18 Beauty


Last night I went to my first Rock concert in eight years.It was the first time that I had gone to a music show since the heart operation.__1__ had said loud music would do harm to my weak heart so I __2__ went to a concert.

We saw The Tina Turner show last evening and she was excellent.I highly __3__ that you should see her show __4__ it comes to your town.How she can dance,sing and prance around(欢蹦乱跳)on high heels for two and a half hours is beyond __5__.She looks and sounds great.There were a lot of special __6__ like loud noises and flareup(骤然)fires,stages rising up,which I was not __7__ and that really made me jump. There were thousands of people at this concert,so it was __8__ and since we were not __9__ with the place,I thought there was just one entrance.We came in the entrance and __10__ through another entrance.__11__,we were lost,walking all over the parking lot trying to find our car.Three lovely ladies saw that something was wrong and __12__ to help.I was not wearing a coat and the __13__ had fallen since we first arrived and these nice ladies said,“It's cold.Come and __14__ in our car and we will help you look for your car.”I was a little leery(有戒心的),being __15__ not to take rides from strangers,but the driver looked __16__ and kind.So I got in.Then we drove along looking for my car and found it was parked at the “West” entrance.I hadn't __17__ there was an east and west entrance before.

I __18__ these angels sent from God to help me find my car.Without them I would still be wandering about looking and looking.God really works in strange __19__.He was looking after me—I was __20__ by kind people.

【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了作者得到了陌生人的帮助后,作者非常感激。 1.A.Teachers B.Doctors C.Students D.Artists

答案 B [根据句中loud music would do harm to my weak heart可推断,这是医生告诉作者的。]

2.A.often B.always C.seldom D.sometimes

答案 C [根据前句中It was the first time...和本句内容可知,作者很少去音乐会。] 3.A.suggest B.imagine C.dream D.doubt

答案 A [根据she was excellent可知我建议大家看。] 4.A.until B.before C.though D.if

答案 D [根据前后半句句意可知,此处表示条件,“如果”。] 5.A.control B.belief C.example D.hope

答案 B [根据常识,她穿着高跟鞋又跳又唱两个半小时,这是难以置信的。] 6.A.methods B.songs C.effects D.guests

答案 C [句中提到的loud noises,flareup fires和stages rising up都是特效。] 7.A.expecting B.liking C.criticizing D.feeling

答案 A [根据句中that really made me jump可知,这是作者没有料到的。] 8.A.attractive B.pleasant C.crowded D.typical

答案 C [根据句中There were thousands of people可知,那里很拥挤。] 9.A.friendly B.familiar C.connected D.satisfied

答案 B [根据后文we were lost可知,作者对这个地方不熟悉。]

10.A.passed B.escaped C.left D.drove

答案 C [根据后文可知,作者是从另一个门离开的。] 11.A.In other words B.On the whole C.On the contrary D.As a result

答案 D [根据句中we were lost可知,此处表示结果。] 12.A.wanted B.happened C.refused D.announced

答案 A [根据句中something was wrong可知,三位女士想帮助作者。] 13.A.figure B.price C.temperature D.quality

答案 C [根据句中It's cold可知,温度下降了。] 14.A.sit B.play C.see D.sing

答案 A [根据句中we will find your car可知,三位女士让作者坐在车里。] 15.A.encouraged B.educated C.allowed D.forced

答案 B [根据句中I was a little leery可知,作者被教育不要相信陌生人。] 16.A.energetic B.young C.nervous D.sincere

答案 D [根据句中kind和语境可知,与之对应的是sincere。] 17.A.wondered B.realized C.admitted D.predicted

答案 B [作者找不到自己的车,是因为以前没有意识到有两个门。] 18.A.thanked B.persuaded C.invited D.impressed

答案 A [作者得到了三位女士的帮助,因此要感谢她们。] 19.A.attitudes B.opinions C.ways D.positions 答案 C [根据后句内容可推断,这里指奇特的方式。] 20.A.approached B.absorbed C.interested D.surrounded

答案 D [作者觉得是上帝让他被善良的人包围着。] Ⅱ.阅读理解

体裁 说明文 题材 文学艺术 词数 348 难度 ★★★ 建议用时 6.5分钟 Chinese traditional painting dates back to the late Stone Age about 6,000 years ago.The unearthed colored pottery(彩陶)with painted human faces,fish,deer and frogs indicates that the Chinese began painting as far back as the late Stone Age.Over the centuries,the growth of Chinese painting reflected the change of time and social conditions.

In its earliest stage,Chinese prehistoric paintings were closely related to other early skills,such as pottery,bronze ware and so on.The line styles on unearthed pottery and bronze ware resemble waves,fishing nets,teeth or frogs.The animal and human figures are proofs of the sensitivity of the ancient artists and nature. Paintings found on steep cliffs(悬崖)in Sichuan,Yunnan and Guizhou in Southwest China,Fujian in East China and Mount Yinshan in Inner Mongolia,Altai in China's extreme west and Heihe in the far north,are even more ancient.Strong visual effects

characterize the bright red cliff paintings in southern China that show scenes of production activities and daily life.In comparison,hunting,animal grazing(放牧),wars and dancing are the main themes of cliff paintings in northern China. Before paper was invented,the art of silk painting had been developing.The earliest silk painting was dug from the Mawangdui Tomb in central China of the Warring States Period(476~221 BC).Silk painting reached its artistic peak in the Western Han Dynasty(206 BC~AD 25).Following the introduction of Buddhism to China during the first century from India,and then the carvings on caves and temple building,the art of painting religious murals(壁画)gradually became popular.

China entered a situation of divided states from the third to the sixth century,where continuous wars sharpened the thinking of Chinese artists which,in turn,promoted the development of art.Cave murals,wall murals in tombs,stone carvings and brick carvings reached a period which was very important to the development of traditional Chinese painting.

【语篇解读】 本文主要讲解了中国画的早期发展情况。 1.What can we infer from Paragraph 1?

A.Chinese traditional painting dates back to 5000 BC. B.On the colored pottery only human faces were painted.

C.The colored pottery proves the people in the late Stone Age could paint. D.The growth of Chinese painting decided the change of the economy.

答案 C [推断题。分析第1段尤其是“... indicates that the Chinese began painting as far back as the late Stone Age”可知,在石器时代晚期人们就会在陶器上绘画了。] 2.According to Paragraph 2,the line styles on pottery and bronze ware are similar to the following EXCEPT ______. A.waves B.fishing nets C.teeth D.plants

答案 D [细节题。根据第2段“The line styles on unearthed pottery and bronze ware resemble...”可知,陶器和青铜器上的图案像波纹、渔网、牙齿或者青蛙,没有涉及植物。] 3.According to Paragraph 3,cliff paintings in southern China are mainly about ________. A.hunting

B.production activities and daily life C.animal grazing D.dancing

答案 B [细节题。根据第3段最后两句可知,南方岩画的内容主要是人们生产劳动和日常生活,而北方岩画的内容主要是狩猎、放牧、战争和舞蹈。] 4.What is the correct order of the following statements? ①Buddhism was introduced to China.

②Silk painting began popular among the people.

③Artists carved pictures on caves and temple building. ④Painting religious murals became popular. ⑤Silk painting reached its artistic peak. A.②⑤①③④ B.②⑤③①④ C.①③④②⑤ D.①④③⑤②