【完整版】固定资产管理系统_毕业论文设计40论文41 下载本文


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xxx 大 学 中国?xxx xxx年xxx月






Fixed Assets Management System


With the enlargement of the enterprise scale gradually, the investment of its fixed assets is expanded correspondingly. At present, a lot of fixed assets management still stay in the management of the manual pattern, its operation mechanism unsuitable for the business of enterprises. How to carry on the effective management to the fixed assets is the question. Because of the development of the database’s technology and developer kits, it become easy to design the normal fixed assets management system for a enterprises. The system is to design a fixed assets management system. The system includes nine function modules: loading module, suggesting module, the module of asset’s type, storage management module, asset management module, the module of lending asset, the module of asset depreciation, the module of asset statistics and user management module. At the same time, because the page displays the form set very long, a paging module is added. After the test, the overall system