年产20万吨铝锭300kA预焙阳极铝电解车间设计 精品 下载本文








The design of 300 kA pre-baked anode electrolytic work shop with an

annual output of 200,000 tons of aluminum ingots


The electrolytic aluminum industry is towards the development of large scale tank capacity. Large scale prebaked anode aluminum electrolytic tank by the strong currents will generate a strong magnetic field, magnetic field and the electrolyte and aluminum liquid in the current interactions generate powerful electromagnetic force, so that the aluminum liquid circulating flow. This will not only reduce the current efficiency, but also bring some difficulties. The quality of aluminum liquid flow field distribution on current efficiency, energy consumption, tons of aluminum anode consumption, service life of the cell, the anode effect coefficient has an important effect on the production index. Therefore,it is very significant to research Aluminum liquid flow by simulating. According to different slot bore shape to calculate the flow field of molten aluminum to summary of 300kA aluminum electrolytic aluminum liquid flow distribution and analyse various results. These conclusions can provide aluminum electrolyzer production operation and theoretical basis for optimal design.

Key words: 300kA;aluminium electrolysis cell;Double anode;Bedding face five into electricity