2018届高考英语大一轮复习Unit4Earthquakes课时规范训练1! 下载本文

Unit 4 Earthquakes


It was a hot summer day and I was longing to go swimming at the local pool.__1__,I was in the back seat of the car as my parents __2__ to a friend's house. They were going to __3__ a hand to a church work camp repairing her roof and porch. As an eight-year-old boy I knew that there wouldn't be much for me to do and I was __4__.I ended up sitting in the yard,__5__.

The work camp was mostly made up of __6__ who had given up part of their summer vacation to help others. They were managed by the pastor(牧师)and a few skilled carpenters who also worked free of charge. Most of that afternoon, I __7__ in the shade while they sweated in the __8__. They cut boards and hammered them in place. They __9__ rotten tiles (瓦片) and nailed in new ones. They cleared off the old paint and __10__ with the new. They did it all __11__. They shared stories and smiles. They shared jokes and __12__.

Finally our friend asked me to help her pay them with the two things she could __13__:sweet tea and smiles. I carefully carried the __14__ to the workers who downed the tea with joy. By the end of the day the three gallons of tea were __15__. The workers were out of nails,paint,and lumber(木材)__16__ the job was done. There was one thing left, however. It was the one thing that you would never run out of. It was the one thing that you couldn't give away __17__ having even more of it. It was Love. It lightened our __18__ and smiles. I went home with a heart __19__ of it and was happier than any day at the __20__ could have made me.

【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者与父母一起去工作营的所见、所感。 1.A.Therefore B.Moreover C.Besides



2.A.walked C.drove

B.hiked D.ran

解析:选C。由“I was in the back seat of the car”可知,作者的父母开车去朋友家。

3.A.lend C.borrow

B.take D.bring

解析:选A。固定词组lend a hand to sb.或lend sb.a hand表示“帮助某人做事”。


4.A.right C.clever



解析:选A。根据本句以及下一句的内容可知,作者的猜想是正确的。 5.A.working C.reading



解析:选B。根据语境可知,父母干活时,作者无所事事,只有坐在院子里看他们干活。 6.A.seniors C.teenagers

B.parents D.adults

解析:选C。根据本句的后半部分“who had given up part of their summer vacation to help others”可知,这个工作营大部分由十几岁的青少年组成。

7.A.stood C.slept

B.sat D.directed

解析:选B。根据上下文可知,作者那天下午大部分时间在阴凉处坐(sat)着。__5__ 前的“sitting in the yard”也是提示。

8.A.day C.light

B.storm D.sunshine

解析:选D。根据文章开头“It was a hot summer day”可知,人们是在阳光(sunshine)下汗流浃背地干活。

9.A.pulled out C.pulled over

B.pulled down D.pulled in

解析:选A。根据常识,对于腐烂的瓦片应抽出来(pulled out)以便钉入新的。pull down“拆毁”;pull over“车辆停靠在路边”;pull in“到站”。

10.A.drew C.cleaned

B.brushed D.wrote

解析:选B。根据常识,清除旧漆后应刷(brushed)上新漆。 11.A.sadly C.curiously

B.joyfully D.carefully

解析:选B。根据后一句“They shared stories and smiles.”可知,他们干得很愉快。

12.A.tears C.sweat

B.experiences D.laughter





C.offer D.afford

解析:选D。根据本句话中的“pay”可知,朋友能承担得起(afford)这两样东西。 14.A.cups C.paint

B.nails D.hammers

解析:选A。根据常识,茶应该装在杯子(cups)里。 15.A.missing C.gone



解析:选C。在这一天结束时,三加仑的茶全被喝光(gone)了。 16.A.but C.or

B.so D.though


17.A.through C.without



解析:选C。没有(without)更多的爱就不能赠送爱。 18.A.eyes C.family



解析:选D。因为爱使我们的情绪(spirits)和微笑变得轻松。 19.A.aware C.full

B.careful D.afraid

解析:选C。固定词组be full of“充满”。 20.A.house C.school





(2017·湖南衡阳一中一模)My grandfather is a 1.____________(retire) worker. On summer evenings, we often sat together outside the house 2.____________(enjoy) the cool air. It was the time when he told me lots of his experiences before liberation.

When my grandfather was fourteen years old, he worked in a coal mine. One day, when he and his two workmates were working in the tunnel, a(n) 3.____________(fortune) thing suddenly happened. A part of the tunnel fell down, and they were shut in it. They had no food 4.____________(eat). When they were hungry, they only drank some water there. It was very cold in it. In order to keep warm, they hugged one another.