外研社高中英语必修一Module1-6所有重点归纳 下载本文

Module 1 My First Day at Senior High

1 How’s it going? = How is everything recently? 2 cover:包含,包括● be covered with 被……覆盖

3 at the end of … 在……结束的时候 Eg : Class 5 is at the end of the corridor.

● in the end = at last 最后,终于 (一般时态)Eg: I am sure I will win in the end. ● by the end of … 到……为止 (后用完成时态)

Eg :① By the end of this term, we will have learnt two English books.

② By the end of last year, we had finished our task.

● end up with 以……告终

4 receive 客观上收到; accept 主观上收到 Eg :I received his invitation but did not accept it. 5 divide:划分,把整体分为若干部分 Eg :The world is divide into five continents. ※比较 separate:分隔,把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来 6 表参加活动的短语:

take part in + 活动 join the party join in the game attend + the meeting 7. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. 表示“吃惊”的几个单词:

◆ surprise指“由于出乎意料而感到惊异或诧异”。 Eg: His coming surprised me. ◆ astonish指“由于出乎意料而又不能理解而感到吃惊”,语意较强。

Eg: I was astonished to see he got up so early.

◆ amaze指“由于认为似乎不可能或极少可能发生的事的出现而感到大为诧异、迷惑不解”,语意较强。 Eg :I was amazed at his confidence.

8. Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen.

as … as…表示“和……一样……”。Eg: My book is as interesting as yours.

9. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Mr. Shen. called Ms Shen在此作定语。

10. We’re using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.

(1) 表示“方法、办法”的几个单词:

◆ method 作可数名词,指(系统的、逻辑的)方法、办法。后面常接of + 动名词,不接不定式);作不可数名词,指秩序,条理,规律。

Eg :① He is a man of having accurate and strict methods. ② We must get some method into our office filling. ◆ way为可数名词,后接不定式或of + 动名词。

Eg :① We must find a way to solve this kind of problem.

② The normal way of carrying out such a kind plan is very difficult.

◆ means单复数形式相同,其前有a, one, this, that, every等有时表单数意义,其前有such, these, those, all等有时表复数意义,其多指抽象或概括性的含义,后可接不定式,也可接of + 动名词/名词。 Eg: There is no means of finding out what happened. (2) nothing like + n./pron.

◆ 完全不像,一点也不像Eg :She’s nothing like her mother.

◆没有什么能赶得上Eg :There’s nothing like a holiday to make one feel rested. 11. I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class!

Think表示意见和看法,其后的宾语从句中的否定词not被移到主句中,该现象被称为“否定转移”。类似的动词还有:expect, believe, suppose, imagine等。

Eg :① I don’t suppose that she will be back until night. ② I shall not expect you till I see you.

12 We do this in a fun way, with spelling games and other activities.

in a … way以……的方式: Eg: Children like playing games in a fun way. ※[辨析] in this way / in no way / in the way / in a way / by the way / on the way

◆ in this way 用这种方法、手段Eg : Only in this way can you work out the problem. ◆ in no way 决不 Eg : We can in no way give in to the enemy. ◆ in the way, 也可以写成in one’s way,意思是“挡了某人的路”,“妨碍了某人”。 Eg :① The box is just in my way to the room.

② Don’t stand in the way when I am carrying out the plan. ◆ in a way 在某种程度上,有点 Eg: You are correct in a way. ◆ by the way意思是“顺便说一下”,“顺便问一句”,也可以表示“在途中”。多位于句首。 Eg :① By the way, where has he gone? ② He stopped for a picnic by the way.

◆ I’ll buy some bread on the / my way home. ② She is on the way to becoming a doctor. 7. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. (1) in other words意为“换言之,换句话说,也就是说”。

(2) three times as many girls as boys是比较结构。其基本形式是“as + adj/adv原级 + as 从句”。 Eg :① This room is as big as that one. ② Mary runs as fast as Jenny. 类似的结构还有“as + much +不可数名词+ as 从句”。 He saved as much money as he could. 8.look forward to意思是“盼望”,后面跟名词或动词的ing形式。 Eg : I don’t know what result they are looking forward to seeing. ※[联想、发散] 英语中很多短语中的to为介词。

devote … to 献身于…… get down to … 认真考虑…… pay attention to … 注意…… stick to … 坚持…… get used to … 习惯于…… lead to … 导致…… 9.Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his new school. Impress及物动词 (1) 给予(人)印象。 Eg :Their manners impressed us favorably. (2) 使(人、心等)铭记(事、物)(un, upon)。

Eg: That accident impressed on me the necessity of traffic regulations. (3) 感动(人),打动(人心)(with, by)。

Eg: He impressed the world with his adventure. 他的冒险精神使全球的人深受感动。

10. Would you mind answering the questions for me?----------mind+ing形式,不可以用不定式。 11. At the end of twelfth grade, American students receive the high school diploma. at the end一般不单独使用,后常接of短语,意为“在……结束的时候”,表示时间点,因此句子多用一般时态。Eg :At the end of the talk, he expressed his great satisfaction with us. ※[辨析]

◆ by the end 一般不单独使用,后常跟of短语,意为“到……结束的时候”,表示一段时间,

因此句子多用完成时态,如过去完成时或将来完成时。 Eg : By the end of last term, we had learnt 1000 words.

◆ in the end后不可跟of短语,表示最终的结果,相当于finally或at last。

Eg :They found the lost boy in the end.

12. The school year is divided into two semesters

be divided into 指把一个整体分成若干部分,有时表示“平均分成几份”的意思。 ◆ separate … from 把……和……分隔开,指由于事物阻隔而被分离。

Eg: Only a narrow strait separates North America from South America.

Module 2 My New Teacher

1. Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands.

make sure 一定要,保证做到,弄清楚

Eg: Make sure you finish your homework on time. 一定要按时完成作业。 ※[辨析] sure & certain

(1) sure与certain的意思基本相同,但sure强调主语的心理状态,指主语心中无疑或十分确信、有把握,着重于人的内心世界。

Eg :He was sure that the manager must have read the letter.

(2) certain侧重说明有肯定的理由和证据,使人相信或确信,强调内心世界之外的证据。Eg :It is certain that his brother will come to his help. 显然,他弟弟会来帮他的。

(3) 当主语是人时,sure和certain常可替换,意思相差不大,但由于sure多表示人的内心世界,故其主语只能是人,且不能用来形容事件,所以当主语是表示事件的名词或代词时,或主语是it时,只能用certain。:

Eg: It isn’t quite certain whether he will be present at the meeting. 2. I think perhaps she was, as it was her first lesson with us. As在这里是连词,,意思是“既然,因为”,多位于句首,常用来说明较为明显的原因。

Eg: As there are many things for us to do today, we’d better ask for some help.今天我们要干的事情很多,我们就叫些人来帮忙。 ※[辨析] because / since / as / for

都是表示原因或理由的连接词,在语气上由强至弱依次为because ? since ? as ? for。

◆ because引导的从句多置于句末,表示直接的原因或理由,或产生那种结果的必然的因果关系,在回答why的提问时,必须用because作答。 Eg :The light went out because the oil was out.

◆ as与since引导的从句多置于句首,不过as表示十分明显的原因,只说明一般的因果关系,可译为“因为由于”,而since则表示稍加分析、对方已知的原因,一般译为“既然”。 Eg: ① As it is too late, you’d better stay here.

② Since the town is far from here, you may go there by bus.

◆ for是并列连词,所引导的不是原因状语从句,而是表示理由的对等句子,是对前面所讲内容的补充和说明。Eg: It must have rained last night, for the ground is so wet.

3. She is kind and patient, and explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!

I hate making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English, but Mrs. Li just smiles, so that you don’t feel completely stupid. 这两句中都使用了“so that”,但意义完全不同。“so … that”可译为“如此……以至于……”,有如下几种结构:

◆ so + 形容词或副词 + that …Eg He ran so quickly that I couldn’t keep up with him.

◆ so + 形 + a(n) + 单数可数名词+ that …Bob is so tall a man that he can reach the ceiling. ◆ so + many / few +复数可数名词+ that … 或者so + much / little + 不可数名词+ that … Eg :There is so little water left that only small children and patients were give some.

◆ so that相当于“in order that”, 表目的。 Check carefully so that any mistakes will be caught. 4. She’s very strict – we don’t dare to say a word unless she asks us to. (1)dare做情态动词时主要用于疑问句、否定句及条件状语从句中。

Eg :①I dare not go there. ② Dare you ask him?

(2)可用实义动词dare Eg: ① I don’t dare to go there. ② Do you dare to ask him?