高一英语新课标必修2unit4教案_2 下载本文

I will.. I feel like… I’d like to … I’m ready to … Trap man as he kills a dodo. Attacking man myself Put man in a cave Teach man how to be friends I would rather not tell What I think of man you…

Step 4. Writing

Ss write the letter independently. Some writing tips:

1. Collect your idea for the letter. Write an outline of your ways to help it. 2. Decide the intention and the purpose of each of your ways.

3. Begin your letter with your address and the solution. Then write the ways as the body of the letter.

4. Finish the letter with your best wished and your signature. Homework

Sum up what you have learnt in this unit.

Period 6. Integrating skills

Step 1. Revision

Review what they have learnt in this unit. Step 2. Listening (page 66)

Ss listen to three letters and see if they can help to answer them. While listening, fill in the boxed

on page 66.

Step 3. Speaking

Work in pairs and try to talk about what advice you might give to one of the three writers. Tips:

1. Look through the three problems and decide which one to answer.

2. Write notes of your idea. 3. Give reasons for your idea.

4. Talk about them with your partners and then share your opinions with the whole class. Step 4. Writing (page 67)

Ss write down their ideas in the form of a letter. Make each idea into one paragraph. And then exchange the letters with their partners to check. Step 5. Project (page 67)

1. Ask the Ss to read the directions. 2. Direct the Ss to prepare a project.

As a student, what will you do to improve the environment? Step 6 .Homework

Finish the project on page 67. New words

1. decrease vt/vi 变小,减少

eg: a) The population of the village has decreased to/by 500 . (该村的人口减少到500人/ 减少了500人。)

increase/ decrease/ reduce to /by

to 表示增加到或减少到 ,by 表示增加了或减少了. 反意:increase 同意:reduce

2. die out 指(动物植物)的灭绝,(风俗,习惯等的)逐渐消失;(火,光等的)逐渐熄灭。 eg: a) This kind of bird is dying out .


b) The fire is dying out .you had better add some firewood . (火快灭了,你最好添些柴火。) c) That custom died out years ago . (那种风俗习惯许多年前就消失了。)

拓展:die away 指声音,风,光逐渐消失。 die off 指一群生物相继死去。

die down 指物质特性或情感逐渐平息。

die out 家族,种族,灭绝,死绝或做法、观念完全消失,绝迹。

die of /from 因……而死 die for 为……而死

Practice :

a) The poor man died of/from cold and hunger . b) Soon his excitement died down and he realized how difficult the journey would be. c) The members of the family died off for a strange reason . d) He died for his country.


3.hunt vt/vi

eg : He likes hunting very much . 常见短语:

go hunting 去狩猎

hunt for 搜索 = look for = search for = be in search of hunt for a job 找工作

hunt for fame / money 追求名誉/金钱

4. in peace 和平地,安静地,和睦地

peace n .安静、平静、和平、太平 peaceful adj . peacefully adv . at peace 处于和平状态

eg : a) Do not disturb her .Just leave her in peace for a while . (别打扰她,让她平静一会儿。)

b) The two nations used to be at war with each other , but now they are at peace . (这两国一度交战,但现在它们和平共处。)

5. in danger (of) (作定语或表语) 处于危险状况,在危险中,指句子主语或所修饰的人或物受到威胁 eg . a) He was in danger of losing his life .


b) He realized that he was in danger .


▲ out of danger 脱离危险

eg: He has been very ill ,but he is now out of danger . 拓展 :dangerous adj .危险的 (指给别人造成危害或危险)

endanger vt 危害,使受到危险 endangered adj .濒危的

eg a).He is dangerous . / The bridge is dangerous .

b).He is in danger .


endanger dangerous in danger out of danger eg : a) Do not touch the tiger ,it is dangerous .

b) . Smoking endangers your health .


c) . When she came to hospital, she was in danger ,but now she is out of danger . 6. in relief 如释重负,松了口气

relief n. (焦虑,恐惧,痛苦的)减轻,缓解,宽慰,减轻痛苦的事物。 eg : a) The doctor’s treatment gave some relief .


b) To my great relief ,the difficulties were all overcome . (使我大为欣慰,困难全都克服了。)

7. burst into + n burst out + doing

eg : At the news she burst into tears .

At the news she burst out crying . (听到这个消息她突然哭了起来。)

8. protect …from

protect vt 保护、保卫、防御

eg : The soldiers are fighting to protect their country .


protect…from / against 挡住、保护…使不受 eg : An umbrella will protect you from the rain.


容易混淆的词:prevent 防止、阻止 prevent…(from)doing sth = stop…(from)doing sth

= keep…from doing sth 阻止…… 做某事 eg: The heavy rain kept su from arriving on time. The heavy rain stopped us (from) arriving on time. The heavy rain prevented (from) arriving on time. ( 大雨使我们不能按时到达。)

eg: For some reason the bridge was prevented from being built. (由于某种原因,这座桥被停建了。) 9. contain 包含、含有、容纳、容忍 eg: a) Sea water contains salt . b) The hall can contain 500 people.

c) She could hardly contain herself for joy.(控制,遏制)


词汇辨析:contain/ include

contain 指作为组成部分而被―包含或容纳‖在内,即某物容纳在比其更大的东西之内。表示包含的内容或


include 指作为整体中的一部分而被包括进去,表示整体包含部分。 eg: The price includes the tax.



―句子+ including + 被包括部分‖

―句子+ 被包括部分 + included ‖

eg: a) The whole class went to plant trees, including the teacher.