高一英语新课标必修2unit4教案 - 2 下载本文

b) The whole class went to plant trees, the teacher included. (全班,包括老师在内,都去植树了。) 10. affect v. 影响,感动,(疾病)侵袭

eg: a) The change in climate may affect your health .


b) Cancer has affected his lungs.


d) The story affected us deeply.

(这个故事深深地打动了我们) ▲effect n. 影响、效果、作用

have an effect on = affect

Government policy will not affect us.

= Government policy will not have an effect on us. (政府的政策不会对我们有任何影响。)

11. pay attention to to 是介词。

类似:lead to ,be devoted to ,adapt to ,look forward to eg: a) Please pay attention to your behavior in public. 12. appreciate vt 感激,意识到,鉴赏 ,欣赏 Appreciate + n /doing /that –clause eg: a) I appreciated your help .

(我感谢你的帮忙。)=I thank you for helping me .

b) I do not think you appreciate the danger of this job. (我认为你没有意识到这工作的危险性。) c) I really appreciate having time to relax.

(我实在喜欢有时间放松一下。) ▲注意:

a) appreciate it +从句 感谢……类似:like / hate + it +从句 eg: I shall appreciate it if you will do me that favour .


13. succeed vi/vt 成功 继承 接替

success n . successful adj. successfully adv. eg :a) The experiment has succeeded . (实验成功了。) b) Storm was succeeded by calm.


搭配:succeed in sth /doing sth 在…中获得成功 succeed to sth 继承某物

eg: a) He did not succeed in his first lecture .


b) He succeeded in( passing) the entrance exam.


c) He succeeded to the property. (他继承了财产。) success n. 成功 (不可数,成功;可数指成功的人或事) eg: a) Failure is Mother of success .


b) He is a success. (他是一个成功人士。) 14.employ 雇用 同hire 反fire eg : He was employed by the company . 常用搭配:employ oneself in 从事… 忙于… be employed in从事… 忙于… eg :a) He employed himself in writing .


b) How do you employ your spare time?

(你怎么利用你的业余时间?) c) He is employed in a bank.


派生:employee n.受雇者,雇员,雇工 employer n.老板,雇主 employment n.雇用,工作

eg: He has been out of employment for a long time . (他已经好长时间没有工作了)

15.come into being形成,产生,开始存在 无被动,无进行 eg: a) No one know how such a custom came into being .


b) We don’t know when the world came into being.

(我们不知道世界是何时开始存在的。) 类似:come into effect 开始生效 come into fashion 开始流行 come into power 开始执政 come into sight 进入视野 16.according to +n ①根据,据说 ②依照

eg: a) According to the radio ,it will rain tomorrow .


b) According to my watch, it is 4 o’clock.


c) I’ll do it according to your instructions.


17. harm n /vt 损害,危害

do harm to 对……有害

harmful be harmful to 对……有害

eg: a) Everybody knows smoking harms our health.(v)

b) What he said harmed our feeling very much c) What he said did a lot of harm to our feeling . Reading

1. Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife. 黛西一直都渴望帮助那些濒临灭绝的野生动植物。 ① long 渴望,热望

long for = look forward + n /doing 渴望…… long to do sth 渴望做某事 eg : a) We are all longing for peace .


b) He longs to see her again. 他渴望再见到她。

c) We longed for the summer to be over soon. 我们盼望夏天赶快结束。

② endangered 过去分词做形容词

2. One day she woke up and found a flying carpet by her bed. 一天她醒来,发现床边有一块飞毯。 ①

wake up 醒来

wake sb up 叫醒,弄醒某人

eg: a) I wake up at 5 every morning.


b) She’s asleep but I’ll wake her up in a minute.


3. Daisy responded immediately.

① respond vt/vi 回答,作答,做出反应 (reply)

respond to a question 答复问题

eg :He responded to my suggestion with a laugh.


② response n 反应,回答 (make no response to 对…没有反应) eg : He made no response to my question .


4. ―I’d like to see some endangered wildlife,‖ she said, ‖Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.‖


a) 句子结构 第二句直接引语中:where引导的定语从句修饰land ,在该定语从句中含有一个有that引

导的定语从句,修饰the animals .

5. Daisy turned around and found that she was being watched by an elephant.

①was being watched by 现在进行时被动语态 ②turn around /round 转身,转回身

eg : The little girl turned around and ran to her mother . (小女孩转身跑向她的母亲。)

He turned round to find a policeman seeing him.

(他转过身,发现警察正在看他。) 相关短语:

turn on 开 turn off 关turn down 拒绝 ;把音量等开低 turn to 向…求助;转向,turn out生产,结果表明… 证明 turn in上交 turn up 出席,露面, turn into 把…变成

(07高考)She's having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn't know whom to A .

A. turn to B. look for C. deal with D. talk about

6. We used to be an endangered species . Farmers hunted us without mercy. (我们以前常常是濒危动物。农民曾毫不留情地捕猎我们。) ① mercy 仁慈,宽恕,怜悯

常见搭配: at the mercy of 在…支配下,任凭…的摆布 have / show mercy on sb 怜悯/ 宽恕某人 without mercy 残忍地

eg : a) Our ship was at the mercy of the wave .


b) The judge had mercy on the young criminal. (法官饶恕了这个年轻的罪犯。) c) They were treated without mercy. (他们受到残酷的待遇。)

7. They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers . (如果旅游者付钱给农民的话,他们允许旅游者们捕猎一定数量的动物。) ① certain adj 某种,一定的,确定的