高中英语阅读强化训练(一)(含答案解析) 下载本文


Ⅰ 阅读理解

Mother Nature knows best. But she’s not always generous with her secrets. Sometimes she only tells them to the most careful observers.

George de Mestral was a Swiss engineer who enjoyed walking with his dog in the woods. One day, after a walk, he looked down and saw some seeds(种子) stuck to his trousers. He was a little bit angry because the seeds were hard to remove. He pulled a few of the seeds off of his trousers and examined them under a microscope(显微镜). What he saw amazed him: tiny hooks(钩子) on the ends of the seeds. George de Mestral saw a new way to stick things together and keep them attached.

He was inspired to turn his accidental discovery into a useful product. He borrowed money from a bank, gave up his job, and gave all of his time and energy to the__task. At first, people refused to take him, and the idea, seriously. He took his idea to a weaving center, where he did manage to get the help of one weaver, who made two products out of cotton that worked. However, the cotton wore out quickly. Finally, by using nylon instead of cotton, he made his invention work. It took ten years to develop it. He called it Velcro.

Today, Velcro is used everywhere: in shoes, purses, and children’s toys. We can thank de Mestral for discovering and developing a wonderful way to attach things. But the real thanks should go to nature for making the secret known.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了瑞士工程师George de Mestral发明维可牢尼龙搭扣的故事。

1.What gave de Mestral the idea for inventing Velcro? A.The thick woods. B.The sticky seeds. C.His trousers. D.His dog.

B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的描述可知,de Mestral散完步后发现裤子上粘了许多种子,而且这些种子很难清除掉,这让他感到好奇,因此在显微镜下观察其结构。也正是对于这些种子的观察让他有了重大发现并萌生了发明一种用来粘合物品的材料的想法。

2.What does the underlined part “the task” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A.Looking for a new job.

B.Finding a useful material.

C.Raising enough money for his experiment. D.Developing a product to stick things together.

D 解析:推理判断题。第三段中的the task实际上指的是上一句中的turn his accidental discovery into a useful product,由此可知答案。

3.What is the best title for the text? A.Velcro:An Invention Inspired by Nature B.Mother Nature:The Perfect Designer C.Lessons Learned from Nature D.The Mother of Invention

A 解析:标题归纳题。文章以Mother Nature knows best.引出接下来要讲述的故事,然后在文章的主体部分(第二、三段)详细描述了瑞士工程师是如何受到大自然的启发发明尼龙搭扣的故事。最后一段末句But the real thanks should go to nature for making the secret known.与文章开头形成首尾呼应,说明大自然给予人类的启示。因此,A项作标题概括了文章主旨。

Ⅱ 七选五

You may get nervous at times. Maybe you’re interviewing for a job or waiting to hear about a grade at school. Sometimes it is OK to let others know how you are feeling. They may be understanding and can perhaps help. 1.________Fortunately there are some ways to hide your nervousness.

2.________ Keep in mind that for the most part,people don’t know what is going on inside your head. Although you may be giving off some signs of nervousness, you probably don’t look as nervous as you might feel. Keep in mind the “spotlight effect(焦点效应)”which means you may think others pay more attention to you than they really do, simply because you’re seeing the world from your angle,so it can seem like it is all about you sometimes.

Look at the person directly. If you are talking to someone, look at him.3.________There doesn’t often have to be direct eye communication, but you will look less nervous and more confident if you look at whoever you are speaking to. Avoiding looking at someone is an obvious sign of being nervous.

Keep your body still. Another sign of nervousness is rocking(摇晃) back and forth. Try to be focused and stay as still as possible, 4.________Another way to avoid rocking, is to stand up; it is more difficult to rock when your body is in a right position.

Avoid biting your nails. People who bite their nails look nervous. Perhaps you feel that you need something for your mouth to do in order to release some nervous energy.5.________Do this gently;otherwise too much chewing will make you look just as nervous as when you are biting your nails.

A.Take a deep breath outside.

B.Imagine yourself as an unmovable tree. C.Don’t look past him, or look at your shoes. D.If so, try chewing a piece of gum instead. E.Realize you don’t look as nervous as you feel.

F.However, you don’t want others to know that you are nervous at other times.

G.Regular physical exercise can help improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed. 【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了如何让你从外表上掩饰紧张的几个小方法。

1.F 解析:根据本空前的Sometimes it is OK to let others know how you are feeling.They may be understand-ing and can perhaps help.可知,此处与之是转折关系,说的是另一种情况,故可推出答案。

2.E 解析:根据本段内容,特别是Keep in mind the“spotlight effect(焦点效应)”which means you may think others pay more attention to you than they really do.可知,本段是说你看起来根本不像你感觉的那么紧张,这只是焦点效应放大了你的紧张。

3.C 解析:根据本空前的If you are talking to someone,look at him.可知,与别人谈话时,要直视他,而不要把目光从他的脸上跳过或低头看鞋子。

4.B 解析:根据本空前的Try to be focused and stay as still as possible可知,与人交谈时身体不要左右摇晃,要保持静止状态,把自己想象成一棵不会移动的树,此处是介绍在与人交谈时,如何避免自己的身体左右摇晃。

5.D 解析:根据本空前的Perhaps you feel that you need something for your mouth to do in order to release some nervous energy.可知,此处补充说明,是说如果你觉得自己需要用嘴做一些动作来释放紧张,你可以嚼一片口香糖。