八年级英语8a unit 5 birdwatchers words, phrases and sentences译林出版社知识精讲 下载本文

初二英语 Unit 5 Birdwatchers Words, phrases and sentences译




8A Unit 5 Birdwatchers Words, phrases and sentences


掌握Unit 5的词汇及词性变化和课文中的重点词组、句型的结构和用法

8A Unit 5 Birdwatchers


北方的;北部的 northern 大自然 nature 提供 provide 栖息地 shelter 野生生物 wildlife 舒服地,舒适地 comfortably 然而 while 容易地,不费力地 easily 空间 space 农场,农庄 farm 旅行者,观光者 tourist 重要性 importance 积极地,活跃地 actively 潮湿的 wet 状态,情形 state 无礼的,粗鲁的 impolite 必要的 necessary 不诚实的 dishonest 不必要的 unnecessary 正确的 correct 不可能的 impossible 不友好的,有敌意的 unfriendly 不受欢迎的,讨厌的 unwelcome 不能的,不会的 unable 不正确的 incorrect 垃圾 litter 返回 return 安静地 peacefully 生气的,愤怒的 angry 生气地,愤怒地 angrily 清楚的,清晰的 clear

大声的 loud 喧闹的,嘈杂的noisy 令人满意的 nicely 轻柔地;轻轻地 softly 吓唬,使惊恐 frighten 使落下,扔 drop 事实 fact 防止,预防 prevent 暴风雪 snowstorm 洪水,水灾 flood

剩余的部分,其余的人(物) rest 公里,千米 kilometer 美元 dollar 表格,形式 form 出生,诞生 birth 地址 address 业余爱好 hobby 简直 simply


dis-; im-; in-; ir-; un- : mean “not” or “the opposite of”

un——unusual, unhappy, unhealthy, unpopular, unhelpful, unimportant, unfair, untidy, unlucky,

in——inactive, infamous, independent

im——impolite, impossible, imperfect, impersonal dis——dislike, disappear, disagree, discover non——non-stop, non-smoker


a. 大多数形容词加ly构成副词, 如:

quiet- quietly fluent- fluently

b. 形容词去e加y构成副词,如:

gentle- gently possible- possibly

c. 以y结尾的形容词去 y加ily构成副词,如:

easy- easily happy- happily angry- angrily friendly- friendlily d. 特殊情况:true- truly shy- shyly whole- wholly good- well

e. 形容词与副词同形,如: fast, early, ill, late, back, straight,alone.



1. We need many more __________(自然)reserves to protect wildlife. 2. The baby birds sleep ______________ (舒适地) in the soft nest.

3. Many ___________ (旅行者) go there to watch the sunset every year. 4. It is ___________ (粗心的)of Jane to lose her keys.

5. The wild blew ____________(轻柔地) on a summer night.

6. Tianjin is one of the ___________ (north) cities in China.

7. She was _______ (able) to go to school today because she was badly ill. 8. My _______ (hobby) are travelling and collecting stamps.

9. His father looked __________ (angry) at him because he lied to him again. 10. Now everyone understands the ______________ (important) of knowledge. 11. It is __________ (not necessary) to copy the words ten times. 12. He has a lot of friends and is always f __________ to everyone. 13. It is quite n___________ outside. Please close the windows. 14. Giant pandas are e__________ animals.

15. The hotel p_______ good service for the public.

16. There are many foreign t_______ visiting the World Park in Beijing every year.

17. It is very exciting to learn about w_______, such as pandas, tigers ,wolves and so on. 【答案】

1. nature 2. comfortably 3. tourists/visitors/travellers 4. careless 5. softly 6. northern 7. unable 8. hobbies 9. angrily 10. importance 11. unnecessary 12. friendly 13. noisy 14. endangered 15. provides 16. tourists 17. wildlife


1. He didn’t pass the exam. He looks ________(不高兴).

2. “Gardon” is an ______(不正确) spelling. It must be “garden” 3. It’s not good to be a ______(不诚实) boy.

4. He broke his leg yesterday. He is ______(不能) to take part in the sports meeting. 5. Nothing is ________ (不可能) if we put our hearts into it. 6. He thinks it _______(没有必要) to brush the teeth twice a day. 【答案】

1. unhappy 2. incorrect 3. dishonest 4. unable 5. impossible 6. unnecessary


1. 长的尖的翅膀 2. 彩色的羽毛 3.一个自然保护区 4. 在中国的东北部 5.世界上最重要湿地之一 6. 向某人提供某物 7. 不同种类的…… 8. 全年 9.一个重要的栖息地 10. 处于危险当中 11. 为农场制造更多的空间 12. 在市场上

long-pointed wings colourful feathers a nature reserve in the north-east China

one of the most important wetlands in the world provide sb. with sth. /provide sth. for sb. different kinds of all the year round

an important living area be in danger

make more space for farms at the market