2020届英语高考二轮专题复习与测试:专题强化练(五)+Word版含解析 下载本文


academic expectations in the country you study in.

A.Some university students may cheat in different ways. B.These include other scholars' ideas, figures, graphs and so on. C.The academic challenge you face is to make something original. D.Often, students want to use others' opinions to support their own essays.

E.It also allows a reader to appreciate your original contribution to the research.

F.For international students, it is important to know local academic expectations.

G.Not knowing academic regulations is an unacceptable excuse for such behavior.

【语篇解读】 这是一篇说明文。在大学期间,你将接触到学者和科学家思想和科学理论。不可避免的,你的想法会被你遇到的想法所影响。针对如何正确地引用原材料,文章进行了一些说明和建议。

1.解析:根据下文“That means you should go beyond what you learn in your textbooks or in the library.Your original work is the basis for your professor's evaluation of your performance.”(这意味着你应该超越你在课本或图书馆学到的东西。你的原创作品是教授评价你表现的基础。)可推测上文是提出:你所面对的学术挑战是要原创,故选C。


2.解析:根据上文“It demands that you cite the source materials you base your own work on.”(它要求在基于你自己工作的基础上引用

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3.解析:根据上文“On the readers' side, it permits a reader to determine the depth of your research.”(在读者方面,它会让读者决定你的研究的深度。)可知是列举引用材料的优点,可对应到E选项:它也能让读者欣赏你对研究的原创性贡献。故选E。


4.解析:根据下文“If you are not sure, ask your professor for guidance before submitting the paper or report.”(如果你不确定,在提交论文或报告之前向你的教授寻求指导。)可知上文中的不了解学术规章制度并不是抄袭的借口。故选G。


5.解析:根据下文“For example, students from East Asia may think that copying directly from sources is the proper way to do research.”(例如,东亚的学生可能认为直接从资料中抄袭是做研究的正确方法),可知本段是将对于国际学生来说,了解当地的学术规定是很重要的。故选F。


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