最新pep人教版小学四年级英语上册第二单元教学设计 下载本文

Teacher: Show me your answer, please.

设计意图:这个活动与上一个活动内容相似,同样检验学生能否认读、理解词汇与句式。 4. 完成Look, choose and write.

Teacher: (展示活动中的图片)What’s this? Yes, it’s a desk. What’s in the desk? An egg, a pen , a notebook and some keys. Yes. Now, read and write the words in the blanks. Teacher: What’s in your desk? Choose the words and fill in the blank. Teacher: Read your sentence, please.

设计意图:此活动保证学生可以理解并书写重点词汇。 5. 完成Listen and number活动。

Teacher:Look, what’s this? Yes, it’s a pen. What colour is it? Yes, it’s red. Look at this picture. What’s this? It’s a schoolbag. What colour is it? Yes, it’s green. What colour is this schoolbag? What’s in it? Look at the pink schoolbag. What’s in it?

Teacher: Now, listen to the tape. Then number the pictures according what you hear.

设计意图:先引导学生观察图片中的内容,然后再听录音为图片排序,使学生养成在完成听力活动时,先获取习题信息的习惯。 Step 5 Summary

播放歌曲My schoolbag. 学生齐唱。

Teacher:Let’s sing the song my schoolbag together.

设计意图:以歌曲结束课程。让学生通过歌曲来回忆本单元重点句式。达到总结的目的。 课堂作业

一、选择正确的字母补全单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1.sch____lbag A. u B. oo C. ou ( ) 2.ma____s A. th B. sh C. ss ( ) 3. st__ybook A. o B. ro C. or ( ) 4. c____dy A. an B. un C. ae ( ) 5. k___ A. ay B. ee C. ey 二、选出与所给单词符合的图片。

( ) 1. storybook A. B.

( ) 2. candy A. B.

( ) 3. toy A. B.

( ) 4. English book A. B. 三、排正确的顺序排列下列句子,组成完整的对话。将句子的序号按正确的顺序写在横线上。 A.Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag. B. Thank you.

C. Ok. What’s in it? D. What colour is it?

E. An English book, two toys and a notebook. F. It’s blue and white. G.Here it is.


四、判断以下句子和图片内容是(T)否(F)相符。 ( ) 1.What colour is it? It’s pink.

( ) 2.What colour is it? It’s blue and white.

( ) 3. What’s in your schoolbag? A ruler and a pencil.

( ) 4. What’s in your schoolbag? Two notebooks.

答案: 一、1.B 2.A 3. C 4.A 5. C 二、1.A 2. A 3. B 4. B 三、A, D, F, C, E, G, B 四、1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 板书设计

Unit Two My schoolbag C. Story time Good night! Sweet dreams!

Put away your books. My schoolbag is so heavy. Take out your books, please.