华电MATLAB上机实习 下载本文




( 2014——2015年度第1学期)

名 称: 软件编制上机实习 院 系: 环境学院 班 级: 学 号:

学生姓名: 指导教师: 马双忱 设计周数: 2周

成 绩:

日期:2015 年 1 月 16 日



本课程作为应用化学专业软件编制与应用的实践课,以巩固化工专业软件编制能力和熟练软件操作能力为目标;通过本次上机实习,要求拓展学生熟练操作Visual Basic、Matlab、C++等计算机软件的实践能力;将应用化学专业基础知识和化工专业软件的编制相结合,以提高解决实际问题的能力。本次上机实习同时也包括MICROSOFT OFFICE\\ORIGIN等软件的应用,为大四的毕业设计以及今后从事化工工作奠定基础。

二、上机实习正文 2.1Words部分






本课题以某水库的原水为研究对象,以亚氯酸盐为预氧化剂,通过改变原水的水质指标,研究了亚氯酸盐预氧化微污染水过程中亚氯酸盐对水质的氧化效果。研究表明:ClO2-具有净化水质的能力,去除CODMn效果较高,对UV254的去除率影响较大,在一定范围内,使预氧化的水样pH稍微显酸性,那样有助于亚氯酸盐的预氧化,亚氯酸盐对水中的铁也有消减作用,所以ClO2-不可以单独作为饮用水的预氧化剂,但在ClO2-预氧化工程中可考察充分利用其氧化性,以达到减少ClO2投加量的目的。 关键词:亚氯酸盐,预氧化,CODMn,Fe2+,UV254






Chlorine dioxide as a pre-oxidant has the advantages of a consensus, however, chlorine dioxide pre-oxidation process in the main by-product of chlorite, a certain concentration of chlorite have a negative impact on human health. ClO2 for pre-oxidation treatment is not as sanitized as a certain percentage of chlorite, chlorite itself has a strong oxidation, it not only with a reduction of inorganic ions react with chlorine ions, and inactivation of certain fungi with good results. Pre-oxidation process of the reaction rule in Central Asia perchlorate, the amount of control or removal of chlorite chlorite, and up to a certain precision, will be a future research direction. Pre-oxidation for ClO2-chlorite in water research, one can take advantage of to reduce the dosage of the pre-oxidant to reduce the cost of water; the second is to provide a reference for the removal of the increased removal of organic pollutants in the program provide more comprehensive removal program.

The topics to a raw water reservoir for the study, the chlorite to pre-oxidant, by changing the raw water quality indicators, pre-oxidation of the chlorite process of micro-polluted water in Central Asia chlorate oxidation effect of water quality. Studies have shown that: ClO2-has the ability to purify water, remove the effect of higher CODMn, UV254 removal of a greater impact within a certain range, so that pre-oxidation of water pH is slightly acidic, so helps to chlorite salts of the pre-oxidation, chlorite in water also reduce the role of iron, so can not ClO2-alone as pre-oxidant water, but the pre-oxidation in ClO2-engineering can take advantage of the oxidation study, in order to achieve reduced ClO2 dosage purposes.

Key words: chlorite, pre-oxidation, CODMn,Fe2+,UV254
