200个句子涵盖了高中英语4500词汇【2】 下载本文

41.No one can deny that the rise of China’s economy leads China to play a more and more important role in international affairs.


42.Since you have recovered from the heart attack, why don’t you get up and have a walk around the garden in the hospital in such a mild day?


43.There is no point in complaining about the quality of dress to the guard because he is not responsible for it. 向门卫抱怨衣服的质量没有任何意义,因为他对此并不负责。

44.All the patriotic students taking pride in the motherland will raise their hands the moment the national flag is rising.


45.Lately Peter is fascinated by Linda’s latest dramatic story which is much better than her last one, so he is always late for school these days.


46.The obvious reason why these two companies bargained with each other over the imported products is just that they both intended to benefit from these products after estimating their real value.


47.Recently, many senior high school students hoped to be independent of their parents, and in the meanwhile, more and more parents began to concentrate their attention on the generation gap.


48.So many citizens crowded into the zoo to observe how the panda gave birth to its baby that no wonder the zoo had to restrict the number of people in case any accident might occur. 那么多的市民涌入动物园为了一睹熊猫生仔的过程,难怪动物园方面只能限制人流以免事故发生了。

49.Though the boss approved of this project, it had to be abandoned mainly because the firm was short of extra finance. 尽管老板同意了这个项目,但由于公司缺乏资金,项目还是


50.To make herself understood, the interpreter was busy explaining carefully the terms involved in the contract and how they accounted for the profits.


51.He meant to take the next train to the place that he had been keen on, which meant staying here another night. 他打算搭乘下班列车前往心仪的地方,这也意味着他得在此处再呆一个晚上。

52.In spite of the fact that the police had warned them of the danger in the ancient cave, these young men still made an attempt to explore it.


53.As a new advertising manager, you should adopt some means to adapt yourself to the new employees so as to make yourself be popular with them.

作为一名新上任的广告经理,你要采取些措施来适应新的员工以便他们能接受你 。

54.Since all the examination rooms have been equipped with cameras, you had better give up the plan of cheating in